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“Lionel Kenefick did. Yesterday. He sounded resentful. I didn’t get the impression that he likes Brandon very much.”

“Probably not,” Derek admitted. “I can’t imagine they have much in common, can you?”

“Probably not. Look, he’s going around back.” I pointed to the house, where Wayne must have convinced Phoebe Thomas to let him take a look around the outside of the property. She went back inside while he made for the yard.

“Shall we?” Derek said, reaching for the door handle.

“Will he let us?”

“We’ll find out.” He exited the truck and came around to open my door for me. Hand in his, I trailed behind him through the yard and around the corner of the house.

Up close, I could see just how badly in need of repair it was. Not as bad as Aunt Inga’s house had been when I inherited it-my aunt had neglected it for twenty years or more-but bad enough that unless someone paid it some attention soon, the damage would be irreversible. The paint was peeling away from rotting boards, the windows were in desperate need of glazing, and there were cracks in the foundation.

We found Wayne in a small building on the back of the property. Once upon a time it had presumably been a garage, with a rutted track leading up to it, but over the past few years, someone had converted it into a gym, with mats on the concrete floor and a punching bag hanging from the rafters next to a stout climbing rope. A weight bench stood in one corner, and one of those chin-up bars was lying discarded on the floor next to the door.

“Must be Brandon ’s personal gym,” Derek muttered. I nodded.

Wayne scowled. “What are you two doing here? I don’t recall asking you to come along as backup.”

“We’re curious,” I said. “Holly was buried in our crawlspace. We feel a proprietary interest.”

“Sure you do. Fine, since you’re here you can witness that I didn’t bring anything with me into this place and that there’s nothing up my sleeve.”

“I’ll witness that,” I said. “So what are we looking for?”

Wayne looked around. “A bag.”

“What kind of bag?”

“One that’s big enough to hold a few changes of clothes and whatever else an eighteen-year-old girl might have decided to take with her to Hollywood. Or whatever someone thought she’d have wanted to take to make it look like she was going there.”

“Her mother gave you a list, right?”

He nodded. “What she could remember, now. I don’t know how accurate it is.”

“What did the tip say?” Derek asked. He was poking around over in the corner, behind the weight-lifting bench.

Wayne turned toward him. “Just that I should look for Holly White’s stuff on Brandon Thomas’s property. That they were dating before she disappeared. Phoebe won’t let me search the house unless Brandon is here, but she told me to look around out here as much as I wanted while I wait for him to come back.”

“I guess she’s not worried that you’ll find anything, then.”

I’m not worried that I’ll find anything,” Wayne said. “But I have to look. It would look bad if I didn’t.”

I nodded. Bad enough that Brandon and Holly had dated in the first place, now that she was dead, but if word got out that Wayne had received an anonymous tip that Brandon was involved, and he’d ignored it, the manure would hit the fan for sure. “But you don’t really think he was involved, right? Even though he and Holly dated?”

“I’d be very surprised,” Wayne said. “I’ve worked with the boy for two years. He’s not a killer.”

I hesitated, but in the end I felt I had to speak. “Is he the type to try to hide a crime, though? If it was an accident, and he was afraid he’d go to jail? His father just left, and his mother would be all alone, with no one to take care of her… Is it possible that he’d panic and bury Holly’s body and try to get away with it?”

Wayne didn’t answer for a moment. “Much as I’d like to say I know he wouldn’t,” he said eventually, “I’m not sure. It was four years ago. He was eighteen, just a kid; there’s no telling what he might have done in a moment of panic. Let’s just say that I’m hoping real hard the call was just a prank and there’s nothing here for us to find.”

I nodded. I could get behind that.

“Sorry to burst your bubble,” Derek said from over in his corner, “but I think I found something.”

Wayne stiffened, like a pointer scenting game. “Don’t touch it!”

“Do I look stupid to you?” Derek stepped aside as Wayne came closer. “There, in the corner. Under the bottom shelf. I don’t think Brandon would own a hot pink backpack, do you?”

“I wouldn’t think so,” Wayne agreed. He pulled out a small digital camera and snapped a couple of shots of the bag in situ before tucking the camera back into his pocket and fishing out a pair of surgical gloves instead.

Five minutes later the bag was in the middle of the floor, emptied of all contents. Surrounding it were those of Holly’s possessions the girl had wanted to take to California with her. Or those whoever packed the bag had thought it would make sense for her to take to make it look like she’d left town of her own free will. Two pairs of jeans, a half dozen T-shirts, socks, bras, and panties, a makeup bag, a small jewelry box, and a pair of black patent-leather shoes with four-inch heels sat in neat piles on the floor. A clingy, black dress that looked like it might have covered the essentials but very little else was draped over the weight bench next to the sequined, green gown from the prom photos. A little black book full of phone numbers and addresses lay in Wayne ’s gloved hands. A quick look revealed that Brandon ’s name and number was present, with a little heart next to it, no less.

“That’s to be expected, though,” I said. “They were dating.”

“Sure.” Wayne kept flipping through the book, back to front. “Here’s Denise Robertson. She was Denise Kurtz back then. And Lionel Kenefick, with no heart next to his name.”

“I’m not surprised,” I said. “They knew each other, but they weren’t involved.”

Wayne nodded. “I’ll have to go through this in more detail down at the station. Eventually, I guess I might have to interview everyone whose name is in this book.”

“That sounds like it ought to be fun,” Derek commented. He was standing next to me with his arm around my shoulders, watching Wayne go through the contents of the backpack. “How was she going to get to California? Hitchhike?”

“Let’s hope not. Or maybe that’s what killed her. She tried to hitch a ride with the wrong person.” Wayne looked around, vaguely. “You’re right, though. There ought to be a wallet here, with money and identification. She’d have to prove she was eighteen to get a job once she got settled, and surely she would have made sure she had some cash.”

“She worked at the Shamrock,” a voice said. Looking up, we saw Brandon standing in the doorway. His face was pale but composed. “She had just started. On her eighteenth birthday. She knew it was the only way to make enough money fast enough to be ready to leave by graduation.”

Wayne straightened, the empty pink bag in his hand. “You recognize this, I take it?”

“Sure.” Brandon nodded. “It’s Holly’s. Her book bag. I saw it every day in school.”

“Can you explain how it got here?”

Brandon shook his head. “Would you mind explaining how you got here?”

The stupid answer would be “by car,” but Wayne didn’t go for the cheap out. “Anonymous tip. Your mother said I should feel free to look around while I waited.” He shifted his weight slightly. “You made good time to Bar Harbor and back.” There was just a hint of… was it suspicion, in his voice?

“Mr. Rudolph wasn’t the chatty type. And I didn’t think you were paying me to go sightseeing.”

Brandon came a few steps into the room, and they faced each other across the neat stacks of items that had been Holly’s. Tension crackled in the air. I looked from one to the other of them. As far as I could tell, they were both behaving like idiots, although I didn’t suppose it was my place to say anything about it. “Did you hear about Ricky Swanson?” I asked instead, in an effort to calm the waters and give everyone something else to think about. Brandon turned to me.