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She blinked and started to gather her stuff. “No!” Her voice sounded a little rattled as she got to her feet.

“No?” I took a step toward her. “Then why were you staring?” Her face flushed, and let’s just say I was feeling way more than amused by her reaction.

“I was checking to see if you had a bruise from where you got hit,” she said as a cover, but her eyes were telling a very different story.

I took another step toward her, resting my hand on the tree behind her head. “Oh really? So, you were just concerned for my well-being? How considerate of you.”

I stepped closer as she backed herself up against the tree. I was so close to her I could smell the delicious scent of her shampoo.

She swallowed as my eyes dropped to her full, pink lips. A few more inches and I could taste them. I looked back into those beautiful green eyes and saw nothing but panic. That one look brought me back to reality. What was I doing? I pushed off the tree and dug into my bag for a clean shirt.

“Don’t worry, no girl can resist.” I tugged the shirt over my head and winked at her.

Her face went from stunned to pissed instantly and I laughed as she pulled the pencil from her hair and threw it at me. I watched it sail a foot past my shoulder.

“Come on, let’s get you a beer.” I wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She playfully swatted at me, but eventually relaxed, letting me lead her toward the bar.

The guys were already a pitcher in by the time we got there. We made our way back to the cluster of little tables they commandeered in the back. When we approached, the guys started chanting, “MVP,” and slamming their fists down on the table, mocking me for how shitty I had played. I nodded, raising my arms in the air to encourage them.

“All right, all right. I suck, I get it.”

“Nah, maybe a little distracted,” Frankie said, wiggling his eyebrows at me. I shot him a don’t-go-there look. He shook his head and drank his beer.

“Guys, this is Red.” I gestured to Alex, who was standing at my side.

“Alex,” she said, giving them all a little wave.

The guys appraised Red like vultures circling a fresh kill. I was starting to regret bringing her.

I grabbed a couple of chairs for us and poured some beers from the pitcher. Chuck leaned over the table to address Red, nodding in my direction. “What are you doing with Drewfus over here?” He really is an idiot.

“Eh, my slutty roommate introduced us. Haven’t been able to shake him.” She shrugged and took a sip from her beer. Chuck laughed and smiled at her. This could be trouble.

Frankie bought a round of fireball shots. “Here’s to staying positive and testing negative,” he said, raising his glass to toast before taking the shot. We all tapped glasses and tipped them back.

Red got to her feet and said, “I got the next round.”

“I’ll give you a hand,” Chuck said. He got up and followed her to the bar.

I watched them go until Frankie said something I didn’t hear.

“What was that?

“I said, how’s your mom doing?”

I looked down into my almost empty glass. “Not bad, but not great either.”

“I’m sorry, man. No one deserves that shit, but especially not her.” He shook his head. I nodded and did my best to change the subject. Mom was not a subject I lingered on lately.

It had been a while and Red still hadn’t come back. I looked around and saw her leaning against the bar, smiling at Chuck, who reached up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. I could feel myself getting seriously pissed. I hated the idea of his hands on her. Hell, anyone’s hands on her.

I got to my feet and headed in their direction. “How are those shots coming, Red?”

“Oh, right.” She reached for the tray of shots. “Chuck and I were just talking.”

“No problem.” I took the tray from her and led her away from Chuck, shooting him a look that said hands off. He chuckled and shook his head as he followed us back to the table.

It was getting late and Red had a few too many, so I said goodbye to the guys and ushered her out of the bar. We stepped outside. The night air was crisp and a little cold. We stopped at the crosswalk, waiting for the light to change.

Red was starting to shiver, so I pulled her close to my chest, rubbing my hands up and down her arms to warm her up. She relaxed against me, dropping her head back against my shoulder as she let out a soft sigh. I wrapped my arms around her, breathed her in, and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. This girl was getting under my skin. I’d never felt this way about anyone.

The light changed and I released her. I took her by the hand and led her back to campus. She stayed close to me as we walked and threaded her fingers through mine. I loved how easy things were with her, like this was how we were always supposed to be.

We walked in silence across the quad, toward her dorm. There were a few people milling around, but the night was mostly quiet. She leaned against me, a lazy smile spreading across her face. She looked happy and so beautiful in the soft light of the street lamps. I couldn’t keep the smile from my face. She had a power over me I couldn’t explain. It was amazing and terrifying, but I couldn’t get enough.

When we got to her room, she pulled the keys from her bag and tried to fit them into the lock but kept missing. I chuckled and reached for her hand, helping to guide the key into the lock. She turned the key and pushed the door open, almost falling into the dark, empty room. I grabbed her around the waist to keep her from falling as she laughed.

Once I was sure she had regained her balance, I let her go. She stepped away from me, dropping her bag next to her bed. She dropped down onto the mattress, kicked out of her shoes, and started to unbutton her jeans. I started to turn away, but she stood up too fast and lost her balance again, so I reached out to catch her. I held on to her as she stepped out of her jeans.

She pulled her shirt off like I wasn’t there and pulled open her dresser drawer, searching for something. I couldn’t help but stare at her as she rifled through the drawer. Her skin was perfect. The smooth slope of her naked back was begging for me to just reach out and touch her.

I turned my back to her and ran a hand over my face, trying to get a grip. When I turned around, she was wearing an oversized white t-shirt that was so thin, I could see she had taken off her bra. I swallowed quickly and blinked, resisting the urge to explore what that thin little shirt was hiding from me.

“You should get to bed,” I choked out, pulling back the covers of her bed.

She climbed in and I pulled the covers over her as she snuggled into her pillow. “Good night, Red,” I whispered. Her eyes were closed and I smiled as I turned to leave.

She reached out and grabbed my hand, pulling me back down to her. “You know what?” she said, her voice soft. “I’d be lost without you, Drew.”

I smiled down at her. “Me too, Red.”

She was quiet, so I pulled away from her grasp and headed for the door. When I reached for the knob, I heard her mumble, “You should have kissed me.”

I headed out, softly closing the door behind me.

When I was safely in the hall with a locked door between us, I let out a breath. Fuck, I’m in way over my head.

Chapter 14



Alex (Now)

The next morning, I was heading to work when I spotted Drew coming out of his building across the square. He stopped when he saw me, but just shook his head and got in his car. Why was he being such a dick? He was the one who busted into my apartment last night, not the other way around. We both said some pretty hateful things, but now he was going to pretend he didn’t see me? Well, two can play at that game, buddy.

I stomped my way to work with renewed anger. If he thought I was going to be the one to cave and apologize first, he had another think coming. I didn’t do anything wrong. He was the one trying to control me. He was the one in an outrage after seeing me making out with someone.