Squirrelpaw tasted the air. A soft breeze was spiraling into the sandy ravine, thick with the scent of moss and prey. Her paws pricked with excitement. She was about to explore her Clan’s territory, something she’d only smelled until now, for the first time. Hurry up, Dustpelt. On the other side of the clearing, her new mentor lingered beside Firestar while Cinderpelt and Sandstorm chatted next to them. She blinked at Leafpaw. “Couldn’t they have done their talking before the ceremony?” she mewed. “I want to explore the forest.”
“Me too!” Leafpaw’s fur was fluffed with excitement. “Cinderpelt promised to show me where coltsfoot and burdock grow. I’m going to make my first poultice this afternoon.” Her amber eyes sparkled. “Wasn’t the ceremony great? Everyone was looking at us like we were real warriors already and not kits anymore.”
“We’re not kits anymore!” Squirrelpaw remembered with a shiver of pleasure how Firestar had said her apprentice name for the first time. He’d looked so proud. She began to pace in front of Leafpaw, unable to keep still. “And we’ll be a real warrior and a real medicine cat soon. I hope I don’t have to train for too long. I want to be a warrior by leaf-bare. Then I can lead patrols.” Her thoughts were racing. “I wonder what my warrior name will be!”
“Slow down! You only just got your apprentice name.” Leafpool nudged her with her muzzle.
“But everyone gets to be a ’paw. I want a name that’s all my own.”
“I can call you Squirrelface if you like,” Leafpaw purred.
“Very funny.” Squirrelpaw glanced at her sister. “Do you think Firestar will name me Squirreltail? I hope not. I’d rather be called Squirrelflame or Squirreldash.” Her thoughts sped ahead. “But I won’t care what my warrior name is as long as I can be Squirrelstar someday.” She stopped and looked earnestly at Leafpaw. “Do you think I’ll be leader one day?”
Leafpaw whisked her tail. “Of course!”
Squirrelpaw felt a rush of pleasure. “I’ll be leader and I’ll have kits and they’ll rule the whole forest.”
Leafpaw nodded eagerly. “And I’ll be the best medicine cat and I’ll share prophecies with StarClan every day, and together we will be the most powerful cats who ever lived.”
Squirrelpaw paused. “Did StarClan tell you that?” she mewed hopefully.
“No.” Leafpaw glanced at her paws shyly. “But it’s obviously true.”
Across the clearing, Firestar turned away from Dustpelt. Squirrelpaw’s heart leaped. “They’re done talking!” She looked eagerly toward Dustpelt and Cinderpelt. Disappointment dropped like a stone in her belly as they began talking. “What else is left to say?”
But Firestar and Sandstorm were headed across the clearing.
“How does it feel to be an apprentice?” Firestar meowed happily as he neared.
“Great!” Leafpaw hurried to meet them.
Sandstorm swished her tail. “Do you feel different now that you’re ’paws?”
“Of course!” Leafpaw wove around her mother. “Squirrelpaw’s already planning her warrior name.”
Squirrelpaw fluffed out her pelt. “I’ve been planning my warrior name for moons!” She looked earnestly at Firestar. “You won’t name me Squirreltail, will you?”
“One step at a time,” Firestar purred, his eyes shining with pride. “First you must finish your apprentice training.”
“That’ll be easy!” Squirrelpaw’s tail shivered with excitement.
Leafpaw frowned. “It’ll be easy for you. You don’t have to remember the name of every herb in the forest.”
“But I have to remember every prey-scent and paw print,” Squirrelpaw pointed out.
Sandstorm blinked at them fondly. “I know you’ll both make us proud.”
“What if Leafpaw gets her medicine-cat name before I get my warrior name?” Squirrelpaw fretted. “That would be embarrassing.”
“It won’t matter,” Firestar assured her. “You each have your own path to tread.”
Sandstorm stretched her muzzle forward and touched her nose to Squirrelpaw’s and then to Leafpaw’s. “As long as you have each other, you’ll both stand tall.”
Squirrelpaw’s fur prickled with happiness. She looked at her sister. “Leafpaw and I will always stick together.” She meant it with every hair on her pelt.
Leafpaw twined her tail around Squirrelpaw’s. “And we’ll always help each other,” she vowed. “Nothing will ever drive us apart.”
Greenleaf was giving way to leaf-fall, and shriveled leaves were already drifting along the forest trails. Ahead, a stream babbled, tumbling its way toward the lake, and beyond it the moor rose against a blue afternoon sky. Squirrelflight padded from beneath the trees and tasted the air. She could smell heather, dusty and browning.
Eaglewing, Plumstone, and Bumblestripe fanned out beside her.
“It’s quiet,” Eaglewing murmured.
Plumstone gazed at the heather stretching ahead. “It’s perfect hunting weather.”
Eaglewing stared at the trees as though he might see through them. “We’d best be on our guard.”
Squirrelflight nodded, knowing that the young warrior was probably thinking of Ambermoon, his former mentor, who had been attacked by an owl a moon before on a day very much like this. She had died. It’s good to remember, Squirrelflight thought, that even the clearest days hold their dangers.
Squirrelflight narrowed her eyes, straining to make out a dark shape near the top of the moor. She was leading the border patrol and had promised to report back on their neighbors. It had been nearly three moons since the Clans had redrawn their borders to make room for SkyClan, and the new scent lines had remained unchallenged. Bramblestar was happy—the new peace suited him—but he’d confided in her that he was worried that it was too good to be true.