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Valerie Bunce and Alexander Hicks, «Capitalisms, Socialisms, and Democracy», in Political Power and Social Theory, vol. 6, ed. Maurice Zeitlin (Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1987), 89–132; Michael V. Alexeev and Clifford G. Gaddy, «Income Distribution in the U.S.S.R. in the 1980s», Review of Income and Wealth 39 (March 1993): 23–36; Henry Flakierski, «Income Inequalities in the Former Soviet Union and Its Republics», International Journal of Sociology 22 (Fall 1992): 1—86; Abram Bergson, «Income Inequality under Soviet Socialism», Journal of Economic Literature 22 (September 1984): 1052—99; Aaron Vinokur and Gur Ofer, «Inequality of Earnings, Household Income, and Wealth in the Soviet Union in the 1970s», in Politics, Work, and Daily Life in the USSR: A Survey of Former Soviet Citizens, ed. James R. Millar (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987), 17–1–202; Gur Ofer and Aaron Vinokur, «The Distributive Effects of the Social Consumption Fund in the Soviet Union», in State and Welfare USA/USSR, ed. Gail W. Lapidus and Guy E. Swanson (Berkeley: Institute of International Studies, University of California at Berkeley, 1988), 251–77; Alastair McAuley, «The Economic Transition in Eastern Europe: Employment, Income Distribution, and the Social Security Net», Oxford Review of Economic Policy 1 (Winter 1991): 93—105; Robert Holzmann, «Social Policy in Transition from Plan to Market», Journal of Public Policy 12 (January–March 1992): 1—35; а также след. статьи в: The New Eastern Europe: Social Policy Past, Present and Future, ed. Bob Deacon (London: Sage Publications, 1992): Bob Deacon, «East European Welfare: Past, Present and Future», 1—30; Bob Deacon, «The Future of Social Policy in Eastern Europe», 167–91.



John Knight and Song Lina, «The Determinants of Urban Income Inequality in China», Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 53 (May 1991): 123—54; Zhao Renwei, «Two Contrasting Phenomena in China's Income Distribution», Cambridge Journal of Economics 14 (September 1990): 345—49; Jae Ho Chung, «The Politics of Prerogatives in Socialism: The Case of Taizidang in China», Studies in Comparative Communism 24 (March 1991): 58—76; Ehtisham Ahmad and Yan Wang, «Inequality and Poverty in China: Institutional Change and Public Policy, 1978 to 1988», World Bank Economic Review 5 (May 1991): 231—57; Athar Hussain and Nicholas Stern, «Effective Demand, Enterprise Reforms and Public Finance in China», Economic Policy 6 (April 1991): 154—65; Andrew J. Spano, «Four Modernizations that China Needs», Problems of Communism 39 (September–October 1990): 66—74; Jeanne L. Wilson, «Labor Policy in China: Reform and Retrogression», Problems of Communism 39 (September–October 1990): 44—65; Shen Ziaofang, «A Decade of Direct Foreign Investment in China», Problems of Communism 39 (March–April 1990): 61—74; Connie Squires Meaney, «Market Reform in a Leninist System: Some Trends in the Distribution of Power, Status, and Money in Urban China», Studies in Comparative Communism 22 (Summer/Autumn 1989): 203–20; Mark Selden, «City versus Countryside? The Social Consequences of Development Choices in China», Review 11 (Fall 1988); 533—68; Irma Adelman and David Sunding, «Economic Policy and Income Distribution in China», Journal of Comparative Economics 11 (September 1987): 444—61.



Ronald V. A. Sprout and James H. Weaver, «International Distribution of Income: 1960–1987», Kyklos 45, no. 2 (1992): 237–58; Terry Boswell and William J. Dixon, «Dependency and Rebellion: A Cross–National Analysis», American Sociological Review . 55 (August 1990): 540—59; Edward N. Muller, «Democracy, Economic Development, and Income Inequality», American Sociological Review 53 (February 1988): 50—68; Patrick D. Nolan, «A Standardized Cross–National Comparison of Incomes», Sociological Quarterly 33 (November 1992): 599–609; UNDP, Human DevelopmentReport 1993, 170–71.



International Monetary Fund, Government Finance Statistics Yearbook 1990, vol. 14 (Washington, DC: International Monetary Fund, 1990), 52–115; World Bank, World Development Report 1992, 238–41; UNDP, Human Development Report 1993, 138–75, 186–89; Steve Chan, «Income Inequality among LDCs: A Comparative Analysis of Alternative Perspectives», International Studies Quarterly 33 (March 1989): 45–65; Christopher Chase–Dunn, Global Formation: Structure of the World–Economy (Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell, 1989), 248–70; Volker Bomschier and Christopher Chase–Dunn, Transnational Corporations and Underdevelopment (New York: Praeger, 1985), 117–55; Atul Kohli, Michael F. Altfeld, Saideh Lotfian, and Russell Mardon, «Inequality in the Third World: An Assessment of Competing Explanations», Comparative Political Studies 17 (October 1984): 283–318; Peter Peek, «How Equitable Are Rural Development Projects?» International Labour Review 127, no. 1 (1988): 73–89; Susan Eckstein, «How Consequential Are Revolutions?» in Comparative Political Dynamics, ed. Rustow and Erickson, 309—51; Fiala, «The International System, Labor–Force Structure, and the Growth and Distribution of National Income», 249–82; Ian Roxborough, «Neo–liberalism in Latin America: Limits and Alternatives», Third World Quarterly 13 (September 1992): 421–40; Manuel Pastor, Jr., and Gary A. Dymski, «Debt Crisis and Class Conflict in Latin America», Capital and Class, no. 43 (Spring 1991): 203–31; Alain Mingat and Jee–Peng Tan, «Who Profits from the Public Funding of Education: A Comparison of World Regions», Comparative Education Review 30 (May 1986): 260—70; Sudhir Anand and Martin Ravallion, «Human Development in Poor Countries: On the Role of Private Incomes and Public Services», Journal of Economic Perspectives7 (Winter 1993): 133–50.



UNDP, Human Development Report 1993, 11–15, 135–37.



United Nations Children's Fund, The State of the World's Children 1992 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1992), 72–86; IMF, Government Finance Statistics Yearbook 1991, 110.



Apter, Rethinking Development, 32–37, 259–94; Michael Wolff, Peter Rutten, and Albert Bayers III, Where We Stand (New York: Bantam Books, 1992), 198–201; Ekkart Zimmermann, «Political Unrest in Western Europe: Trends and Prospects», West European Politics 12 (July 1989): 179–96; Ajit Singh, «The Lost Decade: The Economic Crisis of the Third World in the 1980s: How the North Caused the South's Crisis», Contention 1 (Spring 1992): 137—59; Andre Gunder Frank, «Economic Ironies in Europe: A World Economic Interpretation of East–West European Politics», International Social Science Journal 44 (February 1992): 41—56; Sprout and Weaver, «International Distribution of Income», 249—56.
