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I TOOK PEGGY DANCING with Angie and Greg at State. Mom came with Peggy and me so she could babysit Kyle. The four of us had a great time trading off dancing with each other. Greg and Peggy had dated also and were still good friends. Peggy and I fell into being comfortable with each other. I made a point of dropping her off first so she wouldn’t be worried I would take advantage of her. I also did it so that I wouldn’t accidentally push her too far.

Monday September 29

I GOT UP AND RAN WITH Peggy. We hadn’t talked on Sunday as she had some ‘family thing’ to do. I soon found out that she’d had more calls than I did. We had run for almost a mile when she said something that brought me to a dead stop.

“David, I didn’t realize what dating you involved. I think I need to break up with you, almost before we start dating,” she said, and then looked back to see where I was.

“You’re kidding me, right?” I asked hopefully.

“No. I need to think this out before I can say if I’ll date you. Too many people seem to have an interest in us as a couple. Did you know that Tami called me from the UK? She told me about the possible media coverage and your faux girlfriends. It just seems like a lot that I need to process before I can say for sure.”

I silently cussed Tami. How dare she! Whatever happened to running our own lives? I was supposed to stay out of her life, yet she was making calls checking up on me. Peggy saw my mood change for the worse. I mumbled something about needing some time alone, and took off at a pace I knew she couldn’t maintain. I somehow found my way home. I had no recollection as to where I ran, or for how long.

Dad found me sitting on the driveway with my knees pulled up to my chin and my arms wrapped around my legs. He squatted down next to me.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Tami called Peggy to give her the third degree about dating me and tell her how difficult it would be. Peggy got overwhelmed with everyone calling her, so we’re no longer dating. Hell, we never really got started!”

“Come on,” he said, reaching out to help me up.

I looked confused.

“There’s no need to tell this twice. Let’s go find your mom.”

I chuckled.

“I think you might actually have women figured out.”

“Don’t jinx me like that,” Dad worried.

We walked in on Mom talking on the phone.

“No, he just walked in,” she said and handed me the phone.

“This is David.”

“I wanted to call and congratulate you on finally dating Peggy. I know that’s been something you’ve always wanted to do,” said a pleased Tami.

“Yeah, thanks. She broke up with me this morning.”

“What, why?”

“So many people, including you, called her that she freaked out. She just told me,” I looked at the clock. I was going to be late for school. “I’ve got to run, or I’ll be late for school.”

I handed the phone back to Mom and went to my apartment to shower and change. I came out to find my mom sitting on my bed.

“SHhhhhit ... MOM!” I complained.

“Get over it, and get dressed,” she said as I scrambled to find my boxers.

“Are you upset that Peggy broke up with you?” Mom asked.

I shrugged.

“Not really. We had one date. If she doesn’t want to date me, that’s fine. I’m sure we’ll be friends, even if we’re not dating.”

“Tami wants to know if you’re mad at her.”

“Mom, we’re getting into that territory again. If I talk to you I can’t be honest with you, ’cuz you’re just gonna go tell Tami. So just tell her I’m fine and look forward to seeing her when she gets back,” I said, and Mom scowled at me.

I just froze.

My mom had just chosen Tami over me!

I suddenly felt sad, and Mom saw it in my eyes. I grabbed my duffle bag and left. What a terrible day, and I hadn’t even gotten to school yet!

I could hear her calling my name as I ran out of the apartment.

I GOT TO SCHOOL AND was being checked out by the trainers when I heard my name being called to come to the office. I should have just been late for school. Mom was standing in the office, and she was pissed. She grabbed my arm and we went into the vice principal’s office. He took one look at my mom and excused himself. Smart man.

“I wasn’t done talking to you,” she started.

“I was done talking to you,” I shot back.

You never, ever, ever, ever talked back to my mom. I think she finally realized how mad I was. I could see her visibly trying to keep herself under control. She lost that battle.

“You will never speak to me in that tone of voice again. Do you understand me, mister?”

I just glared at her.

“I asked you a question.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Now tell me if you’re mad at Tami or not,” she ordered me.

“No, ma’am. I won’t do that.”

“Why not?” she asked.

She was going to make me spell it out to her.

“We had an agreement. I couldn’t contact Tami, except if something huge happened in my life like I won State. She was going to stop meddling in my life. My family was going to stop sharing everything with her. I think you might remember that conversation. We had a family meeting about it.”

“Stop being a smartass, and tell me why you won’t talk to me.”

“Tami asked you if I was mad at her. That implies that you plan on calling her back, and giving her a full report. If I tell you my honest feelings at this moment in time, Tami will be hurt.”

“I can’t believe you’d think I would do that,” Mom accused me.

“Well, there I go again. I’m jumping to conclusions and making an ass out of myself. I’ll admit I’m wrong and apologize to both you and Tami. I hope you’ll forgive me.”

I think my complete lack of sincerity came through in spades. Mom wasn’t buying it.

“Do you want me to stop talking to Tami?” Mom asked.

I thought about it for a minute. Did I really want to get between Mom and Tami’s friendship?

“No, I really don’t. Just don’t ask me how I feel about Tami. It’ll save one of us from having to lie to the other: me to you, or you to Tami.”

Mom and I were too much alike. We hadn’t had a fight like this in almost a year and a half.

“Too bad your father isn’t here. He loves to play referee,” Mom said, causing me to crack a smile.

“I think he’s too old for this. He’d have a conniption fit, and we both would be grounded for life.”

I actually felt better after our blowup. I think that’s why Mom is the way she is, sometimes.

I GOT BACK TO FINISH being checked out by the trainers. Nothing seemed to be really injured. I was bruised, though, and they treated me for that. While I got my treatment, Becky caught me up on the whole Eastside saga.

“Brad’s wrist is broken; his shoulder is strained and he has three cracked ribs. Cassidy just has a knot on her head. She’s fine, no concussion.”

“Do you know what happened?”

“The ass-hats went to the concession stand at halftime. Some of the Eastside fans recognized them and made some comments. Things escalated, and before they knew it, offers were made to go to the parking lot. The police charged the Eastside group because they had bats waiting for them in the back of a pickup truck. The police said it was premeditated, and that they lured our people into the parking lot.”

“How did Cassidy get hurt?”

“She saw what Brad was up to and went to make sure he didn’t get hurt. She’s actually the one that hurt the two Eastside guys. One of the boys hit her with a bat. When she went down, they got scared and ran. Too many people saw who did it, and they all got caught.”