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"I see your point, Trish; Makes sense. But gee, some of this equipment in here looks particularly antique. Bid Mistress have it sent over from

Dracula's palace in Transylvania?"

"No, silly," laughed Dania. "Mistress says that most of the old punishment devices can't really be improved upon. Everything else gets better over the centuries, but torture stuff was perfected very early, it seems. Guess that's a point for females.

Anyway, she bought all this stuff in Boston. Place there that makes replicas of all the old things.

Look over there. Real old-time brick brazier and branding iron. People tried those new electric branding irons a few years back, but found that the old ones are really the best, after all."

Norena came in shortly for an inspection, and found to her pleasure that the girls had done a good job. She was very pleased with these three particular domestics. Too bad employers changed them so often. But, of course, that was the name of the game. Employers simply liked new cunts now and again.

The car from the circuit court's office came shortly after three,,and the two occupants, were accompanied up the walk by a deputy. Mistress watched their progress from a chair on the front porch. It was always a nice view to perceive females without arms, she thought. Handcuffs behind made females all legs and breasts as they approached one's position.

"Hi, Barney," said Mistress.

"Hello, Mrs. Wood," said the deputy. "Sorry… just have two of 'em today for you."

"Oh, damn, Barney. I was really looking forward to four or five. Aren't ladies breaking the law anymore?"

"Well, it's not that, Mrs. Wood. Peggy over at the disbursement section said that you were very particular about your reformers. Wanted them… well… nice lookers. There were a bunch of sen- tenced gals yesterday, but it was rather a plain group, to say the least, this time. Peggy felt you would rather just have the two nicest ones rather than some dogs. Took them up to Mrs. Hillary's place in Barre. She wasn't very pleased at all.

Peggy seems to favor you, Mrs. Wood."

"Yes, Barney, Peggy and I are… close. She's a dear." Mistress laughed. "I'll have to drop Mari- enne Hillary a note of condolences, in a nice way, of course. But then again, Barney, she has a simply awful reform room. Just the most inexpensive equipment and not at all comfortable. Have you seen it?"

"I don't get to see… the reform rooms, Mrs.

Wood," blushed Barney. "I just deliver the wom- en. Been doin' it for sixteen years now. Then come and get 'em when they-"re done with."

"Yes, of course. Well, let's see what -you've ,brought me, Barney" said Mistress;finally get- ting up off the chair."my, these rubber gags they put on convicted women these days certainly make them drool a lot. Good for them, though, and I like to see a female gagged. Well, they look nice,

Barney, tell me about, them. Don't want to know what they did, just the personal facts, please."

"Yes, Mrs. Wood. Laura Dunson, age 27, mar- ried, two children. Sylvia Lanetti, age 19, un- unmarried."

"Oh, excellent. A woman and a girl, married and unmarried. Nice contrast, especially in age. Do they know each other?"

"No. They met only in court yesterday. Well, got to be getting along, Mrs. Wood. I'll come by tomorrow at ten for them as usual."

Barney drove off and Mistress herded the two into the house. She removed their gags. She always liked to chat with her reforms a little first.

"Well, Laura," she said to the oldest of the two,

"you decided on reform punishment rather than jail. Quite a sensible choice."

"Yes ma'm. I have children, and I just can't be away for a year. Oh, I so wish I hadn't done what I did. I'm awfully worried about the punishments.

I've never really been hurt before."

"Well, don't worry, Laura. Thousands of women have lived through it. Tomorrow you'll be home with your family. You are very attractive, by the way. Sy'Ivia, what about you?"

"I only had three months, ma'm, so it was a hard choice to take punishment instead. But I'm plan- ning on being married next month, and it would have meant changing all the plans and everything.

Guess I can get through it somehow. I'm young."

Mistress led the two down the hall, passing the housekeeper.

"Norena, send the maids down now. We'll start soon."

Mistress had given the two a glass of brandy by the time the three domestics arrived.

"Oh," said Laura in surprise. Her blush was evident. "Are they to watch? They're quite young.

Is it necessary?"

"Yes, I allow my maids the privilege. Seventeen is old enough by far. They'll probably help some too. Besides, once we get started you really won't think about them. Well, finish your brandy, and we'll start. Why don't you undress each other."

Laura, the older, wore a skirt and blouse, and

Sylvia wore a T-shirt and jeans. These were removed by each other's hands, followed by panties.

"Look at the tits on 'em," whispered Stacy to her two friends. "Mmm."

"Yeah," said Dania, "and the young one's are just as big too."

"She's got just as much fur too," said Trish.

"They're both nice."

Mistress always made her commands sound like a question.

"Why don't you please both stuff your under- pants in each other's mouth for the first punish- ment. Don't like you to start yelling too early in the day, and the first thing may hurt a bit. Or would you rather the rubber gags you came in?"

Laura and Sylvia whispered to each other.

"We'll use each other's pants. The rubber thing is really cruel," said Laura.

The maids were impressed with Mistress' erotic touch. They were seeing,an expert,at work, and. knew it.. The two females held their mouth open like hungry fishes, arid stuffed the intimate mate-, rial far, inside each other. Laura blushed as she tasted SyIvia's 'femaleness on the wispy material.

Sylyia,didn',t respond to her gag with any emotion at all.

"Laura's not bi, Sylvia is," volunteered Trish in whispering tones.

"Very observant, Trish," smiled Stacy.

The three domestics chose a couch, and all sat together. They could hold hands when things got interesting. Master appeared with his martini and sat in his personal chair. How elegant he looked in his dressing gown! Trish immediately went to him to ask if he desired anything, as a good maid should, but he thanked her and she rejoined her friends.

The low floor stocks were built for two females' feet, as they lay on their backs on the carpet. The protruding feet were at Mistress' waist level.

Mistress chose, from a wall rack, a split-bamboo length, before fastening the women's arms to heavy floor rings. The split bamboo made an odd noise as it traveled through the air and struck the soles of Laura's feet. Her body jerked nicely.

Sylvia followed, and squirmed vigorously from the agony.

The blows were alternated between the woman and the girl and their suffering was evident. The panty gags permitted only muffled noises, but their faces were flushed in hurt, their eyes met.

Sylvia squirmed much more actively than her older partner when her feet were whipped, and bounced right on top of Laura twice. The domestics were already holding hands from their excitement.

"Look how swollen their soles are," whispered

Stacy. "I've never seen foot whipping before."

Mistress stopped at a dozen, for the evening was long.''She had an excellent background in pacing the torture of females, and it was a.matter of cor- rectly kdttiing the activities build upon each other, and letting the recipients have time to rest and recover. She released the two from their chains and stocks, and joined her husband for a martini. It was always interesting to notice the different reac- tion of recipients after a punishment. Laura, the older, simply lay on her back on the floor, her hands over her eyes, hoping that time would lessen the burning in her feet. Sylvia spat out her wet gag, went to all fours, and shook her hair back and forth in hurt. Both knew that they would not stand up again this evening.