Nearly two months! "Is there no faster way, Jamie? The year’s getting old. If they're going at all I might have four or five weeks at best before they leave. Surely it’s not so far—"
"Trust me. And if it rains it will seem twice that, and it will rain." He shook his head, a wry smile on his face. "It must be inherited, your mother had no more sense than to set out just before winter either. But there is another way." He was silent for a moment. "You could go by riverboat in half the time. You'd have to leave your mare, though."
"Leave Shadow?" I asked, but knew the answer as soon as I said it.
"Or sell her," replied Jamie. "If you're going to take the ship you'd have to sell her in Corli anyway, or find a boarding stable for her until you get back."
I hadn't thought that far ahead. That worried me.
But I couldn't sell Shadow. She was a last link with my past; and somehow I couldn't bear to part with her.
"Jamie—will you take her back with you? She can carry your pack, and" —Jamie was smiling— "oh, very well. I can't bear to think of her here in Illara when she belongs at home. I’ll come and get her when I get back and I’ll tell you all about my adventures. Deal?" I put out my hand.
Jamie took it; I shook twice and let go.
He laughed. "You'll do fine, my girl. Keep your wits this sharp and none can stand against you." He drained his tankard and stood up, yawning. "I'm off. We've an early start tomorrow. Mind you come well before dawn to help us groom the horses for the sale." I nodded. He leaned over and kissed my brow. "Good night to you then, Lanen Kaelar."
I grinned up at him. "Good night, you old bandit."
"Less of the old," he said, miming a blow to my head. I ducked obediently under it as he went out the door.
I sat quietly and finished my drink, staring into the tire. I never heard a thing until a voice behind me said, "Good even, lady. I see your companion has left, as has mine. I hate to drink alone. Might I join you?"
That voice.
It was the most thrilling sound in the world. That voice belonged to the man of my dreams—of any woman's dreams—light and in the middle range, so musical it might have been singing the words, but with a slight drawl that spoke promise of slow nights of pleasure. I could not have ignored it to save my soul.
I turned in a daze. Before me stood a tall thin man with fair golden-red hair, eyes the green of spring grass and a nose like a fine hawk. He was fair enough to look at, but nothing could possibly match that voice.
"Of course," I answered, trying to keep my own voice steady. "Please—" I gestured the chair across from mine.
He sat down beside me, his movements graceful as a cat.
"I thank you, lady. Let me refresh your drink." He gestured to the innkeeper. "Are you here for the fair?" he asked, and smiled.
"Y—yes, yes, I've brought horses. To sell. Tomorrow." I stammered. I had been wrong. There was something that could match that voice, and it was his smile. It changed his nice enough face to one of startling beauty and appeal. I was smitten like the greenest girl. I closed my eyes and tried to get my thoughts together. "My friend and I sell Hadron's horses tomorrow," I said, managing not to sound like a village idiot. But I couldn't keep my eyes closed, not with that face so close.
"Hadron's horses? Ah, my luck is still with me. I am seeking a mare for... light riding. Have yon any suggestions?"
I gathered my thoughts this time before I spoke.
"There's a little chestnut with a lovely smooth pace. She's really a lady's mare, though, not strong enough for you."
He smiled again. "Ah, but she would be for a lady. Now," he said, leaning on his elbow, his face so close to mine we were almost touching. "What sort of a bargain might I strike with you?"
I nearly fainted. It was all I could do not to lean over—such a little way!—and kiss him then and there. His voice transformed all his words into purest seduction, no matter their real import. My heart was pounding. I forced myself to look away from those laughing grass-green eyes.
It was hard to deny him anything, even my own glance, but somehow that made it easier to think.
"I'm sorry, sir, but you will have to come to the fair like all the others. Though I will let you know which is the mare I'm thinking of." I turned back to him. He was sitting upright again in his chair, removed to a safe distance (thank the Lady!). Though if the opportunity arose again I didn't think I would have the strength to resist.
It struck me suddenly, despite the thrill of the encounter, that I was feeling and thinking things that had never occurred to me before—at least, not so swiftly. It frightened me. I stood, heart pounding.
"Your pardon, sir, but I have been awake since well before dawn and must rise earlier still in the morning. I hope to see you tomorrow at the fair."
"Then I shall bid you good night, lady, for I will certainly see you tomorrow," he said, his voice a gentle purr. He took my hand in his and kissed it.
I felt that kiss shoot along my nerves like raw lightning. I gasped with the power of it. He smiled that glorious smile at me, his eyes alight with good humour and laughter. It took all my strength to pull away and hurry up the stair; I felt his eyes follow me all the way.
For the first time since I left Hadronsstead, I did not dream of Dragons.
The horse grounds were busy when I arrived, an hour before dawn. I found Jamie and the lads already at work and, muttering a subdued "Good morning," took up a curry comb and got to it. By the time we finished the sun was well up and there were a good few folk about. Ours were not the only beasts for sale, of course, but once people heard these were Hadron's horses they crowded round, asking us all questions, admiring the horses, watching as the hands took each one for a walk and a little warm-up, showing them off to best advantage. The horses gleamed in the morning light, and the grounds were crowded with buyers and sellers. Jamie left me inside the ring and clambered up on a tall stump near a grassy spot that he had picked as a good place to gather buyers. He winked at me and began crying aloud, "Hadron's horses! Hadron's horses! Now or never, my lords and ladies! Come and buy! Come and buy! Hadron's horses!"
I had to laugh. I had no idea anyone could shout that loud, let alone Jamie. And it worked wonderfully. I decided I had missed more than my childhood longing for travel by not being allowed on one of these trips before; Hadron's was a name to conjure with here. There was a large crowd around us in no time.
"The first to go will be this bay mare, my lords and ladies," said Jamie, only a touch softer than before, to the crowd that had gathered. He gestured, and one of our lads started walking the mare around the ring while Jamie described her and made the most of her good points. He finished with "She's four years old, the best of Hadron's breeding stock, with a sweet mouth and a cheery way about her, and she'll run with a light load well into tomorrow. Now, what am I bid for Hadron's bay mare?"
There was a chorus of voices, and in the end the mare went for twice what I knew she was worth. The next was much the same, and the crowd had grown even larger. "Change of plan, my girl," Jamie said to me quietly. "We'll make our fortune today. I've never seen folk more eager for Hadron's stock." His eyes twinkled. "Perhaps they heard that Hadron had died, and there is no son to carry on his work." I was appalled, and Jamie laughed. "I never said there was no daughter or sister's son. Ifs all part of the game, my girl. Now I'll do the next few, until my voice gives out, then you take over. Mind you let them bid till they're tired and goad them on when they flag. We'll do well today." In his chapman's voice he cried loudly, "Have a good look and choose your favorite. Shame to take second best, my lords and ladies! Hadron's stock, the finest in all of Ilsa, in all the Four Kingdoms of Kolmar! Choose your favorite, my lords and ladies!"