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What was with that woman dropping bombs like that on me, then walking away? I love Wiley. Really, I do. We’re night and day different, but no matter what, she has my back. God bless her for that, but this was nuts! She only met Drew once. Only saw us together once. Talk about a snap judgment. Yeah, of course she’s heard all about our shenanigans over the years, but that isn’t much to go on.

I dropped in my chair as Gwen stomped down the hallway toward me, bringing me out of my thoughts and back to reality. Her stomping was like a warning sign. It always made me think of the theme music for the wicked witch of the west. Ooh, I should make that her ringtone. Previously, I had the shower music from Psycho. Nah. Drew always said go with your gut.

Gwen stomped to her desk and grabbed her bag. “I’m off to get my hair done. Madeline said you can go.” She headed for the door, but stopped short, turning back to face me. She looked me over, her face twisting into a scowl. “You’ll need the extra time to get ready for tonight.”

It took everything I had not to lunge at her and rip her trashy extensions from her head. She sauntered away. I could hear her stomping all the way out the front door. God, I hate that bitch!

I grabbed my bag, keys, and my phone and flipped the office line to voicemail. I just hit the street when my phone made that familiar ping, ping noise.

Drew: Got a car to pick us up. Meet at our place at 7.


I typed back a quick okay and hurried home. I was determined to look so hot tonight the silicone stuffed hag’s head would explode.

I spent the next two hours curling, brushing, primping, and painting every inch of my body. I broke out the heavy duty Spanx that held down the bad and pushed up all the good.

I slipped into my nude four inch stilettos with the little crystals covering the heel. I double checked my face to make sure my makeup was perfect. I went with soft golds on my eyes with a thick cat eye liner and finished it off with ruby red lips.

When everything seemed to be in place, I slipped into my dress. It felt incredible. This dress was amazing. The cream colored silk made my skin glow, and the lace felt so delicate against my shoulders. When I looked into the mirror, I saw a different woman looking back at me.

I clasped an antique pearl and gold bracelet around my wrist and placed a small matching comb in my hair above my right ear. The set belonged to my grandmother. My mother had given it to me when I graduated from high school. I felt close to her every time I wore it.

I had my ears double pierced, so I paired small diamond studs that were a Christmas gift from Drew with a pair of pearl and gold chandelier earrings. After one last check in the mirror, I grabbed my crystal clutch and stuffed in my keys, ID, and phone. Then I headed out to meet Drew.

It was starting to cool off a bit as I walked toward our place at the center of the square. I thought about going back up to my apartment to get a wrap. Just as I started to turn back, I saw Drew heading toward me and I stopped in my tracks. I’ve seen Drew in a tux before, but this was different. My breath hitched as I took him in. He looked incredible in a classic black tuxedo. The slim cut jacket hugged his broad shoulders and highlighted his narrow waist. He was gorgeous, and I was completely mesmerized.

I blinked, trying to clear my head. This wasn’t right. I wasn’t supposed to react to Drew that way. I mentally slapped myself, chanting get it together in my head as he approached. He stopped just in front of me and our eyes met. I couldn’t look away. I had no idea how much time passed, but it had to have been a while.

He cleared his throat. “You look unbelievable, Red.”

“So do you,” I said, stumbling on my words, desperately trying not to sound as breathless and shaky as I felt.

He stepped closer and offered me his arm. “Shall we?”

My cheeks heated as a shy smile stretched across my face. I took his arm and let him lead me toward the waiting car. As I slid into the plush leather seat, Drew shut my door behind me, walking around to get in the other side. I took the moment to take a deep breath.

You’re being ridiculous Alex. You have been waiting for this night for years. Don’t ruin it by letting your sex-starved hormones take over. This is Drew, granted the hottest version, but still the crazy asshole who spent most of his senior year with a purple mohawk! You do not have feelings for him! Your body is just reacting to an attractive man! It’s not a big deal.

I forced a smile as Drew slid in next to me, praying my pep talk would work and I could just enjoy the rest of the night.


We pulled up outside the Museum of Art & Culture. The Museum was housed in an old stone building in the heart of downtown. The building itself was so big it took up almost a full city block. Out front, a red carpet spanned the entire width of the large stone steps that led up to the open doors. Colorful banners emblazoned with the words ‘Rags & Riches Gala’ draped each side of the entrance, lit from below, giving the entrance a grand, unearthly feel.

Drew opened the car door and held out his hand to help me get out of the car. I slipped my hand into his, ignoring the way my body instantly warmed from the touch. As we ascended the stairs, Drew kept a hold on my hand, guiding me through the crowd.

When we finally made it through the front doors, the room opened up to a cavernous space elegantly lit and decorated in rich jewel tones. Each table was set with a kaleidoscope of color, from the table cloths and lighting to the silk fabric draped across the ceiling. It was completely breathtaking.

Votive candles in crystal holders flickered over every available surface. The room sparkled as the soft light bounced off the gold plates and flatware, artfully arranged at each table. Crystal goblets edged with gold leaf tossed fractured patterns of the delicate light across the tables. I had never seen such a beautiful room in my life.

Drew and I were approached by an usher dressed in a deep red waist coat. We gave him our names and he nodded before leading us to our table, which was set with a dark gold table cloth. I couldn’t remember the name of the jewel the color represented—citrus something or other—but it was gorgeous. The center piece, set on a tall, narrow gold pillar, was amazing. Cream roses, sunflowers, and stalks of wheat burst from the center of the table. Wheat seemed like an odd choice for a floral arrangement, but it worked.

Drew pulled out my chair and I took a seat, setting my clutch on the table next to me. There were a few people already seated, one of which was Drew’s boss, Gabe, and his wife. I met them the year before at the Christmas party his company threw. We chatted with them for a bit before Drew focused his attention on me.


“Yes, please.”

I smiled, grabbed my clutch, and pushed back my chair. Drew and I excused ourselves, nodding politely to Gabe and his wife. Drew took my hand and placed it in the crook of his elbow as he guided me through the crowded ballroom. The room was overwhelming and people were everywhere. Some I recognized, some I didn’t.

When we reached the bar, Drew ordered me a glass of champagne and I turned to scan the crowd. I saw Madeline working her way toward us, her long, plum colored gown flaring out behind her. She threw her arms open, a smile spreading wide across her lips. Was she drunk?

I smiled back at her as she finally reached me, grasping both my arms tightly before pulling me into an awkward hug. My boss is a very proper and elegant woman. She’s always strictly business, so I was completely floored when she embraced me.