Melanie burst into tears and made her stumbling way to the door. Мелани разразилась слезами и, спотыкаясь, пошла к двери.
Можно было бы сказать:… stumblingly made her way to the door, что вполне соответствует нормам английского языка, однако наличие дополнения, выраженного существительным, позволяет употребить здесь столь любимое англичанами препозитивное определение. Вот еще примеры:
The other detectives followed him at a reluctant trot. Остальные сыщики неохотно следовали за ним рысцой.
Isabel shrugged an indifferent shoulder. Изабел равнодушно пожала плечами.
Применение перенесенного эпитета стало уже привычным для английского языка и не воспринимается как особое стилистическое средство.
Мы наблюдаем такой перенос значения не только в определениях, но и в некоторых обстоятельствах образа действия. Например:
Passengers with connections to make, or appointments, were angrily impatient. Пассажиры, которым предстояли телефонные разговоры или деловые встречи, сердились и проявляли нетерпение. Then her thoughts went sadly back to Ashley. Потом она снова с грустью подумала об Эшли. Не bit hugely into the apple. Он откусил здоровый кусок яблока.
Lyle Dumaire uncomfortably avoided Peter’s eyes. Лайл Дюмер чувствовал себя неловко и избегал встречаться взглядом с Питером.
Наконец, в заключение нам хотелось бы отметить случай несколько необычной позиции обстоятельства – вклинивание его между инфинитивом и показателем инфинитива to. Это делается с целью не отрывать глагол от дополнения, следующего за ним, или не относить обстоятельство слишком далеко от этого глагола, в конец предложения. Мы говорим о так называемом «расщепленном инфинитиве» split infinitive). Вот несколько примеров:
Не did it in such a way that it was unthinkable to even mention paying him. Сделал он это таким образом, что немыслимо было и заикнуться о том, чтобы заплатить ему.
Mr Calvert was standing close by the side of his Yankee wife, who even after fifteen years in Georgia never seemed to quite belong anywhere. М-р Кэлверт стоял рядом с женой, уроженкой Севера, которая, хотя и прожила в Джорджии целых пятнадцать лет, казалось, так и не прижилась окончательно нигде. Go to Mrs Elsing, and explain everything very carefully and tell her to please come up here. Иди к миссис Элсинг, объясни ей все хорошенько и попроси ее, ради бога, прийти сюда.
I don’t want to ever see you again. [8] Я не желаю вас больше видеть.
УпражненияI. Преобразуйте данные предложения в соответствии о моделью: поставьте обстоятельство места в начало предложения и используйте инверсию.
There was a bed on the verandah at the side, on either side of the «visitors» door. On the verandah at the side, on either side of the «visitors» door was a bed.
1. There was a long high jetty at the south end of the shallow bay. 2. There was a sort of marsh beyond the sands. 3. Then there came his voice from the distance. 4. There was a blue-water lake in the rear of the picture. 5. There was his recurring concern for Keith in Mel’s mind. 6. There was a vague disquiet at the back of her mind. 7. There went her own little path just down the low cliff. 8. There flowed the best blood in Chicago in her veins. 9. There came a rather short man in a black business suit behind him. 10. There were the governess’s poor little toilet things, brushes and a silver mirror on the dressing-table. 11. There stood a shabby black trunk in a corner. 12. There were large steel engravings of the battles of Napoleon on the walls, and there hung from the ceiling an enormous chandelier once used for gas, but now fitted with electric bulbs.
II. Укажите, в каких из нижеследующих предложений предложные дополнения функционируют как обстоятельства или определения. Переведите все предложения на русский язык.
1. There was a breathlessness to her voice. 2. What did she want with me? 3. The dining-room was a fitting frame to her fragile beauty. 4. There was a long silence before Bateman spoke again and with each of them it was filled with many thoughts. 5. Supporting this view were predictions that the Duke of Croydon might soon be named British Ambassador to Washington. 6. The touch of the pillow to her face was cool. (или другим детерминативом): the theft much vaunted group группа, столь превозносимая в то время, the more than 40 years’ experience of cooperation более чем сорокалетний опыт сотрудничества и т. п. 7. This is a tap for cold water. 8. Beside the fireplace old Doctor Winter sat, bearded and simple, historian and physician to the town. 9. Madame inspected the table for dust with her finger. 10. I’ve heard a few specific law decisions mentioned tonight. If you wish, I’ll tell you another side to them. 11. Awareness of the crisis with Trans American Flight Two came to Keith gradually. 12. The boy watched the fort for soldiers. 13. She came from Leicester where she had been a reporter on a local newspaper. 14. There’s another aspect to the matter. 15. Three British officers serving with the Sultan of Oman’s armed forces were killed on Sunday when their helicopter was shot down by Dhofar Liberation guerillas. 16. I’m a cop, and there’s only one side to the law for me. 17. I recognised her for a lobster boat, bringing a catch from Sardinia.
III. А. Переведите следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на различное место обстоятельств образа действия в предложении.
1. The room was empty and, unusually, moisture dimmed his eyes. 2. Momentarily, Tanya lost her poise. 3. He was uncomfortably aware of a nervous constriction in his throat. 4. Oddly, Leesburg was distant from any airport. 5. She was characteristically frank. 6. «No!» Viciously, Warren Trent stubbed out his cigar. 7. Surreptitiously, Peter Coakley yawned. 8. Patsy Smith nodded miserably. 9. Happily he added the cash to his own wallet. 10. As I fully expected he had refused. 11. Typically, the four young men who comprised the TV crew had taken over as if the entire event had been arranged for their convenience. 12. Tragically, however, the instruction had resulted in at least one aircraft breaking apart. 13. Usually, controllers worked in shirtsleeves. 14, Mentally, Mel Bakersfeld filtered out most of the exchange, though he was aware that what had been said about conditions away from the terminal was true. 15. Earlier she had despatched her maid on an invented errand and, cruelly, instructed the moon-faced male secretary – who was terrified of dogs – to exercise the Bedlington terriers. 16. Normally, the immediate sense of pressure on entering the control area made it customary to give a hurried nod or a brief «Hi!» – sometimes not even that. 17. Superficially, little had changed since a few moments ago. Yet, subtly, the relaxed mood prevailing earlier had vanished. 18. Hesitantly, Mrs Quonsett released her seat belt. 19. More conventionally, Anson Harris added a «Good evening». 20. Briefly, the policeman seemed ready to vent his anger, then decided otherwise. 21. She appeared actively to dislike him. 22. The food, surprisingly, was French. 23. How soon, he began to wonder, could he decently go back to London? 24. He was haunted by the image, the snapshot vision, which he had received in the cemetery, of Emma and the girl, black rainswept figures, clinging grotesquely together. 25. Emma still, magnetically, existed. 26. They were often thus happily silent together. 27. Wisely, Ross didn’t answer.