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Hmm. Well … Sophie could bring in a camera from home, she guessed.

But Toby had another idea. “How about I go in first? I’ll write a note on toilet paper, and you’ll have to bring it back.”

Archie slapped him on the shoulder. “I like it!” he said. “That means she has to go into the stall! Ha!” He laughed.

Ugh! Sophie’s tingles felt pricklier. She squirmed to shake them down. She was up for popping into the boys’ room. And for popping right back out. But a whole tour of the place? That was a lot…

“What’s wrong, Sophster?” Toby asked. “Are you chickening out?”

Archie flapped his elbows. “Bwock! Bwock! Bwock!” he squawked.

But Kate put her arm around Sophie. “Oh, shut your beak, Archie. Sophie’s not chickening out.”

Right, thought Sophie. She would never chicken out! After all, dares weren’t supposed to be easy. They were supposed to give you tingles. That’s what doing them was all about.

Sophie crossed her arms and shot Toby her most daring “I’ll show you!” glare.

Just then, their teacher, Ms. Moffly, walked up.

“Clean your trays,” she told the class.

Then she stopped by Sophie’s place and looked down at the sandwich Eve had made. “Is that your lunch, Sophie M.?” she asked.

Sophie shrugged. “It’s more like everyone’s lunch,” she said.

Like any true daredevil, Sophie couldn’t wait to do Toby’s dare!

But she had to wait for Toby to go to the boys’ room first and leave the note. And almost an hour passed before he did that.

First, at recess after lunch, he had to play basketball. Of course.

Then, back in the classroom, he had to wait for Mia’s birthday cupcakes to be served.

Sure, Sophie liked cupcakes, too. And classroom birthdays were always fun (even though they reminded her that her birthday — June 30 — never got a real one). It was just that, for the first time, Sophie wished her friend’s birthday was some other day. A day when her mind wasn’t full of dares, and her stomach wasn’t full of Drink of Doom.

Sophie watched Mia pass out her cupcakes. “Hurry up,” she almost said. Why did Mia have to be so careful? In a few minutes, they’d be eaten all up, anyway.

Sophie took hers. It was vanilla, in a shiny foil cup. She wished that it were chocolate. But she knew why it was not. Ben was allergic to chocolate, and he was Mia’s best friend in the whole world.

Sophie wondered if Mia might change her mind now that she was eight. Ben was fun to play with. And he had a real air hockey table, too. But between the chocolate thing and the being-a-boy thing … Well, that was a lot to overlook.

When everyone had a cupcake, it was time to sing the birthday song. Ms. Moffly got it started, and soon the whole class was singing along. Well, most of the class was singing. Toby and Archie were barking like dogs. And Sophie’s mouth was just moving. There wasn’t much sound. Sometimes when she sang, she made funny noises, so she tried not to let too many out.

At last, the celebration was over — even the “Are you one! Are you two! …” part.

Sophie looked across the room at Toby. Was he finally ready to go?

No. He had chewed up his cupcake wrapper into a little spitty ball. Now he was showing it to Archie. Gross!

What are you waiting for, Toby? Sophie wondered. Go to the bathroom already! Please!

Just then, Toby raised his hand. “Ms. Moffly, can I go to the boys’ room?” he asked.

Yes! Sophie’s heart beat faster.

Ms. Moffly nodded. “Of course, Toby,” she said. “But try not to take as long as you sometimes do. We’re going to begin our unit on fractions, and I’d hate for you to miss a fraction of it!”

Sophie and the rest of the class watched Toby get up and go. He waved as he walked out. He didn’t look at Sophie, though.

“Okay,” said Ms. Moffly. “Let’s start by talking about half.” Of course, since only half of Sophie was paying attention, she wasn’t 100 percent sure that was what Ms. Moffly said.

The rest of her was thinking about Toby, and about how she couldn’t wait for him to get back. It was hard to sit there calmly and listen while inside she was all fizzed up.

Did every daredevil feel this way? Probably so. Sophie guessed she would have to get used to feeling that way from now on.

It seemed to take forever. Ms. Moffly finished halves and went on to fourths.

Then, finally, the door creaked open. Toby walked in. He looked straight at her.

Sophie took a deep breath. She raised her hand. High.

At last! It was her turn!

Chapter 3


Sophie had seen the sign a zillion times. Maybe more. But she had never seen it this way. So big. Right in front of her nose.

“Come in. I dare you,” it seemed to say. This was the first time a door had talked to her.

Sophie looked up at it. “Oh, yeah?” she said back. “Go ahead and dare me. I’m Sophie the Daredevil, you know!”

Then she quickly looked around. She had to make sure she was alone. She was very happy to do the dare. But getting in trouble for it? Not so much.

The hall was empty. The coast was all clear. Sophie took a deep breath, reached for the handle …

… and jumped back as the door swung out!

A tall boy looked down at her.

Oh, no!

Sophie froze. It was Sam, a fifth grader. He was in the same class as her big sister, Hayley. Hayley had even liked him for a week. He was also Dean’s big brother. They had the same big head and bright pink cheeks.

It took him a second to recognize Sophie. But she could tell as soon as he did.

“Aren’t you in third grade?” he asked. She nodded, and he pointed to the sign on the bathroom door. “Then you should know how to read.”

“Oops.” Sophie shrugged and tried very hard not to say, “I do.”

Sam walked away. She heard him mutter, “I can’t wait till I get to middle school.”

Me too! she thought as he turned the corner. What had Hayley seen in him?

Then more thoughts suddenly hit her. Thoughts like: Phew! That was close.

And: What if another boy is still in the bathroom?

Sophie guessed she should wait outside to see. So she did.

She counted to three. Then she reached for the door again. And this time, she slipped in.

Sophie held her breath as she looked around. Then she let it out. She was alone!

So. This was the boys’ room. She let her eyes take it in.

There were two sinks. And two stalls. And that was about it.

Oh. There were also two mirrors. Well, that’s a waste, Sophie thought.

Basically, the boys’ bathroom looked a lot like the girls’. It was weird.

But something had to be different…

Sophie sniffed. Oh! The smell. That was it.

Well, there was no reason for Sophie to hang out there for too long. It was time to find Toby’s note. So she checked the first stall.


Sophie froze.

Help!!! she thought.

Somebody else had come into the bathroom. She wasn’t alone!

Sophie didn’t know what to do. And she didn’t stop to think. Her hand flew out all by itself and closed the stall door. BANG!