Special thanks to Kate Cary
Title Page
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Exclusive Manga Adventure
Excerpt from Bravelands #1: Broken Pride
About the Author
Books by Erin Hunter
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About the Publisher
AllegiancesTHUNDERCLANLEADERBRAMBLESTAR—dark brown tabby tom with amber eyesDEPUTYSQUIRRELFLIGHT—dark ginger she-cat with green eyes and one white pawMEDICINE CATSLEAFPOOL—light brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes, white paws and chestJAYFEATHER—gray tabby tom with blind blue eyesALDERHEART—dark ginger tom with amber eyesWARRIORS(toms and she-cats without kits)THORNCLAW—golden-brown tabby tomWHITEWING—white she-cat with green eyesBIRCHFALL—light brown tabby tomBERRYNOSE—cream-colored tom with a stump for a tailMOUSEWHISKER—gray-and-white tomPOPPYFROST—pale tortoiseshell-and-white she-catLIONBLAZE—golden tabby tom with amber eyesROSEPETAL—dark cream she-catAPPRENTICE, BRISTLEPAW (pale gray she-cat)LILYHEART—small, dark tabby she-cat with white patches and blue eyesBUMBLESTRIPE—very pale gray tom with black stripesCHERRYFALL—ginger she-catMOLEWHISKER—brown-and-cream tomCINDERHEART—gray tabby she-catBLOSSOMFALL—tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat with petal-shaped white patchesIVYPOOL—silver-and-white tabby she-cat with dark blue eyesSTEMLEAF—white-and-orange tomEAGLEWING—ginger she-catDEWNOSE—gray-and-white tomAPPRENTICE, THRIFTPAW (dark gray she-cat)STORMCLOUD—gray tabby tomHOLLYTUFT—black she-catAPPRENTICE, FLIPPAW (tabby tom)FERNSONG—yellow tabby tomLEAFSHADE—tortoiseshell she-catSPOTFUR—spotted tabby she-catLARKSONG—black tomHONEYFUR—white she-cat with yellow splotchesSPARKPELT—orange tabby she-catTWIGBRANCH—gray she-cat with green eyesFINLEAP—brown tomSNAPPTOOTH—golden tabby tomFLYWHISKER—striped gray tabby she-catSHELLFUR—tortoiseshell tomPLUMSTONE—black-and-ginger she-catQUEENS(she-cats expecting or nursing kits)DAISY—cream long-furred cat from the horseplaceSORRELSTRIPE—dark brown she-cat (mother to Baykit, a golden tabby kit with white splotches and Myrtlekit, a pale brown she-kit)ELDERS(former warriors and queens, now retired)GRAYSTRIPE—long-haired gray tomMILLIE—striped silver tabby she-cat with blue eyesBRACKENFUR—golden-brown tabby tomCLOUDTAIL—long-haired white tom with blue eyesBRIGHTHEART—white she-cat with ginger patchesSHADOWCLANLEADERTIGERSTAR—dark brown tabby tomDEPUTYCLOVERFOOT—gray tabby she-catMEDICINE CATPUDDLESHINE—brown tom with white splotchesAPPRENTICE, SHADOWPAW (gray tabby tom)WARRIORSTAWNYPELT—tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyesDOVEWING—pale gray she-cat with green eyesSTRIKESTONE—brown tabby tomSTONEWING—white tomAPPRENTICE, LIGHTPAW (brown tabby she-cat)SCORCHFUR—dark gray tom with slashed earsAPPRENTICE, FLAXPAW (brown tabby tom)SPARROWTAIL—large brown tabby tomSNOWBIRD—pure white she-cat with green eyesAPPRENTICE, POUNCEPAW (gray she-cat)YARROWLEAF—ginger she-cat with yellow eyesAPPRENTICE, SPIREPAW (black-and-white tom)BERRYHEART—black-and-white she-catGRASSHEART—pale brown tabby she-catAPPRENTICE, HOLLOWPAW (black tom)WHORLPELT—gray-and-white tomAPPRENTICE, HOPPAW (calico she-cat)ANTFUR—tom with a brown-and-black splotched peltBLAZEFIRE—white-and-ginger tomCINNAMONTAIL—brown tabby she-cat with white pawsFLOWERSTEM—silver she-catSNAKETOOTH—honey-colored tabby she-catAPPRENTICE, SUNPAW (brown-and-white tabby she-cat)SLATEFUR—sleek gray tomCONEFOOT—white-and-gray tomFRONDWHISKER—gray tabby she-catGULLSWOOP—white she-catELDERSOAKFUR—small brown tomRATSCAR—scarred, skinny dark brown tomSKYCLANLEADERLEAFSTAR—brown-and-cream tabby she-cat with amber eyesDEPUTYHAWKWING—dark gray tom with yellow eyesMEDICINE CATSFRECKLEWISH—mottled light brown tabby she-cat with spotted legsFIDGETFLAKE—black-and-white tomMEDIATORTREE—yellow tom with amber eyesWARRIORSSPARROWPELT—dark brown tabby tomMACGYVER—black-and-white tomDEWSPRING—sturdy gray tomPLUMWILLOW—dark gray she-catSAGENOSE—pale gray tomHARRYBROOK—gray tomBLOSSOMHEART—ginger-and-white she-catSANDYNOSE—stocky light brown tom with ginger legsRABBITLEAP—brown tomMINTFUR—gray tabby she-cat with blue eyesNETTLESPLASH—pale brown tomTINYCLOUD—small white she-catBELLALEAF—pale orange she-cat with green eyesPALESKY—black-and-white she-catNECTARSONG—brown she-catQUAILFEATHER—white tom with crow-black earsPIGEONFOOT—gray-and-white she-catFRINGEWHISKER—white she-cat with brown splotchesGRAVELNOSE—tan tomSUNNYPELT—ginger she-catQUEENSREEDCLAW—small pale tabby she-cat (mother to Kitekit, a reddish-brown tom, and Turtlekit, a tortoiseshell she-kit)VIOLETSHINE—black-and-white she-cat with yellow eyes (mother to Rootkit, a yellow tom, and Needlekit, a black-and-white she-kit)ELDERSFALLOWFERN—pale brown she-cat who has lost her hearingWINDCLANLEADERHARESTAR—brown-and-white tomDEPUTYCROWFEATHER—dark gray tomMEDICINE CATKESTRELFLIGHT—mottled gray tom with white splotches like kestrel feathersWARRIORSNIGHTCLOUD—black she-catBRINDLEWING—mottled brown she-catGORSETAIL—very pale gray-and-white she-cat with blue eyesLEAFTAIL—dark tabby tom with amber eyesEMBERFOOT—gray tom with two dark pawsSMOKEHAZE—gray she-catBREEZEPELT—black tom with amber eyesCROUCHFOOT—ginger tomLARKWING—pale brown tabby she-catSEDGEWHISKER—light brown tabby she-catSLIGHTFOOT—black tom with white flash on his chestOATCLAW—pale brown tabby tomHOOTWHISKER—dark gray tomHEATHERTAIL—light brown tabby she-cat with blue eyesFERNSTRIPE—gray tabby she-catQUEENSFEATHERPELT—gray tabby she-catELDERSWHISKERNOSE—light brown tomRIVERCLANLEADERMISTYSTAR—gray she-cat with blue eyesDEPUTYREEDWHISKER—black tomMEDICINE CATSMOTHWING—dappled golden she-catWILLOWSHINE—gray tabby she-catWARRIORSDUSKFUR—brown tabby she-catMINNOWTAIL—dark gray-and-white she-catMALLOWNOSE—light brown tabby tomCURLFEATHER—pale brown she-catPODLIGHT—gray-and-white tomSHIMMERPELT—silver she-catLIZARDTAIL—light brown tomHAVENPELT—black-and-white she-catSNEEZECLOUD—gray-and-white tomBRACKENPELT—tortoiseshell she-catJAYCLAW—gray tomOWLNOSE—brown tabby tomICEWING—white she-cat with blue eyesNIGHTSKY—dark gray she-cat with blue eyesSOFTPELT—gray she-catDAPPLETUFT—gray-and-white tomBREEZEHEART—brown-and-white she-catHARELIGHT—white tomGORSECLAW—white tom with gray earsELDERSMOSSPELT—tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat