Ellen Windsor
Stacey in domestic service
Chapter One
The home was typical New England. Stately, white, and set elegantly upon a rise in.the Vermont countryside. Stacy saw the home the minute she left the Greyhound in the town square, for it re- posed beyond the village streets. The girl's first thought concerned how utterly gorgeous the maple woods must be in fall.
It was, after all, Stacy's third position since high school. All had been served with excellence and
– efficiency,' earning her the normal letters of refer- ral. Indeed, each position was a step upwards for
Stacy, bringing the commensurate increase in sal- ary. How glad she was that she had favored domes- tic service in high school! Her teacher, Miss
Cummins, had been such an excellent instructor!
Goodness knows, the domestic market was becom- ing increasingly crowded and competitive these days. A girl had to be very pretty and very good to land any sort of reasonable position. Thus the girl swang happily up the narrow street, her light case an easy burden in her hand. How delightful to be seventeen on this perfect summer day!
The click of Stacy's heels made a staccato upon the winding walk as she approached the edifice, for the paving was of pure Vermont marble. She liked
the sound her heels made. It was so mature… and exciting. Wasn't it wonderful that girls once again wore skirts and heels, she mused. Gracious, those photos of her mother back in the seventies! Girls wore those.awful jeans and such cloddy, lumpy heels! And that terrible rock music. It was nice to be a girl again in a more subtle and calmer time.
The bell was answered by a mid-thirties woman who was neither attractive nor unattractive. Her attire attested that she would probably be the housekeeper under whom Stacy would serve. Her face was pleasant, however, a change from that frumpish Mrs. Donaldson in Albany, to say the least. Stacy was shown in to the sitting room, a magnificent place of thick carpet and stone fire- place.
"I am Miss Stone," said the woman after they had been seated, "but we use first names here at
Woodriding House. Excepting the master and mis- tress, of course. They, we address by their station.
Thus, you shall call me Norena. Now… it's Stacy, isn't it? Yes, well, Stacy, I have your letter of rec- ommendation from the Hillings in Albany. They speak quite highly of you. Your credentials are very good, it seems. Master and Mistress only employ the finest young ladies, you see. They're most particular. We like the younger domestics here at Woodriding, no more than seventeen or eighteen. We'd prefer to get them right out of high school, but we've found that the… shall we say
… uninitiated ones simply don't do. We prefer a domestic with a little experience behind her. Saves so much work and adjustment. Oh, the brand new ones do quality work, it seems, but of course there's the other things, like the whippings and the sex. Takes a little time for a new one, and we'd rather have one quite adept at these aspects of maid service."
"Oh, I understand perfectly, Norena," said
Stacy. "I've been whipped quite a lot already, and as for sex I have…"
"Yes, I see that here in the letter, Stacy. Very good. You should work out quite well. Master and
Mistress leave the staff up to me, of course, and you seem quite nice. Let's see, seventeen… out of school a year now… and two previous positions.
Excellent. Well, come, Stacy, I'll show you about the place, and then let you meet the other maids and, hopefully, Master and Mistress."
The house was richly decorated and exuded with softness and quietness. Stacy was impressed by its appointments. It certainly was the best home she had been in!
"This is -your room, Stacy. You share it, of course, with the other two girls."
"What a beautiful bed!" exclaimed Stacy. "Oh, it's lovely." The bed was huge and covered with the loveliest of blankets.
"It will hold the three of you quite nicely," said
Norena proudly. "Here at Woodriding the maids sleep together. We feel it's the best way to promote a closeness among the girls. Maids who care for one another do so much better work together, it seems. You have, naturally, slept with other maids before?" ,"Oh; yes. At Hillings residence, Donna and I slept together. She was so very good at sex. Just did all sorts of things with her mouth on my pussy.
I've made love with boys and girls since I was twelve. Mother encouraged me since she wished that I go into domestic service. Miss Cummins, my domestic teacher, really couldn't teach me any more about sex. But Donna… golly… she…"
"Yes, well, I'm glad you like the room, Stacy," said Norena. "You see, it has a color television as well. And a phone. When the Master or Mistress calls for one of you to provide them pleasure you must always stop whatever you're doing and hop right upstairs. At once. Even if you are having sex with each other."
"I understand perfectly, Norena."
"Mrs. Hillings pointed out one fault in her letter,
Stacy. She remarked that you often seem preoccu- pied with kissing other maids, even during work or duties. I encourage my girls to kiss each other, but
I think you'll find, Stacy, that you have ample free time here, to do that. Not in the kitchen while you're working."
"Thank you, Norena. I do admit to Mrs. Hillings' comments. I don't know why, but I really just like to kiss pretty girls. I shall try to behave myself. I value this position very much"
"Fine, Stacy. Now here is the clothes bureau for, the three of you. At Woodriding the maids all wear the same costume, so you can put your things away in the closet,,See, here in the top drawer is your blouse supply, and in the bottom, panties. In the closet hang your skirts, and on the floor your heels. There are several pair there, certainly one will be comfortable. All of you wear the same things, skirts, blouses, panties. You share them all.
Nothing belongs to anyone in particular. Natu- rally, the maids keep their things washed and ironed."
"Oh, that's sweet," said Stacy. "I'think sharing underpants is sexy."
"Yes, well… why don't you hop into your cos- tume while we're here, Stacy."
Stacy undressed and,put her things in her case, which she stored at the top of the closet. The panties were all the same, perhaps thirty pair, sheer white banlon which fit Stacy like a skin.
Stacy was impressed. Her brown thatch was very evident through the panties. Quite possibly the mistress liked the view of pubic hair. A point for her, thought Stacy. The blouse was white rayon, the current popular servant's type with sweeping off-the-shoulder neckline of low proportions. She'd worn the same at Hillings, but these were of much more expensive material. The skirt was black, to mid-thigh, and the heels were narrow and also black. Stacy felt sensuous, and so terribly femi- nine.
Norena helped Stacy adjust the shoulder bows on the blouse so that the neckline fell to its proper place at nipple level. The top half of Stacy's aureolas showed nicely, as was customary. She bent over as if to dust or sweep, and all of her nipples and most of the breasts swung free of the blouse.
"Perfect. Thank you, Norena," she smiled. It was the perfect blouse for a maid these days, said
Cosmopolitan and Seventeen. Stacy had worn the same in her other two positions, and had learned that a good little maid left her bows very loose so that her breasts fell out free most of the time. One simply didn't pop them back in. That was very juvenile in this day and age.
Off the kit,chen was the dining room and a pan- try, and the kitchen itself was huge. In the center was a table of great proportions.
"At Woodriding we expect our maids to be well experienced in discipline," said Norena. "I simply don't have time to try and catch all the errors you
make. We expect the girls to respond to their own mistakes. If you deserve a whipping, simply lay over the table here, legs spread, skirt up above your underpants completely so that your bare waist shows. I'll whip you when I have time. You just lie there and wait. I simply can't stop what '