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My heart instantly stops as my eyes set on Alex, swimming to the edge of the pool before gripping it.

So fucking beautiful . . .

Alex pulls himself out of the pool, completely naked; his muscular, tatted body glistening as his eyes set on me.

Everything seems to go in slow motion as my eyes steadily trail down his firm body, starting from his chest, pausing on his ripped abs, and then finally stopping on his dick.

I cover my mouth as a loud gasp escapes, sucking the air straight out of my lungs. I try to turn away so I can leave, but my body seems to be frozen in place as Alex stalks toward me with pure fire in his gray eyes.

Stopping in front of me, he grips the back of my head and before I can even register what is happening, he crushes his lips to mine, causing me to almost fall over.

Holding me up, his grip on my hair tightens as his kiss deepens, causing me to feel weak in his strong arms. There’s so much passion and fierceness behind his kiss that it has me completely and utterly speechless. One taste of him and he’s commanded my full body, heart, and soul to be his and his alone.

I moan, feeling his stud run across my open lips as he traces my mouth with his tongue, tasting me completely. Everything about his movements right now feels so powerful and possessive, leaving me damn hot and confused at the same time.

One arm encircles my waist as he turns our bodies around and starts carefully backing me up towards the water. I feel his arm jerk my body to a halt, right as my heels hang over the edge of the pool.

He moans into my mouth, before breaking the kiss and jumping into the shallow end of the water, and then reaches up, grips my waist, and pulls me into the water with him.

Our hearts beat together as our bodies meet. “Fuck, I’ve been wanting to do this for so long.” He crushes his lips back to mine and before I know it, he has me backed up against the pool wall as he rips the top of my tank top open, bringing his eyes down to my hard nipples. Gripping my thighs, he picks me up and wraps my legs around his waist.

My eyes study his as he takes my body in, as if it’s the most beautiful sight he has ever seen. His face contorts with something unreadable before he brings his eyes up to meet mine and tangles his hand in my hair.

I feel myself moan against his mouth as he presses his body between my legs, poking me with his thick erection. I want it inside me more now than ever and from the feel of it . . . so does he. “Alex,” I moan. “Alex . . .”

His body suddenly stiffens, his eyes seeming to really focus for the first time since I’ve stepped into the same room as him. Before I can even catch my breath, he’s breaking the kiss again and pulling away from me.

He looks down at my heaving chest, with his own chest quickly rising and falling, before gripping onto his hair and yelling, “FUCK!”

I’m in too much shock to speak, so I just cover my breasts and watch him as he starts to panic.

“I’m so fucking sorry. I’ve been drinking.” He punches the pool wall before growling out and grabbing his hair again. “I shouldn’t have done that.”

He turns around and I feel my heart break as he just stands there, breathing heavily.

“I won’t look at your body while you get out, Tripp. I should have more control over what I’m doing. Please don’t think badly of me.”

Pulling myself out of the water, I swallow back the pain and just stand there for a moment, watching his back.

“I could never think badly of you, Alex. I’m just as much guilty as you are.” Then without another word I walk away, leaving him alone. I have no words. I’m speechless.

Holding my shirt closed, I quickly walk down the hall, avoiding Lucas’ bedroom before walking up the stairs on shaky legs. Of course my thoughts go straight to Alex walking up behind me and gripping my waist for support on the way up. That’s what would normally be happening right now, but instead he’s hiding from me in the pool.

As soon as I walk into my room, I release my breath and slam my back against my closed door.

Shit. What the hell just happened?

I can’t help but to wonder if he was sober enough to know what he did to me. I shake my head. There’s no way he knew what he was doing. He was drunk. He said he was drunk.

Falling down to my butt, I sit with my back against the door for what feels like hours. I’m soaking wet with my shirt hanging open, but my body is in too much shock to move and change my clothes.

Whenever I close my eyes, pictures of Alex kissing me run through my head, leaving me breathless and exhausted. Alex was naked; completely naked, and his dick was thick and hard pressing between my legs, something that I have dreamt about for years. He was there, in between my legs. My legs.

All I can do now is force myself to sleep and hope that Alex doesn’t act any different around me when he wakes up. Tomorrow we’ll just laugh it off and pretend that it didn’t happen. We have to . . .

IT’S BEEN SIX DAYS SINCE my fuck up with Tripp and I haven’t been able to look her in the eyes since. I was a fucking idiot and let my dick do the talking that night.

I had been drinking and Lucas’ words gave me a total mind fuck, fueling me, and feeding my desire to have her in the one way that I know will mess everything up.

The problem is, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since: the way her lips tasted, the way her eyes devoured me when she saw me standing there naked, and most of all . . . the way that she kissed me back as if she had wanted it for as long as I have.

I’ve never had anything screw with me so much before, and make me lose all sense of control. I can’t seem to focus for shit and I know that I need to go and talk to her. We’ve said few words here and there, but nothing more. It’s my fault. It’s because I’m scared she may not look at me the same way. The last thing I want her to think is that she’s just another girl. That’s the last thing she is. She’s the girl. Always has been.

Bringing my ass back to reality, I do twenty more push-ups before doing a set of side planks and moving on to a set of sit-ups. I’ve been in here working out for the last two hours and I still feel so tense that I could probably go for another two hours.

I’m sweating so hard right now that I can barely even see through the sweat that is dripping down my eyes. I don’t think I’ve worked myself this hard for as long as I can remember. It’s either work this aggression out in the gym or in someone’s bed. Right now, someone else’s bed is the last place I want to be.

I let myself sweat it off for another thirty minutes before exiting the rec room and stepping out into the hall. My ears instantly perk up at the moans coming from Lucas’ bedroom. It’s at least two in the morning. I guess Tripp couldn’t sleep either.

Taking a deep breath, I blow it out dramatically before jogging up the stairs, just wanting to get as far away from the sounds of Lucas fucking Tripp as I can. The sound of his bed slamming against the wall is enough for me to explode right now.

Once I get to the top of the stairs, I instantly take notice of Tripp’s bedroom door closed. I find it to be a little odd since she’s not in it, but I just shrug it off and walk into my room, stripping myself until I’m standing sweaty and completely naked.

Something about being naked just feels so good. The only thing that will feel even better right now is some hot as fuck water beating down on my body and sore muscles.

I open the door to the bathroom and stop dead in my tracks, surprised, when I see Tripp stepping out of the shower in all her naked glory.

She looks like a damn goddess, standing before me.

Her long, thick hair is dripping water down the front of her perky tits and the curve of her thighs are so firm and smooth that I immediately think about dropping to my knees and licking her body all over.