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“So, what do you prescribe for our patient?” Becky asked.

“RICE protococlass="underline" Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation,” Paige said.

“Very good. David, I’m going to have Paige wrap your foot with ice. Then for the next 24 hours, I want you off your feet, and your ankle wrapped and iced. If it hurts, take some aspirin,” Becky told me.

Then they rubbed me down with their analgesic rub for all my other bumps and bruises. I was the last one out. They had put me on crutches so I wouldn’t use my hurt ankle. When I got to my Jeep, I realized I had another problem. How was I going to operate the gas and brake pedals? Luckily Paige came out and gave me a ride home.

Saturday September 20

I HAD TO CALL THE GIRLS from Wesleyan and disappoint them. I wasn’t able to drive up. I was kicking back watching the Florida vs. Alabama game. The Tide was having their way with the Gators. I wasn’t surprised when I heard someone entering the code to get into my apartment. I had given up on how everyone knew what the code was. What I didn’t know was there was an emergency code in case someone like a paramedic needed to get in. Mom had told Tami, and she had told all my friends what it was.

What did surprise me was who was coming up my stairs. It was Tracy, Mona, Sammie and Kim. It had been nearly six weeks since I had said more than ‘hi’ to them. To be honest, the only one I missed was Tracy. I had put the other three out of my mind.

“Ladies,” I said nodding. “I would get up, but ...”

They all saw my ankle wrapped and propped up. Tracy came over and kissed my cheek, and then wrinkled her nose.

“It’s the middle of the afternoon, and you haven’t showered?” Tracy asked me.

I just shrugged. I wasn’t planning on going out.

They all sat down. I could tell that Tracy was the only one who wasn’t nervous. I figured they were there to confront me about ‘dating’ Lisa Felton. I thought everyone knew that she was seeing Brad now. When they didn’t say anything, I went back to watching the game. To my surprise, they just chatted among themselves and let me enjoy my game.

When the game was over, I had to go to the bathroom, since I had consumed almost half a gallon of iced tea. When I came back, I put a new ice pack on, using the ace bandage. The swelling had gone down. I felt like I might be able to walk on it, but I decided it was best to not push it.

Finally, the girls told me why they’d come over.

“Tracy told us that you never dated Lisa. I didn’t believe you, because I saw you two together,” Kim confessed. “We asked Lisa, and she denied it as well. I still thought you had.”

“Beth called us and said the very same. I guess we owe you an apology,” Sammie said.

“I guess I’ll accept it,” I said.

Tracy rolled her eyes at me.

“Don’t be a jerk. It took a lot for them to come over here.”

“I just don’t get it, though. Lisa’s a nice girl if you get to know her. I personally have no desire to date her, but I wouldn’t be ashamed to take her out,” I said in Lisa’s defense.

“But David, the rumors about her are terrible. You’re too nice of a guy to go out with her,” Mona told me.

“About that ... who was supposed to have paid for a blowjob from her?” I asked.

I’d never actually heard anyone say they had gotten one. Well, I had, but I hadn’t had to pay for it. I also knew she knew how to give one, so she’d gotten experience from somewhere. I just had never heard of anyone paying her. The four girls looked at each other. They weren’t coming up with any names.

“Is this the same kind of rumor that said she and I were dating?” I asked.

“If we get a name, will you believe us?” Sammie asked.

“After I talk to them myself, I might. Guys have been known to exaggerate about stuff like that,” I told them. “Until then, I’d appreciate it if you treated her better.”

“Deal,” Mona said.

“Are you hungry? I was going to order out,” I offered.

“My uncle’s diner has a Saturday speciaclass="underline" a bucket of fried chicken, two sides, biscuits, cherry cobbler, and ice cream. I could go pick it up,” Kim offered.

I quickly dug into my pocket and handed her money. Tracy and Sammie went with her, leaving Mona with me. I turned on the Oregon vs. Washington State game. Mona grabbed the remote and turned it off. I arched my eyebrows. I was okay with it when she decided to give me oral. Did I say I was horny? Poor Mona never knew what hit her.

I will give her credit, though. She did go for round two. She’d just finished when the girls got back. We spent the evening watching football and talking. The food from Kim’s uncle’s place was great. The chicken was spicy, and the sides they got were red beans with rice and collard greens. I had never tried collard greens before. I think they’re an acquired taste.

Dad came up around eleven to see what was going on. He sat down and watched the end of the game. The girls got the hint and packed it in.

Monday September 22

BEFORE CLASS, TRACY caught up with me. I could tell she was horny just by the way she smiled at me. I had dated her for several months and knew her moods. I winked at her and motioned with my head that she was to follow me. She gave me a head start, and I went to the band room where they had the soundproof practice rooms. We had fifteen minutes until the first bell.

She waited a minute and then snuck in when no one was looking. I led her to one of the practice rooms and put a piece of sheet music in the window for privacy.

“We only have a few minutes,” I warned her.

She had on shorts, so she just dropped them along with her underwear. I dropped down and bathed her sex with my tongue. We knew how to turn each other on. I teased her, building her desire. I kept track of the time by the clock on the wall. I knew she was going to have a huge one just by the way her body was reacting. Three minutes before the bell rang I got serious about bringing her off. Tracy ripped some hair out my head when she came.

I jumped up and ran out of the room, leaving her lying on the floor as the bell rang. I had a feeling she’d get revenge at some point.

I WENT TO THE TRAINING room, figuring Coach Diamond could come to find me if he needed to. I was the first one in. Jill, Becky and Paige were waiting for their morning victims. Becky smelled me and knew what I’d been up to. It took Jill a minute to figure it out, but apparently, Paige was clueless.

“You’re a bad boy. Go wash up,” Becky scolded me.

Paige couldn’t figure out why the two trainers were blushing.

“What am I missing? What did David do?” Paige asked.

“Oh, don’t get us started. Come on, Stud, let me look at your ankle,” Becky teased me.

Becky had Paige assist her. I found out that Paige was a freshman at State, and part of her training was to help Becky when Paige wasn’t in class. Mr. Hasting, our head trainer, taught at State. Normally they didn’t have college freshmen interning, but she was a ‘protégé’ (her word, not mine) of one of Mr. Hasting’s colleagues.

They declared that I would take a day off from practice so as to give the ankle another day to heal. No big deal, really. Today was film day, and usually, we just had a few walk-throughs and conditioning.

AT LUNCH, MAGGIE SHOWED up again. I would have to deal with her sooner or later; I hoped for later. She had other ideas. What I didn’t understand was why she chose to do it right in front of everyone.

“David, why didn’t you call me? I thought we were going out this weekend,” was her opening salvo.

This, of course, got everyone’s attention. I guess this was more interesting than the latest update on the vampire show the girls were watching. I raised my eyebrows.

“Are you sure you want to talk about this here?” I asked, trying to give her an out.

“We’re all friends here. I don’t mind.”