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Drew: Yeah, just have a web design due first thing Tuesday.


It was only half a lie. I did have a web design due, but I was almost done. I needed some space to clear my head.

Alex: K. I’ll talk to you later.


Drew: Yep.


I rolled over. My phone slid off my chest and hit the bed. What the fuck was I going to do now? My phone vibrated again, and I picked it up. This time it wasn’t Alex.

David: Wake up, asshole! I’m in town. Meet me at Spike’s.


Drew: See you in 20.


I gotta give the man one thing, he has great fucking timing.

I walked into Spike’s half an hour later and David was already there with a pitcher of beer and a huge plate of nachos. I gave him a hug, clapping him on the back.

“You look like shit,” he said.


“What’s up? Rough night?” He didn’t even know the half of it.

“If we are going to get into this, I’m going to need a shot.” I flagged down the waitress and ordered a shot of Jack Daniels.

“This is serious,” David said.

The waitress came back quickly with my drink and set it down in front of me with a glare. She looked familiar, but I couldn’t place her. I took the shot and waved at the waitress to bring me another.

“Dude, what is with you?”

“Alex. Fucking Alex.”

“You’re fucking Alex?”

“What? No! I’m not fucking her. I’m starting to, you know…”

“You’re starting to what?” A ghost of a grin appeared on his face.

“Come on, man. Don’t make me say it.”

“Oh, I’m going to make you say it.”

“I’m starting to have feelings for her, okay, asshole! Is that what you want to hear?” I dropped my head into my hands.

“To be honest, I didn’t think you were capable.”

“Of what? Having feelings? Or falling for her?”

“Falling for her?” he asked. “You said you were starting to have feelings for her. Now you are falling for her?”

“Yeah. So?” I stared down into my beer, unable to look him in the eye.

“So? There is a big difference, man. You have feelings for some nice girl you’ve been out with a few times. You fall for the girl and game over.”

“Look, I don’t know which one it is, okay? This shit is new to me. I don’t do relationships. Hell, I do everything I can to avoid them.”

“That’s for damn sure,” the waitress mumbled, slamming my drink down in front of me.

“I’m sorry. Do I know you?” I snapped.

Her eyes narrowed and she slapped me hard across my cheek. She glared at me for a minute before I noticed her name tag. Tracy. Shit, she was that girl from before the house warming party. Well, that explained the slap. She huffed and stomped off as I pressed a hand to my cheek. I guess I deserved that.

David was trying desperately to contain his laughter and I glared at him as I tossed back the second shot. Odds were Tracy probably spit in it.

“What is it with you and women?” He shook his head at me.

“I just like to have fun.” I shrugged.

“That’s because you would rather go for quantity then quality,” he said. “Look, I get it, you’re young, and in college, there is an endless stream of coeds in short skirts, thinking they can fuck their way into getting what they want. It may seem like you are living the dream, but waking up next to a different girl has nothing on waking up next to the right girl. Look at Mom and Dad. Shit, they’ve been married for twenty-seven years and they are happier than the day they were married.”

“Yeah, but look at Pop now. Don’t you see how her cancer is killing him just as much as it is killing her?”

“What Mom is going through sucks and it is hard on all of us, but don’t think for a second that Dad would trade a single minute of his life with her if he had the choice.”

“What if Red doesn’t…?” I let the question hang, not wanting to really consider that she might not feel the same way I did.

“You won’t know until you tell her.”

He had a point and man, did I hate it when David was right. He could be a self-righteous bastard when he wanted to be.

I poured myself a beer from the pitcher on the table. “You didn’t come all the way up here for the cheap beer. What’s up?”

“Yeah, I actually came on some wedding business. So, things with Mom aren’t…” he paused, dropping his head. He cleared his throat and looked up at me. “Millie and I are moving up the wedding to the end of the month.”

“Wow, that’s quick. You sure there isn’t another reason?” I chuckled.

“Funny, asshole!” He balled up a napkin and tossed it at me.

“Okay, so what do you need from me?”

“I want you to be my best man.”

I looked up at him. “Really?”

“Of course! You’re my brother. Who else would I want to stand up with me?”

I shot him a smile and dropped a hand on his shoulder. “I’m honored, man, seriously.”

“Okay, well, I got to get going. I have to round up the rest of the groomsmen before I have to get back.” David chugged the rest of his beer and got to his feet, tossing a few bills down on the table.

“Thanks, Dave.”

He nodded and headed for the door.


I spent the rest of the day just trying to find ways to occupy my mind. I finished the web design project. I got started on a psych paper. I considered cleaning, but figured that was taking the distraction thing a little too far. I ended up drinking on the couch with the TV on, although I was not paying attention to what was on the screen. My head was on a constant loop of Red.

I was so focused on her that when my phone went off, I half expected it to be Red.

Sean: Dorm party at Langford. Get down here.


I figured, eh, what the hell. I got up, grabbed a jacket and my keys, and headed out to meet up with Sean.

When I got there, people were everywhere. The party covered the entire first floor. All the doors were opened and people went from room to room and spilled out into the hallway. I spotted Sean and headed over to him.

“‘Bout time.” He turned to a little blonde standing next to him. “Hey. Crystal, this is my roommate, Drew.”

I nodded a greeting to her and she gave me a suggestive smile, twirling her hair around her finger. “Hey Becca,” she called without taking her eyes off me.

As the tall brunette made her way toward us, she answered, “Yeah.” When she saw us, she stepped close to me, running her hand down my chest. “You must be the roommate. I heard so much about you.” Her voice took on a slow, sexy drawl.

She was ridiculously hot, but she knew it. She wore a tight brown low cut vest only a shade darker than her overly tanned skin. Her tight jeans hung low on her hips, exposing the smooth skin of her stomach.

I looked up, meeting Sean’s eyes. He smiled at me and nodded. The smirk on his face said you’re welcome, but this was not the distraction I was looking for. I was starting to push her away when I caught sight of Red coming out of one of the rooms behind her. She was smiling, facing someone I couldn’t see. She reached her hand out and took a few steps backward. She leaned against the wall. Then I saw Chuck step toward her. He leaned in close, smiling down at her.