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Stan didn't continually paw at her body like her husband did. She thought that Charlie was some sort of sex fiend, the way he always wanted to screw. Mandy shivered a little, thinking of the long nights she had spent lying awake, next to her husband, worrying about him. He would wake up in the middle of the night and want to fuck then and there.

She liked to sleep; he liked to fuck. They simply couldn't get together on timing.

She loved Charlie, but she was going out of her head with him. Stan was a lot more laid back and sedate. He watched television and didn't bother her.

But it was wrong to fool both men like this. She and Candy had been switching identities on and off since junior high school. It had worked so perfectly for them, then.

Mandy thought that Candy had handed her all of the dates she thought would be dull. Mandy didn't mind that, then. She wasn't as highly sex driven as her twin. But this husband swapping scheme could get out of hand.

The blonde woman began to think that, if things were ideal with her and Stan, how was Candy doing with Charlie? Mandy shuddered harder at that. She guessed that they were in bed right now, fucking like rabbits. At least they were enjoying themselves and not inflicting their lewd, perverted drives on others more normal than they, she guessed.

"How about bed, dear?" asked Stan.

Mandy tensed. Whenever Charlie said that, he really meant: "let's fuck". She tried to calm down.

Her heart was pounding hard, and she knew her tits were rising and falling heavily under the thin robe she wore. That would have been a sure sign for Charlie to come and rape her. But Stan only peered at her, his forehead wrinkling with puzzlement.

"Anything wrong? You look uptight."

"No, nothing, Stan," she said.

Mandy wondered what Candy would have said. Would her sister have made a snappy comeback? She had an acid tongue when she set her mind to it, as she often did. But that wasn't Mandy's style. She wasn't her sister, and never would be like her.

"You've been so quiet. You're not coming down with the flu or anything, are you? You seem so… hesitant. That's not like you. You're usually the go-getter in the family," Stan offered, trying to coax her into talking.

"Oh, that I am," she said, nodding slowly. "It's just that I'm worn out. Would you mind if we didn't get it on? I mean when we get to bed?" She was almost afraid to hear his answer.

"Nope, not at all. I've had a rough day. But that's not like you at all. You can't get enough, usually."

His eyes moved over her trim figure. Mandy worried that he might find some little mole or spot that would instantly betray her. She had no idea where all of her twin's birthmarks were. As kids they compared, but that had been so long ago.

"You're as beautiful as ever, but, you, know what? I think you're even more attractive, now that you're not pushing yourself on me. I like a discreet woman, not the sex-starved bitch type."

"Thanks," she said.

"No, I mean it. I wasn't being sarcastic. I know you like to screw, but I'm usually worn, out from work."

"Let's go to bed," Mandy said, wanting to change the subject before he got off into areas she couldn't possibly know anything about. What did Candy and Stan actually do in bed? Did they have favorite positions.

Mandy was sure she could cope with anything. Charlie had fucked her in just about every physically possible position. Her joints still ached from some of the bizarre things he had done to her while they fucked.

She was positive she could match her sister in that regard.

But Stan didn't make a play for her at all. He kissed her solemnly, then began to undress. No forced attentions, nothing. For an instant Mandy was a bit outraged. She had a great body, and he was ignoring her!

Then she realized this was more in line with the actions of what she thought was a normally sexed man. She had been conditioned to expect a pass at every single opportunity from Charlie. He was insatiable. He would fuck her, go limp and then impatiently watch the clock until he got another hard-on, so he could fuck her again.

Stan simply wanted to go to bed, to sleep. Mandy watched with amazement as the man crawled between the crisp white sheets and rolled onto his side. She didn't understand the conflicts raging inside of her. This was what she wanted, and yet she felt she was missing something by not having hard, probing prick shoved forcefully into her unwilling cunt.

She went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. The hot water gushed down in a fine spray. Shivering with delight as she stood under the water, she began to soap her body.

It was a very good body, she knew. She soaped her tits, cupping them in her hands. The firm, high mounds of titflesh turned a lusty pink under the impact of the hot water. Her nipples were hardening, as if with lust, and she pressed her fingertips into them. She sighed as the surge of delight knifed through her chest. This was soothing, comforting and, at the same time, it aroused her.

She continued to soap her lithe, trim body, allowing the smooth flesh to ripple under her fingers. When she came to her curly-haired crotch, she hesitated. It had never seemed right to her when she played with her cunt. Masturbation was something only sick people did, she thought.

But she did feel good when she did it, she knew.

The water comforted her, and her fingers dipped lower. She began to rub her stiffened fingers across her cunt lips. The pink flaps of pussy flesh were pulsing under the stinging impact of the hot water. She caressed herself until her cunt popped out of its nest.

Taking the tiny nubbin of flesh between her thumb and forefinger, she rolled it around. An electric-like jolt blasted into her body. She involuntarily cried out. Biting her lower lip to prevent further outcries, she began to diddle herself as fast as she could. Her cunt throbbed lustily as she stroked it from the base all the way to the pointy tip. The pleasure she got from this simple motion caused her to cry out again.

"Please, dear God give me strength to stop," she moaned. "Don't let me do this terrible thing to myself!"

But she loved the sensations rippling through her body too much to stop. She felt sinful, but there was no stopping her finger as it stroked the puffy edge of her cunt lips and then pried its way to the mouth of her cunt hole. The middle finger dipped into her pussy.

She came.

Her world exploded and spun wildly around her. She had to reach out and grip the edge of the shower stall. Otherwise she would have fallen down. Her legs had turned rubbery and her insides quivered like a bowl of Jell-O in an earthquake.

The soap skittered around on the floor of the stall as her feet kicked out. She sobbed and stuck her head under the rush of the water. The heat only added to her intense sexual come. She shuddered again and again, then slowly relaxed. The orgasm had struck her harder than any she had ever experienced.

If this was what Candy got from fucking, Mandy could understand her sister's single minded drive to fuck. But this was a fluke. Fucking wasn't like this all the time. It couldn't be. It felt too good.

She reluctantly got out of the shower, feeling as if she were leaving something important behind. Toweling off was a sexual turn-on for her. She had never realized how sensitive her nipples became after a climax. Cupping her tits in her damp hands, she squeezed and played with herself until she got off again. This come wasn't as intense, but it soothed her afterwards. She felt at ease, at peace with the world. It was a great sensation.

She pulled the robe around her naked body and went out to the bedroom. Stan was already asleep. Again, she felt a pang of regret. Making it with him would be so different from fucking with Charlie. She tossed the thin robe aside and crawled into bed.