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S. a. r. l. du Parc d’Activites de Blotzheim and SCI Haselaecker v France [2003] ECHR

S. C. v the United Kingdom [2004] ECHR 263

S. N. v Sweden [2002] ECHR

S. W. v the United Kingdom [1995] ECHR 52

Saccoccia v Austria [2008] ECHR 1734

Sadak and Others v Turkey [2001] ECHR 479

Saïdi v France [1993] ECHR 39

Sakik and Ors v Turkey [1997] ECHR 95

Salabiaku v France [1998] ECHR 19

Salduz v Turkey [2008] ECHR 1542

Salesi v Italy [1993] ECHR 14

Samoila et Cionca v Romania [2008] ECHR

Sander v the United Kingdom [2000] ECHR

Sannino v Italy [2006] ECHR 508

Sara Lind Eggertsdóttir v Iceland [2007] ECHR 553

Saunders v the United Kingdom [1996] ECHR 65

Schenk v Switzerland [1988] ECHR 17

Schlumpf v Switzerland [2009] ECHR 36

Schuler-Zgraggen v Switzerland [1993] ECHR 29

Scopelliti v Italy [1993] ECHR 55

Scoppola v Italy [2009] ECHR 1297

Sejdovic v Italy [2006] ECHR 181

Sekanina v Austria [1993] ECHR 37

Sergey Zolotukhin v Russia [2009] ECHR 252

Serves v France [1997] ECHR 82

Sialkowska v Poland [2007] ECHR 223

Silva Pontes v Portugal [1994] ECHR 12

Silver v the United Kingdom [1983] ECHR 5

Skendzic and Krznaric v Croatia [2011] ECHR 92

Sporrong and Lönnroth v Sweeden [1982] ECHR 5

Sramek v Austria [1984] ECHR 12

Staroszczyk v Poland [2007] ECHR 222

Steel and Morris v the United Kingdom [2005] ECHR 103

Stögmüller v Austria [1969] ECHR 25

Stoimenov v the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia [2007] ECHR 257

Streletz, Kessler and Krenz v Germany [2001] ECHR 230

Stubbings and Others v the United Kingdom [1996] ECHR 44

Sunday Times v the United Kingdom [1979] ECHR 1

Suominen v Finland [2003] ECHR 330

Sutter v Switzerland [1984] ECHR 2


T. v the United Kingdom [1999] ECHR 170

Tatishvili v Russia [2007] ECHR 168

Taxquet v Belgium [2010] ECHR 1806

Teixeira de Castro v Portugal [1998] ECHR 52

Telfner v Austria [2001] ECHR 228

Teltronic-CATV v Poland [2006] ECHR 21

Thompson v the United Kingdom [2004] ECHR 267

Tierce and Others v San Marino [2000] ECHR 385

Tinnelly & Sons Ltd and Others and McElduff and Others v the United Kingdom [1998] ECHR 56

Tolstoy Miloslavsky v the United Kingdom [1995] ECHR 25

Triggiani v Italy [1991] ECHR 20

Trivedi v the United Kingdom [1997] ECHR 202

Tyrer v the United Kingdom [1978] ECHR 2


Unión Alimentaria Sanders S. A. v Spain [1989] ECHR 16

Unterpertinger v Austria [1986] ECHR 15


Van de Hurk v the Netherlands [1994] ECHR 14

Van Droogenbroeck v Belgium [1982] ECHR 3

Van Geyseghem v Belgium [1999] ECHR 5

Van Mechelen and Others v the Netherlands [1997] ECHR 22

Van Orshoven v Belgium [1997] ECHR 33

Varnava and Others v Turkey [2009] ECHR 1313

Vastberga Taxi Aktiebolag and Vulic v Sweden [2002] ECHR 621

Veeber (№ 2) v Estonia [2003] ECHR 37

Vernillo v France [1991] ECHR 23

Vidal v Belgium [1992] ECHR 47

Vilho Eskelinen and Others v Finland [2007] ECHR 314


Wait and Kennedy v Germany [1999] ECHR 13

Weber v Switzerland [1990] ECHR 13

Weissman and Others v Romania_[2006] ECHR

Werner v Austria [1997] ECHR

Wettstein v Switzerland [2000] ECHR 695 Windisch v Austria [1990] ECHR 23


X v France [1992] ECHR 45


Yazar and Others v Turkey [2002] ECHR 408

Yoldaş v Turkey [2010] ECHR 1620


Z and Others v the United Kingdom [2001] ECHR 333

Zaicevs v Latvia [2007] ECHR

Zana v Turkey [1997] ECHR 94

Zand v Austria [1978] European Commission of Human Rights

Ziliberberg v Moldova [2005] ECHR 51

Zimmermann and Steiner v Switzerland [1983] ECHR 9

Организация объединенных наций

UN Human Rights Committee, Concluding Observations: Argentina, UN Doc CCPR/CO/70/ARG (2000)

UN Human Rights Committee, UN Human Rights Committee Concluding Observations: Bosnia and Herzegovina, UN Doc CCPR/C/BIH/CO/1 (2006)

UN Human Rights Committee, Concluding Observations: Canada, UN Doc CCPR/C/CAN/CO/5 (2006)

UN Human Rights Committee, Concluding Observations: Italy, UN Doc CCPR/C/ITA/CO/5 (2006)

UN Human Rights Committee, Concluding Observations: Slovakia, UN Doc CCPR/C/79/Add.79 (1997)

UN Human Rights Committee, Concluding Observations: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland, UN Doc CCPR/CO/73/UK (2001)

UN Human Rights Committee, CCPR General Comment 6 (1982)

UN Human Rights Committee, CCPR General Comment 13 (1984)

UN Human Rights Committee, CCPR General Comment 15 (1986)

UN Human Rights Committee, CCPR General Comment 18 (1989)

UN Human Rights Committee, CCPR General Comment 20 (1992)

UN Human Rights Committee, CCPR General Comment 29 (2001)

UN Human Rights Committee, CCPR General Comment 32 (2007)

Charter of the United Nations

Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, adopted 10 December 1984

Draft Third Optional Protocol to the ICCPR, Aiming at Guaranteeing Under All Circumstances the Right to a Fair Trial and a Remedy, Annex II, Draft Body of Principles on the Right to a Fair Trial and Remedy, Final Report, Commission on Human Rights, Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, 46th Session, E/CN.4/Sub.2/1994/24, June 3, 1994.

International Convention for the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearance, adopted 20 December 2006

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, adopted on 16 December 1966

UN Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary, adopted in 1985 by the UN General Assembly resolutions 40/32 and 40/146

UN Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers, adopted by the Eighth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, Havana, 1990

UN Body of Principles for the Protection of All Persons under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment, adopted by the UN General Assembly on 9 December 1988

UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime UN ECOSOC, Guidelines on Justice in Matters involving Child Victims and Witnesses of Crime, UN Doc E/Res/2005/20 (2005)

UN ECOSOC, Siracusa Principles on the Limitation and Derogation Provisions in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, UN Doc E/CN.4/1985/4, Annex (1985)

UN General Assembly Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women, UN Doc A/RES/48/104 (1993)

UN General Assembly Resolution, Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power, UN Doc GA Res 40/34 (1985)

UN General Assembly, UN Model Strategies and Practical Measures on the Elimination of Violence against Women in the Field of Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, UN Doc. A/52/635 of 12 Dec. 1997

UN Guidelines on the Role of Prosecutors, adopted by the UN Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, Havana, Cuba, 27 August to 7 September 1990

UN Principles on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, annex to the Istanbul Protocol, Manual on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Professional Training Series No. 8/Rev. 1 (2004)