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The sexual arousal was very nice. As a matter of fact, Stacy began to realize that perhaps if this went on long enough she would orgasm. Well, why not? The whipping was up to her and she could go on as long as she desired.

On the other hand, that really would be quite selfish. She was there to punish her friend for being bad, not to use her for self-gratification. That wasn't in the realm of domestics. Those erotic plea sures were for the employers. Thus, somewhere around thirty, Stacy stopped. She really didn't want to, for the last dozen or so had brought some very throaty screams from Dania, and the under- pants were ripped in one spot on the left side. But it was best to stop.

"You don't have to stop… if you wish, Stacy. I can tell by your face that you're gonna have a come before much longer. Might as well get it off."

It was, naturally, what made good young domes- tics so precious and beautiful. Always thought of someone else before themselves. It was a very spe- cial quality in young -girls. In this case, it meant that Dania loved Staey enough to sacrifice herself for her pleasure.

"Thanks, Dania. That's sweet of you. I love you too. But, no, that's enough. Was I any good?"

"Really almost as good as Norena. Ver'y good for your first time, angel. You hurt, I mean really. My eyes aren't dripping from over-reading. Another few and you would have made me cry a waterfall."

Dania stood up and restored her skirt.

"Kiss and make up?" said Stacy.

"Always, darling." The embrace was lovely and warm. Lipstick changed places.

"Hope you get to whip my ass, sometime soon," said Stacy. "It's super to punish a girl!"

"Thanks, Stacy. Hope so too, but it happens so rarely around here."

"Well, if you don't get the chance before too long, we'll arrange it. You know, I'll break some- thing just before Norena is leaving or something."

"O.K. Sounds great. I've done it a couple of times before. Betcha I can make you cry by… twenty."

"Bet you can't."

There really wasn't much serving during the i pinochle game that evening. Just enough that

Master's friends had some fulfilling glances at the girls. They bent nicely when serving, making sure the nipples popped out properly. Other than that, it was just cleaning up, and waiting for Trish. It was Trish's "turn" this month. It was expected of a host to provide a domestic for satisfaction after the card game was completed, so Trish sat nicely by, awaiting the conclusion. Master eventually nodded to her and she assumed the customary position over the card table, not unlike the whip- ping position. With quick hands, it was skirt up, panties down, and she was ready with the expected offering. The position was taught in domestic class in school, and afforded two openings to the user without the hassle of changing position, thus was most practical. The man could use either orifice at his disposal very easily.

Most users took advantage 'of both entrances, changing back and forth as desired, and the pinochle players were no exception. As usual, they all finished in Trish's smaller tunnel. Men just seemed to prefer emitting there these days, Trish had noticed. Master refrained as usual, a touch of class befitting a good host.

The three girls squeezed into the shower to- gether. It was overcrowded, of course, but because it was, it was much more fun.

"Sure wish one of 'em would come in my pussy once in awhile," said Trish, "All three in the ass again. You'd 'think they didn't know we domestics were on the pill. Golly!"

"Oh, stop complaining," said Stacy. "We were doing up the glasses while you were having fun anyway." All laughed, and turned to girl games with fingers and soap.

"Oooh," said Dania, "I don't think there's any- thing more cool than a girl all soapy and slippery. I really love to give a girl a good soaping."

"You know it" said Stacy, lathering Trish's pubic fur. "Hey, come on, it's only five minutes until Lanya"

"Should be a super chapter tonight," said Dania.

"Let's watch it bound. It'll turn us on even more."

"Dania, you have the greatest ideas," smiled

Trisk "Get three ropes from the drawer."

Dania tied Stacy's hands behind her, then Trish tied hers. It was a little more difficu1t to tie Trish's hands. naturally, but she put her wrists next to

Stacy's fingers and Stacy,did a most commendable job under the circumstances. They plopped onto the bed in their usual side-by-side position,

A brief flashback reviewed Lanya of the Jungle from the last week, and brought the story up to present. Ula approached with the branding iron. It was done on the inside of Marlene Parkins' left thigh, a blazing "L" for Longo. The scream would wake neighbors all across the nation. Many view- ers, rather embarrassed, would turn down their audio slightly.

"Wow!" said Dania. "Look at her fight her ropes! Must hurt like hell. Good girl, Lanya!"

".No wonder Marlene won the Emmy last year.

Some chick!" said Trish.

Aside from the branding, the week's chapter pro- duced very little more punishment for Lanya,\ for the story line had to move along. Eventually, bound and alone in a hut, Lanya was visited by one of Longo's randy underlings who was on the verge of defecting. He had something to offer the jungle beauty, and Lanya went for the offer. He untied her, and she completed the bargain.

"That girl can suck," remarked Stacy.

"Do it, Lanya!" exhorted Trish. "Do it!"

"Give her a mouthful of cream, donkey-face," said Dania. "There… oooh, one hell of a mouthful.

Nice going, Lanya! Now take off, girl!"

At the end of the chapter, Lanya was reunited with her child, and breast-fed him delightfully. A milky minute and a half. Lanya's face was set in ' resolve. She'd pay back that Ula if it was the last thing she did! Lanya knew some interesting things to do to women. You're going to get yours, Ula!,.

But… the bushes are moving… oh, no… not an ' angry lion! He charges! See you.next week.

It was extra exciting to make love with hands tied behind the back and the three squirmed and wiggled into all kinds of positions, Dania and Trish had tried it several times before, but it was new to

Stacy and she found it very much a turn-on. Girls just responded better when they were tied, it seemed. It was some time before they lay in the darkness, snuggling together to sleep.

"Hey, Stacy," said Dania. "This Saturday is reform day. It'I! be your first. Hope Mistress gets a bunch of 'em this time. It's really fun."

"I'd almost forgotten. Wow, I'm looking for- ward to it!"

"It's really different than punishing maids, you know," said Trish.


"Sure" said Dania. "I mean, it isn't fun and games, you know, for the ones that choose reform.

They really.get hurt down there. Besides that, they haven't had punishment before, most of 'em. I mean, we're kind of used to it as domestics, but these chicks are usually first-timers. That's what makes it fun to watch. Some of them just can't believe the hurt they feel! Should hear them scream. Well, anyway, you can't feel sorry for them. If they're going to break the law, they have to pay for it, and a reform day is sure better than a couple of years in the slammer. I think it's an ex- cellent alternative for a female."

"Can hardly wait," said Stacy. "Mmm. I'm get- ting wet just thinking about it."

"Again?" laughed.Trish. "You're always wet, girl. Oh well, you or me, Dania?"

"I'll eat her," said Dania. "Get some sleep,


The girls spent the early afternoon on Saturday cleaning and dusting the "reform room." They also put some flower bouquets in the three. vases. It was Stacy's first look at the basement room and she was very impressed.

"I thought it would be more… dungeon-like," she remarked.

"Mistress has class, hon," said Trish while she dusted. "Dark, damp old rooms were fine for the

Middle Ages, but these days a torture chamber should be comfortable. Comfortable armchairs to watch from, spiffy little bar, astro turf on the floor, flower arrangements. Who wants to hurt girls in a castle dungeon anymore?"