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feeble lamps and threw it back in the gaze of any fortunate

onlookers. The silk itself had been arranged in tiny abstract

geometric forms that fit together as neatly as the pieces of a

silver puzzle.

A vast black globe slid over the side of the silken bower.

On a thin thread it fell slowly toward the chamber floor, like a

huge drop of petroleum. It was not as large as the massive

tarantulas guarding the entryway, but it was far bulkier than

Ananthos and most of the other arachnid inhabitants of

Gossameringue. The bulbous abdomen was nearly three feet

across. Save for a brilliant and all too familiar orange-red

hourglass splashed across the underside of the abdomen, the

body appeared to be encased in black steel.

Multiple black eyes studied the visitors expressionlessly.

The spinnerets daintily snipped the abdomen free from the

trailing silk cable. Settling down on tiptoe, the eight legs

folded neatly beneath the body. Then the enormous black

widow was resting comfortably on a sprawling red cushion,

preening one fang with a leg tip.

"i am the grand webmistress OU," the polite horror

informed them. "you must excuse the impoliteness of cleaning

my mouth, but my husband was in for breakfast and we have

only just now finished."

Jon-Tom knew something of the habits of black widows.

He eyed the jeweled boudoir above and shuddered.

Clothahump, unfazed by the Grand Webmistress' appear-

ance, stepped briskly to the fore. Once again he laid out the

reason for their extraordinary journey. He detailed their expe-

riences on the Swordsward, in the Earth's Throat, related the

magical crossing of Helldrink. Even in his dry, mechanical

voice the retelling was impressive.

The Grand Webmistress Oil listened intently, occasionally

permitting herself a whispered expression of awe or apprecia-



tion. Clothahump rambled on, telling of the peculiar new evil

raised by the Plated Folk and their imminent invasion of the


Finally he finished the tale. It was silent in the chamber for

several minutes.

011's first reaction was not expected, "you! come a little

nearer." She finally had to raise a leg and point, since it was

impossible to tell exactly where those lidless black eyes were


She pointed at Jon-Tom.

His hesitation was understandable. After the initial shock

of their appearance, he'd been able to overcome his instinc-

tive reactions to the spiders. He'd done so to a point where

he'd grown fond of Ananthos and his companions, to a point

where he could allow curious spideriings to clamber over his

body. Even the three antisocial types they'd encountered in

the cells below had seemed more abhorrent for their viciousness

than their shape.

But the dark, swollen body before him was representative

of a kind he'd been taught to fear since childhood. It brought

to the surface fears that laughed at logic and reason.

A hand was nudging him from behind. He looked down,

saw Clothahump staring anxiously at him.

"come, come, fellow," said the Webmistress. "i've just

eaten." A feathery, thick laugh, "you look as though you'd

be all bone, anyway."

Jon-Tom moved closer. He tried to see the Webmistress in

a matronly cast. Still, he couldn't keep his gaze entirely away

from the dark fangs barely hidden in their sheaths. Just a

graze from one would kill him instantly, even if the widow's

venom had been somewhat diluted by her increased size.

A black leg, different from any he'd yet encountered in

Gossameringue, touched his shouMtBr. It traveled down his


Alan Dean Foster

arm, then his side. He could feel it through his shirt and


Close now, he was able to note the delicate and nearly

transparent white silks that encompassed much of the shining

black body. They had been embroidered with miniature scenes

of Gossameringue life. Attire impressive and yet sober enough

for a queen, he thought.

"what is your name, fellow?"

"Jon-Tom. At least, that's what my friends call me."

"i will not trouble you with my entire name," was the

reply, "it would take a long time and you would not remem-

ber it anyhow, you may call me Oil." The head shifted past

him. "so may you all. as you are not citizens of the

scuttleteau, you need show no special deference to me."

Again the clawed, shiny leg moved down his front. He did

not flinch, "do you also support the claims and statements of

the small hard-shelled one?" Another leg gestured at


"I do."

"well, then." She rested quietly for a moment. Then she

glanced up once more at Jon-Tom. "why should we care

what happens to the peoples of the warmlands?"

"You have to," Clothahump began importantly, "because

it is evident that if—"

"be silent." She waved a leg imperiously at the wizard, "i

did not ask you."

Clothahump obediently shut up. Not because he was afraid

of me large, poisonous body but because pragmatism is a

virtue all true wizards share.

"now, you may answer," she said more softly to Jon-Tom.

History, he told himself, trying not to stare at those fangs

so near. Try to see in this massive, deadly form the same

grace and courtesy you've observed in the other arachnids



you've met. To answer the question, remember your history.

Because if you don't...

"It's quite easily explained. Are not you and the Plated

Folk ancient enemies?"

"we bear no love for the inhabitants of me greendowns,

nor they for us," was the ready reply.

"Isrft it clear, then? If they are successful in conquering all

of the warmlands, what's to prevent mem from coming for

you next?"

There was dark humor lacing the reply, "if they do there

will be such a mass feasting as gossameringue has never


Jon-Tom thought back to something Clothahump had told

him. "Oil, in thousands of years and many, many attempts

the Plated Folk have failed even to get past the Jo-Troom

Gate, which blocks the Pass leading from the Greendowns to

me warmlands."

"that is a name and place i have heard of, though no

weaver hasever been there."

"Despite this, Clothahump, who is the greatest of wizards

and whose opinion I believe in all such things, insists this

new magic me Plated Folk have obtained control of may

enable them to finally overthrow the peoples of the warmlands.

After hundreds of previous failures.

"If they can do that after thousands of years of failure,

why should they not do so to you as well? A thousand swords

can't fight a single magic."

"we have our own wizards to defend us," Oil replied, but

she was clearly troubled by Jon-Tom's words. She looked

past him. "how do i know you are all the wizard this fellow

says you are?"

Clothahump looked distressed. "Oh ye gods of blindness

that cloud the vision of disbelieving mortals, not another



Alan Dean Foster

"it will be painless." She turned and called to the shad-

ows. "ogalugh!"

A frail longlegs came tottering out from behind a high pile

of cushions. Jon-Tom wondered if he'd been listening back

there all along or if he'd just recently arrived. He barely had

the strength to carry the thin silks that enveloped his upper

body and ran in spirals down his legs.

He looked at Clothahump. "what is the highest level of the



"by what force may one fly through the airs atop a