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“What a stroke of luck,” Nic said. “Meeting you here this morning. A happy coincidence.”

I peered at him. “Yeah, right. Does this mean we’ll be having more of these coincidences?”

He scratched the stubble on his chin. “You liked being beat up? I thought you were smarter than that.”

“Yeah, but it was late and—”

“Strength in numbers. Eve, explain it to her while we’re walking.” He stood.

“You can’t walk and talk?” Eve asked him.

“I’d like to stay focused on other…things.”

As we strode over to headquarters, Eve said, “After last night’s attack, the Captain arranged for you to be escorted at all times.”

“All? You know I’m protected in the Councilor’s Hall and at the inn.”

“I meant on the streets. We are to make sure you arrive at your various destinations without incident,” Eve said.

“What about tomorrow? I’m going riding with Finn.”

I shouldn’t have mentioned his name. Nic’s attention snapped to me. “Riding with Finn? What about Kade?”

“Shouldn’t you be focusing on the shadows or something? There might be another attack.” I appealed to Eve, but she wouldn’t help me. “Finn works at Wirral.”

Nic’s scowl eased. “Part of your secret mission?”

“It’s not…” Secret mission sounded so…deceitful. “I’m trying to find information.”

“Uh-uh.” Nic remained unconvinced.

“And you’re romancing it from Finn,” Eve said.

I didn’t like that word choice, either, but couldn’t think of a better replacement. “And it’s not very romantic with escorts. Besides, I’ll have Quartz with me.”

Eve conferred with Nic and they agreed I would be accompanied to the stables, but once I was with Quartz, I wouldn’t need their protection.

My sides still ached and I begged off training.

“Not that you need practice or anything.” Nic remarked. His voice heavy with sarcasm.

In response, I lifted my shirt up and showed him my torso.

Nic whistled. “Wow. Every shade of red and purple. Colorful.”

“Painful,” I corrected. “And one jab to my ribs and I’ll be screaming.”

“So? Don’t let me get past your blocks.”

“I’m not worried about you,” I said.

Eve laughed. “Point for Opal.”

Nic remained silent the rest of the way to the Councilor’s Hall. When I reached my desk, I read through the file on the hotshots who worked in the SMU at Wirral, looking for any bit of oddness. I reviewed the rookie’s…Lamar’s paperwork. The only thing that stood out was the verification for him. The letter took fourteen days to travel to Iolite Prison and fifteen days to return. An extra day. Which could be explained by many reasons—weather, problems with the horse, sickness. Except two letters had been sent at different times, and each one took a day longer to return.

As I read through all thirty-six hotshots’ records again, I noted their performance on the locked-up challenge. Eighteen had managed to escape their cells, but not the prison. Six had successfully started a black market inside the prison, bringing in contraband goods to sell. Ten had built complex weapons from the standard items available to prisoners. Only two had escaped the prison.

Flipping through the paperwork, I found the names of the two. Finn and Lamar. Finn had been very modest when he’d said he managed. Lamar’s file noted he had escaped in three days—the fastest in the history of the prison. Finn had taken seven. Interesting.

When Tama and Zebb entered the reception area, I put the files away. Color had returned to her face and she fired off a list of things she needed me to accomplish for the day. I asked her about taking tomorrow off.

She bit her lip as panic flashed in her eyes. “Come in my office, please,” she said. Then Tama turned to Zebb. “You can maintain my null shield from out here, right?”

He hesitated. “Yes, but—”

“Wonderful. Opal, when we’re done, have another desk brought up here for Zebb.” She entered her office.

I ducked Zebb’s glare as I followed her and closed the door behind me. Tama stood near the window, hugging her arms.

“Magic can’t reach you now,” I said. “You’re safe.”

“I don’t feel protected.” She rubbed her hands along her white silk shirt. “I only feel safe when you’re nearby.”

“But I was here yesterday, and that magician—”

She cut me off. “Yes, I know. I’ve been thinking about the attack all night, trying to deduce a motive for it. Nothing made sense until I remembered the magician’s strong desire to lock you away.”

“I’m not very popular with the guards we fired.” I debated telling her about the attack, but she had enough to worry about without me adding more.

“This was…different. And you saved me. Blocked the magic. How did you do it? You have no powers and you sent for Zebb to build a null shield.”

I had hoped she wouldn’t recall any of the details of my “rescue.” Should I formulate a creative explanation or should I tell her the truth? Tama held herself as if my words could knock her over. She had been lied to, betrayed and ill-used. I would undo all the good progress if she discovered I hadn’t been frank with her. She needed to trust.

“I’m immune to magic. That’s how I was able to block the attack. But I can’t shield you. Remember when I touched your wrist?”


“It didn’t work, so my efforts were a temporary fix until Zebb arrived. If the magician had been prepared for my interference, I wouldn’t have saved you.”

“Why didn’t you tell me this before?”

I sighed and explained my reasons. She sank into her chair as I talked.

“And Zebb knows?”

“He figured it out the first day.”

“Why didn’t he tell me?”

“Because I asked him not to.” Before she could respond, I added, “I wanted to keep the knowledge of my immunity from the Council until I decide what I want to do with it. His primary concern is keeping you safe. Since my immunity wouldn’t harm you, he respected my request.”

“You do plan to tell the Council. Right?”

“Yes. It’s inevitable. Anytime I interact with a magician, he or she will figure it out. I’m just waiting for the Council to…settle down and be a little more receptive to listening to me.”

She laughed. “You’ve been hanging around here too long. That was very diplomatic.” Tama paused for a moment. “At least my instincts are still reliable. When you asked for a day off, I sensed your presence was linked to my feelings of safety.”


“I know, I know.” She waved me off. “Feelings are not logical, Opal. And I’m not going to let my fears stop you from taking a day off. You need it. No offense, but you look terrible.”

“Gee thanks.”

“Why don’t you take today off, as well?”

“I’m fine.” When she didn’t appear convinced, I added, “Your list of tasks won’t take long. I’ll leave early. Okay?”


I turned to go, but she asked me to wait. She scooted her chair closer to her desk and stacked a few papers. “Can you take these to the realty office?” She held out the sheets.

“Sure.” I reached for the papers and hit an invisible wall. My fingers bent back as I tried to pierce it. The barrier felt solid and hard. Not magic. Magic moved like thick syrup, and I could put my hand in and swirl it around.

“Opal, what’s wrong?”

“I think…” I leaned my weight on the invisible barrier. “I think—”

Zebb burst into the room with Tama’s two bodyguards right behind him. “She’s being attacked,” he cried as he rushed over to us.

“Relax, Zebb,” I said. “It’s just me. I got too close”

“Oh.” He dismissed the guards, and waited for my explanation.

When the door closed, I said, “The shield must have reacted to my immunity.” I thought it through and followed the logic. My immunity was created by magic. A null shield blocked magic. I couldn’t reach Tama through the shield. Another interesting quirk to my new status. Another thing to keep quiet.