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‘No, I was there.’ To Godfrey’s ear his master’s voice carried a faint trace of anxiety; only a hint, not enough for anyone to have noticed who didn’t know the Fleming. ‘But I do not like my movements to be tracked in this way. Why do you question people about me?’

‘It is hardly surprising, is it, when a child of rank is murdered?’

‘Do you suppose I had something to do with his death?’

Godfrey allowed himself to relax, taking his hand from his belt and flexing the fingers. His master sounded amused, nothing more.

‘I would hardly think that without very convincing evidence. But I would be very glad to hear what you saw out there that day. I know that Thomas was in the area. Did you see him?’

‘Oh, yes. The fellow rode past us once with that servant of his. He gave us a good day, and stopped to speak to us. After a while he carried on. We didn’t see him again after that.’

‘What did he want to talk about?’

Van Relenghes smiled beguilingly. ‘I am not sure that I should tell you, Sir Baldwin. But lest you think the man is honourable, let me say that he was prepared to take my money in exchange for his promise to persuade his sister-in-law to sell me a portion of the estate. He made this offer to me in front of my servant here.’

Baldwin and Simon exchanged a glance. The bailiff could see that his friend was unsure how to proceed, and said, ‘Did you and he agree on a deal?’

‘Agree?’ Van Relenghes frowned sternly at Simon. ‘God’s blood, no, Bailiff! Would you expect a soldier to try to deprive his comrade’s widow of her livelihood? Of course not. I was disgusted by Thomas’s bad faith and turned him down flat. He rode off in a passion – absolutely furious, he was.’

‘Why should he have thought you would be interested in such a deal, I wonder?’ Baldwin murmured.

‘How can I tell?’ van Relenghes shot back. ‘All I know is that he is hard up for money. He speculated and lost, and now he needs cash badly.’

‘You learned this before coming here?’ Baldwin asked, surprised.

Van Relenghes spoke frankly. ‘I heard of this man while in Exeter, and yes, I checked into his background. I wanted to know whether he was the brother of my old comrade. But I fear that when you ask for information, sometimes you are given more than you wish to hear.’

‘Was there anyone else on the road that day?’

‘We saw that drunken farmer, of course.’

Godfrey smiled. The man had been so obviously the worse for drink that he and his master had laughed uproariously once Edmund had passed them, sitting uncomfortably on his board, his eyes wide and fearful at seeing two such men out in the middle of nowhere. His fear was all too plain, and although he tried to be surreptitious about it, they could see him peering Wearily over his shoulder at them as his cart creaked round the curve in the road. A thought suddenly struck Godfrey.

‘Master, there was the other cart, the one with the fishman coming back from the manor,’ he put in. ‘He passed us a short while before the farmer, going the other way.’

‘That must be the fish-seller Daniel mentioned,’ Simon said.

‘Yes, I’d forgotten him,’ the Fleming said languidly.

‘How did he look?’ Simon pressed.

‘Look?’ asked van Relenghes. ‘What sort of a question is that?’

‘Was he scared? Alarmed? Upset?’

‘I hardly know what some villein might look like while alarmed,’ van Relenghes said dismissively.

‘He was fine, sir,’ Godfrey said. ‘He came past us at a slow walk, whistling happily enough, gave us a good day, and carried on.’

‘You see my reasoning, Baldwin?’ said Simon, facing his friend. ‘If he’d just ridden past – or over! – Herbert’s body, he’d have shown it, wouldn’t he? But he came by and greeted these gentlemen as if nothing had happened. I’d bet Herbert’s body was put in the road after the fishmonger had passed by.’

Baldwin nodded, then: ‘Did you hear anything as he approached, or perhaps after he’d gone past?’

‘Such as?’

Baldwin’s face hardened. ‘A boy screaming, for example.’

Van Relenghes shook his head. ‘I had other matters to consider at the time. The last thing on my mind was whether some fool of a farmer might take it into his head to kill my comrade’s son.’

‘Did you visit him often?’

The Fleming shook his head sadly. ‘I fear not. I would have, but I have only recently come to this country. Until a few weeks ago I was serving in the castle in Bordeaux. Otherwise I would have been here before. Especially if I had known my old friend had so charming a wife!’

His eyes were narrowed with amusement. It was intolerable that a man should make such a comment about a woman who had been bereaved for so short a time. Even a friend and comrade shouldn’t joke of such a thing. It smacked of impropriety.

Baldwin continued as if he hadn’t noticed. ‘You chose to come here to pay your respects after Squire Roger died.’

‘When I heard what had happened, I thought it was only right that I should come and offer what comfort I could to his widow.’

‘Where were you when you heard of his death?’ Simon pressed.

‘In Exeter,’ van Relenghes admitted coolly.

‘Ah, yes – Exeter. A place only a single hard ride from here, by coincidence. And it was by similar good fortune that you were here when the squire’s son was killed.’

Godfrey could see van Relenghes growing edgy. Whether it was irritation at being questioned or nervousness at the line the questions were taking, the master of arms wasn’t sure, and he listened with interest.

‘Where did you fight?’

Van Relenghes waved a hand irritably. He felt as though the bailiff was studying him suspiciously, and tried to force an easiness into his manner. ‘All over. We fought in Wales and Scotland for your King, spent time together in Flanders with-’

‘If you’ll pardon my saying so, you’re a lot younger than the squire.’

‘Only a little. He was almost fifty, and I am over forty’

‘He looked a lot older,’ Simon said, and Godfrey thought he could detect a trace of sadness, as if for a friend who has died too early.

‘He always looked old. He could behave like an old man as well.’

‘In what way?’

Van Relenghes regretted his lapse and swore to himself. For a man discussing a friend who had only just died, it was scornful in the extreme. He quickly tried to change the tone from insult to praise.

‘Oh, he was a stickler for discipline among the men-at-arms, would stop any nonsense with women and other camp-followers, that kind of thing. He was known to be harsh with soldiers who misbehaved or disobeyed his orders – but that’s needed in an army. If your King had had more men like Roger, his armies would have conquered even faster.’

‘Oh, I see,’ Simon said, and Godfrey felt a grudging admiration for his master. He appeared to have lulled the bailiff.

The knight was silent for a while, walking along thoughtfully. ‘You are quite sure you didn’t hear the sound of a boy screaming or anything at all after the cart passed you?’

‘No, there was nothing.’

‘There was a cry, master,’ said Godfrey, unable to withhold his evidence.

‘What was that, Godfrey?’ Baldwin asked.

‘Before the cart came past us, sir. In fact, just after Thomas went off, I heard something upstream.’

‘Whereabouts would this have been, exactly?’

‘At the road there, where we were, is a small bridge, and up the hill I could swear I heard a shout. I don’t know if it was a man, woman or child, but it was quite distinct to me.’

‘You didn’t hear this?’ Baldwin demanded of the Fleming.

Van Relenghes shook his head with mystification. ‘If I had heard it I would have told you,’ he said simply.