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“Holy shit, Alex. I think that was a record.” She glances down at her phone. “It took a total of five minutes and thirty nine seconds. Don’t I just feel special.” Her full, slightly pink lips turn up into a smile as she stands and walks over to me.

I can’t help but to notice how hot she looks today, in her little white dress. It’s short and tight, molding to her curvy, tanned body. That sight does things to men, uncontrollable things. I have to admit to myself that I have never met anyone more beautiful in my life than her. Everything from her little freckled nose to the intensity of her big, blue eyes screams perfection to me.

She throws her arms around me and I pull her close, out of natural instinct. The soft smell of vanilla is present; her usual choice of shampoo and body wash. I never get tired of her scent. I’m around her so much that the smell even haunts me in my damn dreams.

After a few seconds she pulls away and slowly runs her hand through my hair with a light tug. I love my hair being tugged. It’s on my top list of shit that turns me on, and for some reason she knows exactly how I like it.

Her small nose scrunches, making a cute face as her eyes take me in. “From the looks of your messy hair I would say I interrupted someone being a dirty boy again . . . no?”

She leans in and places her nose against my neck, running it just under my ear and stopping. Goosebumps rise on my flesh as she takes in a deep breath and moans, before pulling away and licking her lips. It’s so damn seductive and she probably doesn’t even realize it. “And you smell delicious, so I’m guessing I am right? I take it a lot of girls are getting tattoos these days.”

They are, but I won’t get into that with her.

Walking over to the small booth, I avoid her question, take a seat, and wait for her to take one across from me. I need to get my thoughts in order and keep my control in check. It’s not easy just leaving while you’re balls deep between a pair of long, slender thighs and not getting a chance to even finish. I reach for the Miller Lite that she has waiting for me, hold it up to my lips, and tilt it back while adjusting myself under the table.

With curious eyes, she takes a sip of her Daiquiri and eyes me up and down with slight amusement. “I’m going to take that as a yes to my question. I know you too damn well, stud. No words are needed.”

“Yeah. . . . And she was pretty pissed off too. She practically chased me outside in the nude. I’m lucky she didn’t stab my dick with her damn stiletto.” I set my beer down in front of me and give her a questioning look as she grins and covers her mouth. I wait for her to tell me what the hell was so important, but she just takes another sip of her drink before licking the red slush from her lips and playing with her straw, as if we could just sit here all day. She’s trying to put off telling me something, but she can’t hide shit from me. “So . . .” I push. “Tell me.”

She lets out a little laugh. “Is someone a little impatient today?” She asks while getting comfortable in her seat, trying to pretend that nothing is up. “We don’t have anywhere to be. Well . . . at least I don’t.”

“You said it was important. What’s up, Tripp? You and Lucas breaking up?” I raise an eyebrow and try to look concerned, but inside I’m fucking thrilled and hoping that I’m right. She’s too good for him, but she’s too blind to notice.

Her smile only broadens as she shakes her head. “Oh come on. You know that’s not it, and technically we’re not a couple. I mean . . . it’s nothing serious, yet. Don’t make me say it again, dammit.” She pauses and starts playing with the end of her ponytail. She always does that when she’s nervous. It’s fucking adorable, making me want to reach across the table and pull her into my lap. “Actually . . . Lucas asked me to move in with him the other day. He found a good deal on a really awesome house and wants to get out of his apartment. I have to admit, it’s hard to pass up.”

You have got to be shitting me.

Her words stop my fucking heart, taking me a few seconds to respond. “Please tell me you said no.” I take a long swig of my beer and swallow, before taking another one, while looking her straight in the eyes. The way my heart is racing right now is making me uncomfortable, leaving me uneasy. I don’t like where this conversation is headed. “You did say no, right?”

“Alex! Why would I say no? This is a great opportunity to get out of my aunt’s house. I just turned twenty-one. Who in their right mind would choose staying at home over freedom? Come on.”

“I’ll give you one good reason. The only one that you need, and you know I would never steer you wrong.”

She leans over the table and puts her face close to mine. Her eyes bounce back and forth between mine, challenging me. “Oh yeah, Alex Carter. What is that reason? You always seem to know what’s best for me. Go ahead, enlighten me.”

I lean in closer so my lips are almost brushing hers, then I stop and wet them. I see her eyes dart down to my lips before she looks up nervously and focuses her attention back on my eyes. In a small moment of weakness, I almost flick my tongue out and run it across her lips, but stop myself from making that mistake. “You’ve been dating for less than a year. You’re too young to move in with a guy, with this guy. It’s a horrible idea. I don’t agree with this shit, Tripp. I can’t.”

She rubs her nose against mine, before kissing it and smiling as if she already knew exactly what I was going to say and already has her answer perfectly planned out. I’m not surprised. “That is exactly why we will have separate rooms. It’s a three-bedroom home with an indoor and outdoor pool. It even has an extra room, big enough for a pool table and gym equipment . . . or anything that you want. It’s the perfect party house. We are young and wild, right. I want to live that way for once. It’s time to have fun and loosen up before settling down and doing this grown up shit.”

Running my hand through my hair, I take a drink of my beer and shake my head in aggravation. “I don’t like the idea of you guys living alone together, Tripp. I know you’re not exactly a couple, but he might start to get possessive of you once he gets that taste of what it’s like to have you every day. I don’t trust you in his hands. He doesn’t deserve you and my opinion on that won’t change.”

“Are you serious, Alex?” She sounds a bit shocked and confused. She’s not too happy with me at the moment, but she’ll get over it and see my point of view. She usually does. I’m always honest with her, even if it does hurt her feelings. I can’t be anything but. Honesty is what she needs. “I have known Lucas since I was fifteen. You have known him since you were sixteen. I don’t get what your problem is.”

“Yeah, and I have known you since I was eight. It’s my job to protect you. I don’t see you guys moving in together as being a good idea. I don’t like it and I don’t think you should do it.”

She stands up and walks over to slide next to me in the booth. She wraps her arms around my waist and leans her head on my shoulder, looking up at me. “What if I told you that it wouldn’t just be the two of us? Would it make you feel any better about it?”

I tilt my head down and strain my eyes to look into hers. I like that idea just a little bit more than the first, but it’s still not enough for me to like it, however I’ll let her finish anyway. “I’m listening.”

“We want you to move in with us. My first place just wouldn’t seem right without you being there. It will be fun. I promise.”

I let out a breath of frustration and shake my head. I didn’t see this shit coming and I really have no idea what to think. “It sounds complicated as shit, babe. The three of us as roommates . . . and he’s okay with that? You don’t see him getting jealous when I walk around the house nude and shit, getting your attention? I wouldn’t want to put him to shame. It might crush his spirit.”