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Rita stopped smiling and frowned slightly. Im sure that when they made those movies they were just trying to make a movie and nothing else, but I cant help reading things into some of them, especially the Bride of Frankenstein.

Harry leaned back in his chair and stretched out his legs, Like how?

Well… well like every time man interferes with nature he creates a monster.

Harry nodded, I know what you mean. One of the most touching parts in that flick, for me, is when John Carradine stumbles around saying, Friend, friend…

She nodded, He didnt want much, did he? Just someone to share what he had with. Funny how simple it seems sometimes to be happy and yet how easily it all gets confused.

Harry nodded and smiled and watched the way her eyes sparkled when she spoke and got excited, the way her mouth opened wide when she laughed, how all of her seemed to be happy with each laugh and just about everything that happened.

They continued talking easily, chuckling, smiling, and laughing their way from one subject to another, sometimes taking time out from the amusements to discuss something serious, each one finding they had respect and interest in what the other was saying, feeling uninhibited and speaking honestly about what they believed, enjoying both the smiles and the frowns of the conversation. Then Rita glanced at her watch, Wow, look at the time. No wonder Im feeling tired.

Harry looked at his, Yeah, youre right. Nothing like enjoying yourself to make time fly.

Rita nodded, then smiled. Would you like to spend the night?

Harrys smile was wide and warm, Cant think of anything I would rather do. They got up. But you had better lead the way, I dont want to go out that back door.

They laughed.

Almost immediately after getting into bed Harry put his arms around Rita and held her close to him. His mind was incredibly and abnormally quiet and unquestioning. He was absorbed by her and how she felt in his arms… She felt like her smile. They made love and it was completely satisfying for both of them and when they finished they lay on their sides, arms around each other, smiling and kissing, glowing…


they drifted into the softness of sleep.

Harry was the first to awaken in the morning. He looked at Rita for many moments, then gently got out of the bed so as not to awaken her. He had showered and dressed and was in the kitchen heating the coffee by the time she awoke. Hi.

Hi. Want a cup of coffee?

Rita shook her head, Not right now. Think I’ll bathe first. Isnt that kind of strong? Wouldnt you rather have fresh coffee?

No. Puts hair on your chest. He smiled and looked at her and wanted to touch her and lean over and kiss her but for some reason the sunlight pouring into the kitchen made it impossible. He tried to push himself forward, but was immobile. Have a good sleep?

She burst into a smile, O wonderful—she suddenly yawned -how do you like that? Isnt that something—she laughed—but I did. And I feel terrific.


You like lox and bagels and that sort of Sunday breakfast tradition?


Theres a good Jewish deli on the corner. You could get some while I bathe and I’ll make us some scrambled eggs with lox.

Great. I ‘ll be careful opening the door.

She chuckled and Harry watched her as she walked to the bathroom.

The deli was crowded and by the time Harry got back Rita was in the kitchen. Here you are. I got a Times too. I figured if we’re going to be traditional then we should be traditional. They chuckled and Harry settled himself at the table with a cup of coffee and the Times while Rita started making breakfast.

When they finished eating Harry leaned back and sighed, My God, that’ll stick with me all day.

She smiled at him, Im glad you liked it. Im afraid I cant coast on it. I have to have dinner with my folks. She glanced at her watch, As a matter of fact I have to leave soon.

Thats too bad… Well, I guess I had better get going then.

If you wait a few minutes we can walk to the subway together.

Fine. Harry smiled, Why dont you take the magazine section. Something to read on the train.

Harry had an arm around Rita as they walked along the street, their bodies moving smoothly together. When they got to the subway they stopped. I’ll leave you here. Think I’ll take a bus.

Rita smiled up at Harry. I had a wonderful time last night. It was the nicest night Ive spent in a long time. Her face was glowing.

Yeah, me too. I wish it was an old movie. We could play it again anytime we wanted to. Harry chuckled.

That would be nice. I always was a softie for happy endings. O, you didnt give me your number. She looked through her pocket book, I have nothing to write on.

Thats alright. I’ll give you a call tonight.

About nine.

Fine. O here, dont forget the paper. He handed her the magazine section.


He kissed her and she felt soft and vibrant and when he separated his lips from hers he felt like sighing. Have a nice visit.

I will. Bye.

Harry watched her go down the steps, then turned and started walking to the bus stop.

When he got home Harry stretched out in a chair and without consciously directing his thoughts he started reviewing the night, and the morning, and he felt excited all over again. She was as nice as she was beautiful, and the most exciting woman he had ever met. He experienced again how she felt next to him, the softness of her skin under his hands, the warmth that came from her body…

and the way she smiled all over from somewhere deep within her. And she was so much fun to sit and talk with. It was incredible… And he had not felt awkward, not for a minute. He had never had an experience like that before in his life. There was always a little awkwardness, a little stammering or forcing of conversations, but none of those first-date things had happened. The entire evening, and morning, seemed to simply flow along some natural, divinely appointed course. It almost seemed unreal. God what a night… What a woman… What a joy. Yeah, what a joy. If its like that the first night, what will it be like later???? Things usually get better after people get to know each other, but how could it get better? It didnt seem possible. Everything was so perfect he did not see how it could be improved. Well, we’ll see. Give her a call tonight and then see what happens… Harry suddenly chuckled aloud as he remembered the long nights in Jack Dempseys trying to get up the courage to ask him the favor. How could such a simple thing have been so difficult? It doesnt seem possible. Not now. And he was so great. Its absolutely incredible. The whole week just to ask one little favor. And the whole night could have been ruined just by that. Who knows what would have happened if I hadnt finally asked him???? Might have been just another date. She sure was impressed by that reception he gave me. Yeah… she was really impressed. That probably was responsible for the whole evening. Might have an entirely different opinion of me if I hadnt arranged that. If she didnt think I was a friend of Jack Dempseys she might not have even wanted me to call tonight. Might have spent the night here instead of with her… But I did tell her we werent really close friends. I didnt lay it on too heavy. Just a little poetic license. Its really no…


Maybe she isnt going to her parents. Maybe she just wanted to have me leave. That business about my phone number could be just a game. If she really wanted it why didnt she ask for it before? Why did she wait until we were at the subway? There was plenty of time before. And what did she mean about happy endings? Ending what? If she doesnt want to see me again why doesnt she just say so????

So I dont really know Jack Dempsey. Thats no reason to play games. She didnt have to go through the charade of visiting her parents just so I wouldnt be hanging around all day. I would have left…

But the whole night wasnt really built on a lie… not really. Its not a real lie. Not like telling someone youre going to visit your parents just to get rid of them. Thats a lie. And telling them you like them when you dont. Thats a lie. And asking them for your phone number when you dont really want it. Thats a lie. The whole evening… night……..and morning…