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“What’s so funny, child?”

Trey’s breath caught in his throat at the sound of her voice. He clenched his fists tighter as he struggled not to scream.

The voice turned colder. “I asked you a question. I expect an answer.”

Trey consciously reminded himself to breathe. He exhaled slowly and unclenched his fists with great deliberation. Then he turned to look at Myra. And he did the only thing possible. He told the truth. He couldn’t lie to her. There would be no point even if he could. “I was just thinking about everything. About my brother. About how much I hate you. And about how fucked up this all is.” The depth of his despair came through in his voice. He made no attempt to hide it. “And I was thinking about how there’s not a fucking thing I can do about it.”

Myra was nude save for a tiny black thong. He looked at her slim, pale body and tried to feel even a ghost of the overpowering lust he’d felt for her just days ago. But there was nothing. It made sense. The compact little body he’d once found so enticing was only a facade.

She smirked. “You’re right about that. But you’re wrong about the other thing. I could make you feel lust for me again if I really wanted.”

Trey felt a chill. She was still inside his head. Still knew his every thought. It was a violation. A mental rape of sorts. And just one more thing he could do nothing about. “I know. But it wouldn’t be any more real than the girl I’m looking at.”

Myra ran a hand slowly down one side of her sleek body. “Oh? I could alter my appearance, you know. Change my shape, make it more pleasing.”

Trey shook his head. “That’s not what I mean and you know it.”

“I suppose I do, at that.”

She stared at him for several long, exceedingly uncomfortable moments, her dark, glittering eyes boring into his skull like lasers, making him squirm. Then she turned away from him and opened a cutlery drawer. Trey heard a clank of steel as she sorted through the contents. He sucked in a breath when she turned toward him again. The gleaming carving knife looked impossibly big in her little hand. She approached the table with a slow roll of her hips and set the knife down before him.


“I’m giving you a chance to take yourself out of the equation, but I’m leaving it all up to you, darling.” She grinned at his thunderstruck expression. “You can live for a while or die right now. If you choose the latter, you can do the job with that easily enough. It’ll hurt, of course, horribly, but that won’t last long. Well, not too long.”

Trey looked at the knife and thought about it.

And thought about another possibility or two.

Myra snorted. “Yeah, right. Try and I’ll pop a vessel in your brain before you even get the fucking thing off the table. Now put that idiot thought away before I take this choice away from you. You’ll want to think about this very carefully, Trey. It’s the last time you’ll ever have any say in what happens to you.”

Trey stared at the knife another long moment, then pushed it away with a sigh. “I…can’t.”

“Because you’re a coward.”

Another sigh, then, very quietly: “Yes.”

Her laughter was smug and very satisfied.

Trey hated himself more than ever in that moment.

“What’s going on in here?”

Trey turned his head away from Myra’s hateful face and cringed at the sight of his mother sauntering into the kitchen. She wore only a grimy white T-shirt and a pair of lacy pink panties. She winked at Trey and patted Myra on the ass on her way to the refrigerator. She took a can of Old Milwaukee from the fridge and popped the tab.

She took a long swallow from the can, made a sound of almost sexual satisfaction. “Got-damn. Tell you what, ain’t nothin’ hits the spot like a beer after getting laid.”

Trey struggled not to throw up.

Myra had elected to stay inside and out of sight during the confrontation with Jake. She was not yet ready to reveal herself to the older McAllister boy for some reason. After Jake and his girl left, Trey and Jolene came back inside. Myra had been very pleased with the way the whole thing had played out. And she had chosen to show her pleasure by dragging Jolene into one of the tiny home’s two bedrooms. Trey had retreated to the kitchen at the sound of the first orgasmic squeals.

And now here they were again. Utterly shameless. Making no attempt to disguise what they had been doing. Quite the opposite, in fact.

Jolene finished off the beer and tossed the crumpled can into the overflowing sink. Then she sidled up next to Myra and slipped an arm around the girl’s waist. Keeping her eyes on Trey, Myra smiled and leaned into the embrace. Jolene slipped a thumb beneath the band of Myra’s thong and gave it a snap. “Mmm…your girl’s primo stuff, boy. Knows her way around a woman’s body better than any man I ever knew, that’s for goddamn sure. If I’d known that, I never would’ve given you so much fuckin’ grief about her.”

“She’s not my girl.”

Jolene ran a finger along the delicate line of Myra’s jaw and made a purring sound. “You mean I can have this fine piece all to myself?”

“Be my guest.”

Jolene made that purring sound again and said, “Oh, I think I will.”

Trey stared at his hands and tried to make his mind a blank while they noisily made out for several minutes. But the effort was doomed. There was too much to think about. Too many awful things had happened. And there was the prospect of a near future awash in blood and violence to consider. So his mind wandered. He thought about Lamia. He understood in a general way her need to harvest souls and replenish her energy for another long stretch of years. And to some degree he understood some of the machinations necessary to put all the right pieces in place and arrange a successful harvest. He was less sure about why she did so many other things that seemed unnecessary. All the random murder and mind games. And she had some kind of fixation on Jake. Some kind of connection she refused to clarify. Trey didn’t have much left that mattered to him, but his brother did matter. He wished he could talk to him, convince him to head out of town, to run like a mad bastard, and keep running until he was hundreds or thousands of miles away.

He felt like crying now.

Because he knew it wasn’t possible. He knew that Jake was just as doomed as he was.

“You’re right about that.”

Trey flinched. He looked up and saw that Jolene had left the kitchen. Myra had moved closer to him while his mind was elsewhere. She stared down at him, her dark eyes cold as ever but also amused. “You can’t warn him. And he won’t escape. He was always meant to be here at harvest time.”


She shook her head ruefully. “You know better, darling. I don’t like to reveal all my secrets at once. Why ease your mind when it’s so much more fun to watch you writhe in torment?”

“You’re evil.”

“Well, fucking duh, Trey.” She laughed and her modest breasts jiggled in a way he would have found thrilling only a short time ago. “As for the rest of it…the seeming lack of a method to my madness…let’s just say that most of it is fun and games.”

Trey shuddered. “Murder. Torture. Fucked-up head games. Those are fun and games?”

She shrugged. “I’m old beyond your ability to comprehend, little worm.” She smiled and stroked his cheek with the back of a soft hand. “I get bored. Even a goddess, an immortal, can get bored. Maybe even especially a goddess. So many years, Trey. Endless. The centuries. Millennia. I have to amuse myself somehow.”

“You’re not a goddess.”

She lifted her chin, tilted her head. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me. This goddess bullshit…it’s just your way of fooling your followers into believing you’re more important than you are.” There was contempt in his tone now. He knew he was pushing it, that he risked invoking her wrath in a big way, but he was powerless to keep this inside. It wouldn’t matter anyway-she would just look inside his head and know what he was thinking. “No, the truth is you’re just some kind of fucking demon. Satan kicked you out of hell or something.”