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When I thought back to where I was at this time last year, and what all I had learned this summer, I was amazed. I had no idea how much you had to know to play quarterback correctly. Last year had been all instinct and determination. I was sure my increased knowledge would make a big difference this season.

I still had nightmares about our state playoff loss to Beverly. If I’d known then what I knew now, we would have won the game handily. Instead, I’d kept forcing the deep pass right into the strength of their defensive formation. Well, I couldn’t do any good by dwelling on the past.

My thought drifted to what was missing in my life right now ... Tami. Mom hadn’t been keeping me updated about her, other than to say she liked her host family. I caught myself reaching for my phone at odd times, wanting to share something with her. Just stupid everyday things we used to tell each other. Then I’d realize she was gone. I really missed her.

I’d also been avoiding Harper, Missy and Sarah. The Wesleyan girls all seemed to be tied to Tami, because of where they went to school. I knew I should call them. I didn’t want to lose their friendship. I liked them all too much to let that happen.

I had to chuckle. The reason they’d popped into my head was because I was horny. I’d had regular sex for almost a year. I found masturbation, while enjoyable and necessary, wasn’t the same. I missed the human contact and the joy of pleasuring a woman. The sharing of pleasure and the intimacy were what I missed the most.

Ever since Cindy, Suzanne and Beth left, I hadn’t been with anyone. It was as if the gods had conspired to make me celibate. First, Tracy and her friends had thought I was messing around with Lisa Felton. Then I was occupied with football. When school started, I was switched to second lunch. All the girls I would normally reach out to were in first lunch.

Finally, there were the freshman cheerleaders. They were all very cute, but seemed so young, and were all wide-eyed and innocent. I didn’t want to be the one to take that innocence from them. I’d felt a twinge when Kylie had brought Nick to the lunch table, but I found it was more my protective side than the beast within who claimed her as mine.

That was something I wanted to get under control. I had to find a way to tame my beast because it was one of the major reasons Tami and I were taking a break. Maybe if I could get my group of frosh cheerleaders dating nice boys, and not get wigged-out by it, I would be on my way towards being friends with Tami again.

I also wanted to get them to stop riding herd over me. It was as if I was allowing them to be a substitute Tami. They kept me insulated from every other potential girl. Part of what I needed to learn to do was to stand on my own. What I should do was have them be my wingmen. Well, to be correct, wing-women. Was that even a word? ‘Wingman’ just didn’t sound right for them. If I could change the dynamic of our relationship, I might have something. I liked that idea.

I got back to the house, then showered and dressed. I went downstairs to find Mom and Dad talking. The house just felt quiet without Greg, Angie and Kyle. When I walked in, they both looked up and smiled at me, which made me feel the love they had for me. That love helped keep me grounded. I understood that with their help I could grow as a man and become what Tami envisioned. Not for her anymore, but for myself. That, in and of itself, was a huge step for me. I smiled back and hugged and kissed my parents good morning. I was ready to face the world.

I would need them to be more involved in my life now, what with Tami being gone. I needed someone I could trust to talk about what was going on with me. Dad had proven he had a good grasp on relationships. Mom ... well, she loved me. I could never doubt that.

I WAS MINDING MY OWN business, walking to class, when I was hip-checked. I turned to see Tracy’s smiling face. She was in her cheerleading outfit. Being horny, I had a flash of taking her into one of the empty rooms and ... I snapped out of it before we made my little fantasy a reality. I was glad to see she wasn’t mad at me for what I’d said about her and Luke. It looked like we could be friends and only friends.

“I have good news, and I have bad news. Which do you want first?” she asked me.

“Give me the bad news first.”

“Most all the top programs are backing off of recruiting you. I talked to Joe Phips, and he explained that with the steroid scandal at Lincoln, everyone would take a step back and reevaluate. He said while they still had high interest, you were only a sophomore, so there was plenty of time to recruit you,” Tracy said, explaining what the lead recruiter from Florida had told her.

“You know, that kind of pisses me off. I didn’t back off of my interest in Florida when their season went into the tank last year,” I pointed out. “You said ‘most.’ Who’s still recruiting me?”

“That’s the good news. Alabama and Notre Dame are both sending multiple coaches to the game. This being a rare Wednesday-night game, they want to get a good look at you. I put the word out that if possible, you’d like to play with Bill, Ty, Wolf and Jim in college. They’ve started to be recruited, too. Because of your recommendation, USC has made a big push for Bill. He has scheduled a visit after the season’s over.

“I also mentioned that several of the big names have backed off. Kentucky is sending almost everyone tonight as a show of support. Several new contenders are sending people. Northwestern, Missouri and Tennessee will be here. The one that surprises me is South Carolina. The others had been keeping tabs, but they came out of nowhere. I hadn’t even made a request for them to send info.”

“Tracy, I really appreciate you helping me out with this. Have you talked to Coach Crouch and let him know who’s going to be at the game?” I asked.

Coach Crouch was Washington’s head coach.

“Actually, Kendal called. She’s working with both our and their booster clubs to put up a hospitality tent. The Sullivans have a car dealership close to Washington High. Everything should be fine.”

I just nodded. Tracy wanted to talk about something else.

“How are my freshmen treating you?” she asked with a smirk.

“Get those evil thoughts out of your head. They’re too young for me. I look at them and think of them as middle school kids. Nothing’s happening with them,” I assured her.

“I don’t think they think that. They have designs on you,” she teased me.

“I’ll make sure they know nothing’s going to happen.”

“I haven’t heard any rumors about you dating anyone. The girls at Lincoln High are all holding their collective breath, wondering what you plan on doing. Several have asked me if you’re really not dating anyone. What should I tell them?” Tracy asked.

What did I really want? Of course, I was horny as hell. Mr. Happy reminded me he liked Tracy ... A LOT! Tracy giggled when she saw me get instantly hard. I just smirked.

“Don’t laugh at me. I can’t help it that you turn me on,” I teased her.

Our eyes locked. What the hell was I thinking? I shook my head and closed my eyes to will Mr. Happy to stand down. He wasn’t having any of it. I couldn’t believe it. I was going to have to go to the restroom and take care of him, or I’d be uncomfortable all day.

“Shit,” I hissed. “Where’s Suzanne when I need her?” I complained.

“You know I would help you,” Tracy offered.

“Thanks, but we both know that’s not a great idea. I need to simplify things, not make them more complicated.”

“I know. I heard what you said the other night, and I understand. As for the freshmen, just know they aren’t as innocent as you may think. They’d be willing to help you out.”

“Now there’s a terrible idea. By the way, bite me for even suggesting it. I’ll be thinking about that the rest of the day. If they all turn up pregnant, it’s your fault.”