in the same light or he won't send me home someday."
"Then we'll get along fine, Jon-Tome... Tom," said
Wupp happily, "because we're damn sure serious
about not stayin' sober."
Paws reached forward and lifted the protesting
spellsinger, carried him down into the boat. Hands
bent to oars, and after some initial confusion, the
boat began to slide out onto the Lake of Sorrowful
Pearls. Drortch launched into a spirited if slightly
sloppy rendition of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat!" The
melody was quickly taken up by her companions and
312 Alan Dean Foster
the boat was soon producing enough noise to attract I
every water-going predator between Quasequa and i
the river Tailaroam. E
jon-Tom lay in the bottom of the boat and won-
dered if maybe Markus the Ineluctable hadn't been
the lucky one.