Song of the Silent Snow

Song of the Silent Snow
Современная русская и зарубежная проза
Автор: Selby Hubert
Язык: английский
Год: 2000
Оригинальное название: Song of the Silent Snow
Страниц: 41
Издатель: Marion Boyars
ISBN: 0714530506
Добавил: Admin 15 Май 11
Проверил: Admin 15 Май 11
Формат:  FB2 (164 Kb)  EPUB (273 Kb)  MOBI (839 Kb)

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Fat Phil can’t believe his luck at dice, but when his friends turn nasty, he pleads with fate to let him lose; a salesman psychs himself up with encouraging messages from fortune cookies, until the advice turns sour; a young boy experiences the onset of puberty as a sudden crushing weight one summer’s afternoon.

Hubert Selby began as a writer of short stories and he excels in this form, plunging the reader headfirst into the densely realised worlds and dilemmas of his protagonists. He offers a passionate empathy with ordinary dreams, a brilliant ear for the street and for the voices of conscience and self-deceit that torment us all.

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