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She smiled and stepped between my legs, putting her hands on my shoulders. I looked up at her as she slowly brought her lips down to mine. The kiss caught me off guard, but I recovered quickly and kissed her back, my tongue parting her lips as I placed my hands on the smooth skin of her legs.

She stepped closer, breaking our kiss and bringing me closer to her fantastic breasts. She threaded her fingers through my hair as my hands slowly traveled up her thighs. I slipped my hands under the t-shirt and up her hips. She dropped her head back and sighed.

She was naked beneath the shirt, and even though she was still mostly covered, the thought of her in nothing but my t-shirt had me almost crawling out of my skin.

I met her eyes and she smiled, running a finger across my bottom lip. I grabbed her hand, pulling her down on top of me as I lay back on the bed. She kissed me again. I was lost in the taste of her. She tasted like mint and cherries.

She broke the kiss and sat up, her legs straddling me as she reached for the hem of the t-shirt she was wearing. She pulled it over her head, removing the last barrier standing between me and her naked body.

“You’re so beautiful,” I whispered as I ran my hand up the smooth skin of her thighs and up her stomach. She moaned when my fingers reached her breasts, and I brushed the tight bud of her nipple with my thumb. Her body was incredible. It was everything I’d imagined it to be, maybe more.

She scooted back a little and reached a hand in my boxers. When she wrapped her fingers around me, I almost lost control right then and there. She pulled my boxers down my legs and crawled back up my body. She pressed her lips to my stomach and up my chest. She felt so good, so soft and warm. I could feel how much she wanted me. I felt it radiating from her.

She sat up, straddling me again, and wrapped her fingers around me, guiding me through the slick folds of skin right to where she wanted. She positioned herself over me. Her grip on my cock was firm as she lowered herself down. Both of us hissed as the warm sensation of being inside her overwhelmed me.

“Fuck, Red,” I whispered as she shifted to take more of me in.

I looked up at her beautiful green eyes and she smiled as she began to rock her hips, grinding her body into mine. It felt so raw, so intense. I didn’t know how long I could last.

I pushed up into her as she ground her hips, our breathing getting heavier. I wanted her to get there, I wanted to feel her come around me, to feel her muscles grip me and contract as she came. I picked up my pace and she matched it, a moan escaping her throat as I felt her body begin to tighten.

“Do you want me?” she asked breathlessly.

“Yeah,” I answered, gripping her hips as they slammed down against mine

“Do you want me, Drew?” she repeated.

I was so close and so was she. I could feel it in her body and hear it in her breathing.

“Do you want me?” she moaned.

“I do. Fuck, do I want you, Alex,” I grunted.

She leaned down, pressing a kiss to my lips as she whispered, “Then tell me.”


My eyes flew open. I was covered in sweat, my breathing heavy, but I was alone in the dark. Fuck, it was a dream. A really intense dream. I ran a hand through my hair and down my face and exhaled. Shit!

Chapter 6



Alex (Now)

My alarm woke me. Damn fog horn. My head was killing me. I felt like Gwen was stomping all over my brain. I wouldn’t put it past her either.

I got out of bed, hoping a hot shower would help dull the throbbing ache between my eyes. I turned on the water, quickly pulled off last night’s clothes, and stepped in. I put my head under the hot spray and let it run down my face. The feel of his hand on the back of my thigh and images of Drew licking my wrist, then kissing my neck flashed through my mind. I remembered tasting salt and lime and honey. Oh God, that dream was…just wow. Note to self, tequila on a Monday night is a bad idea.

I quickly washed my hair and scrubbed my body. Too bad you can’t wash away a hangover. I turned off the water and stepped out. After wrapping a towel around me, I went straight to the sink to brush the taste of stale tequila from my mouth. I opened the medicine cabinet and grabbed the aspirin. I shook out two aspirins and tossed them in my mouth. I shut the cabinet door and cringed at my reflection. I looked awful. No amount of concealer was going to cover this up. I cupped my hands under the faucet to catch enough water in my hands to down the aspirin. Classy, I know.

I lumbered down the hallway to the kitchen and started a pot of coffee so it could brew while I got dressed. A note was taped to the top of the machine.

You fell asleep. Call you tomorrow.



I couldn’t do shots like I used to. I guess I passed out on the couch during the movie and he must’ve put me to bed before he left. Sure as hell wasn’t the first time. I hope I wasn’t talking in my sleep. That could have been embarrassing, considering I was dreaming about him. I left the note on the counter and headed back to my room to get dressed.

When I got to the office, my hangover was in full force. Today was going to be rough. Bitchface plus hangover equals potential murder-suicide. I was going to do everything I could to avoid her today.

I went about my morning routine. I checked the messages from last night and sorted through my e-mails. I got one from Gwen saying she would be out today. Oh thank sweet baby Jesus. Maybe today wouldn’t end in bloodshed after all.

Madeline breezed into the office trailing Chanel, as usual.

“Ms. McCabe,” she called from her office. I grabbed my notebook and headed toward her voice.

“Good morning!” she said with a smile. “In Ms. Stevens’s absence, it looks like you will accompany me on the Jacobs walkthrough today. Please confirm with the project manager that all is set.”

“No problem,” I replied. I returned to my desk and saw Wiley coming through, carrying a huge stack of fabric samples. I set down my notebook and went to help her. I took half of the stack before she tripped and ate floor.

“Thanks,” Wiley said, trying to catch her breath.

“These need Madeline’s approval.” She gestured toward the samples. She exhaled and sat on the edge of my desk.

“So, how was dinner?” she said, wiggling her eyebrows at me. I let out a long breath as I walked past her to my chair.

“It was fine. Drank too much and apparently passed out early.” I dropped into my seat, leaning as far back as I could, and closed my eyes for just a second.

She spun around on the edge of my desk to face me.

“Getting drunk with a hotty like him?” Wiley pointed to the picture of Drew and me from New Year’s Eve last year that I kept on my desk. “That sounds like a great night.”

“I told you, Drew and I are just friends.”

“Yeah, if I had a friend who looked like that, there would definitely be benefits.” She winked at me.

“You’re awful!” I said, tossing a paper clip at her.

“Seriously, how are you not attracted to him?” She picked up the picture of us and thrust it toward me.