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"I think he's hung up on Trish."

Dooley shrugged. "That's his problem."

She took a deep breath that disturbed her breasts and let it out slowly. There was a note of deep concern in her voice as she said quietly, "It could turn out to be ours, Joe."

"You worry too much," Dooley growled as they reached Axehandle Creek. He scooped her into his arms and carried her across the icy, noisy creek. He deposited her on the opposite bank and gave her a resounding whack across the buttocks. "That cat he's playing house with might scratch him a little, but she won't claw his heart out. She couldn't."

"Why not?"

"Bruce hasn't got a heart."

Elke threw back her head and laughed. "You prick. I might have known you'd say something like that to get me out of my funk."

"It worked, didn't it."

"Get fucked."

"I intend to. As soon as we reach the cabin." Elke slipped an arm through his. "I'm with you."

They reached the log cabin and went inside. A shiver rippled through Elke as she waited for Dooley to find and light the fat candle he kept concealed during the day. Her mind was on the nearby outhouse. Her father had died in front of it. Dooley had watched him die from his place of concealment in the shadows of this lousy cabin, and later he had watched Gabe Penner dispose of the body by dropping it down the well.

"Stop thinking about it," Dooley said, cutting into her thoughts. He scratched a match against wood and lit the candle. His voice licked at her. "Your father hated wakes."

Elke smiled sadly. "I know. It isn't his death that bugs me. It's his being in that damn well."

Dooley carried the candle over to the rickety table and jammed it in the neck of an empty liquor bottle before he said, "He isn't in there anymore, cupcake. I took him out last night. He's sleeping nice and dry at the other end of this valley."

Elke brightened immediately. "That makes me feel better."

"Good. Now how about making me feel the same?"

Elke took a deep breath that stirred her breasts. Her voice turned teasing. "Maybe we shouldn't, Joe. It's getting late. Suppose Trish and Gabe reach the ranch before I do and find my bed empty?"

"Fuck those two," Dooley growled as he reached for her. "Come here."

Elke backed away, shook her head. "I'm not coming near that stiff dick of yours until I get undressed."

"Do your thing, cupcake. Start by skinning out of those tight jeans, or I'll-"

"Spank my ass?" she finished for him. "I wish you would. I haven't had my panties dusted in ages."

"You'll get your wish… as soon as you shuck those damn jeans. Do it."

Elke felt her vagina growing wet with lust as she responded to his command. She loosened the hip zipper on her sand-colored jeans and watched Dooley's homely face as she forced them down over her slender hips and exposed her white bikini panties. A pleased smile curved her lips. Her boy was beginning to break out in a sweat.


Joe Dooley was hot.

Elke paused with the jeans down around her knees and lowered her shapely haunches into the antiquated deal chair. She pulled off her walking boots, her socks, then stood up again and knifed forward. She dropped her jeans all the way and tugged them free of her naked feet, then straightened once more to show him the webbing of her panties.

She asked throatily, "Ready to spank me, lover?"

Dooley licked his lips, shook his head. "Not yet. Show me your bra first."

Elke removed her sweater. Seconds later she stood before him in the flickering candlelight, clad only in bra, panties and the silver wagon wheel earrings Dooley had given her as last year's Christmas present. She tossed the sweater aside and waited for him to make his move.

He opened his arms and said, "Come here, cupcake."

She obeyed.

Dooley's cock was exposed, and as Elke insinuated the length of her body against his, she felt the throbbing of it against the crotch of her panties. She shivered with anticipation. Her eyes were closed, her ripe red lips slightly parted to aid the raggedness of her breathing and to receive his tongue inside her mouth. Dooley's tongue was akin to a prick, and with his cock pressing against the melting lips of her covered pussy, it was the same as being worked over at both ends by two different men.

Elke jerked her mouth away from his and said breathlessly, "I'm ready, lover boy; do your stuff!"

Dooley wasn't ready. His big hands kneaded her breasts through the half-bra, and Elke felt her sleeping nipples awaken and punch against the scrap of cloth that held them captive. She shuddered and hissed, "Damn you, Joseph, fuck me before I blow my mind!"

She wanted him.

Any way she could get him.

Pussy. Asshole. Suck job. A spanking.

Dooley pressed his mouth to hers again. His tongue darted between her teeth, and the tip of it tickled her tonsils. Night sounds drifted in through the open door of the cabin, but neither heard them. Their kiss was long and deep. Dooley was the first to break away. He stepped back and stared at Elke's lush and vibrant curves. His eyes devoured her for an eternity of heartbeats; then he said raspingly, "Turn your back to me, Elke."

Elke laughed and turned her back to him. She thought he was going to spank her. He wasn't. He stared at her buttocks and felt like a Greek on vacation. Elke had a shapely bottom, the shapeliest he had ever seen. He licked his lips at the thought of seeing her pretty ass naked, her sphincter winking at him like a one-eyed whore who was willing to take his personal check for a trick. Mere sight of her panty-clad biscuits was enough to drive him off his stick. No doubt about it, Elke was one hell of a lot of girl.

"Don't just stand there drooling like a fucking idiot," Elke said almost angrily. "Do something. Do anything!"

Dooley didn't need a second invitation. He trapped her in his arms and found her mouth with his again. His tongue slipped between her moist red lips. Elke pressed the length of her body hard against his and felt his prick pulsating against her vagina. His big hands dropped to the dimpled cheeks of her covered haunches, and he strained her closer. Her hard breasts turned pneumatic against his chest, making him sweat more profusely, and Elke thought, Not spanking tonight. My boy is too worked up to waste his time dusting my panties. He needs a hole to work on, but which one? A mental shrug. Who cares? As long as he wants me in some way. He was hot.

She wanted him hotter and she knew how to do it.

"Wow!" Elke exclaimed as Dooley removed his tongue from inside her mouth. "I felt that French kiss all the way down to my toenails!"

Dooley rubbed his penis harder against her cunt-mound. "Is that all you felt, cupcake?"

Elke's hand dropped between them and touched his cockshaft. She squeezed his turgid flesh and said, "You mean this long and plump rascal I'm holding in my hand? I feel it, Joseph. I'd like to feel it even more. I'd like to feel this beautiful muscle of yours all the way inside of me. I love it, you know that. And the nut at the other end of it… I love him, too. You're a lot of man, darling. My man. You always were, you always will be."

Dooley fondled her breasts, and grinned. "You're just saying that because it's true."

Elke laughed and tightened her fingers around his cock. His flesh felt alive to her touch. She placed a finger on the underside of his knob and found him moist. She pursed her lips and said, "Your whang is crying, Joseph. Better hurry and turn me on before the lonely rascal cries his eye out all over the damn floor." She nodded toward the wall bunk. "There?"

"No. On the floor. There's more room."

"All right, Joseph. Peel me."

Dooley went to work. Elke held his throbbing prick while he unfastened her half-bra with slightly quaking fingers and tumbled her breasts into nakedness. Air rushed against her jutting nipples and made her shudder with delight. Dooley caught one of them between his lips and sucked on it while he hooked his fingers into the elastic waistband of her panties and pushed them down past her already grinding hips. A clock tick later her nipple slipped from between his lips as he followed the panties down to her trim ankles. She lifted one foot, then the other, and momentarily she was naked.