Lastly, of course, and spaced far apart, were the singular cries of feminine orgasm, an oral articula- tion quite distinctly different than a cane-produced sound.
Laura, whether she classified herself as bi- oriented or not, and though it was indeed her first time, produced as many orgasms as her younger cohort. In truth, as in most cases, Laura's reform punishment would turn her to future lesbianism, although certainly under more pleasant conditions and places. When the ordeal of the wheel had fin- ished, the two recipients stood up shakily, their faces smeared completely with the emissions of the other's sex. Both were crying without reservation, and both sobbed a duet of promises to be good girls. It was, of course, touching, Neither would stand or sit properly for many days.
Master continued to impress the domestics with his elegant manners. Throughout it all, he had maintained his aplomb and dignity, though obvi- ously his wife's expert punishments had.aroused his manhood. Yet he did not fidget, or breathe in heavy pants of lust, or wipe his brow. A perfect gentleman.
He waited patiently until Mistress was finished, for the wheel had been the last reform. Now, as customary, and allowed by law, he was entitled to his due. He was not unsympathetic to the agonized bottoms of the two females, and thus he spread the couch cushions on the floor.
Master took Sylvia first, slowly, perfectly and adroitly. Despite her hurt, the girl responded as a girl should, with gently moving hips. It wasn't, of course, really a sexual liaison or pleasure. Nor could it be called rape. It was an expected and accepted part of reform punishment. A female who chose reform obligated herself to be fucked, to put it plainly. She knew it beforehand. It made no dif- ference what her age, her marital status, or her position in society. Her 'contraception was her own responsibility. Sylvia accepted the adequate emis- sion of Master, and lay back on the floor to men- tally recover from her punishments and hurt.
Laura's fucking was naturally more interesting.
After all, Sylvia was a young single, probably well into sexual pleasures. But Laura was married and a mother of two. To her, the submission meant much more, for she probably had led a sexually honest life and marriage. She did not protest, of course, for she knew her rules well. Indeed, she responded quite surprisingly to Master, thrusting and squirming to meet each of his thrusts. The domestics were pleased with her femininity. She needed only to lie there and accept. But Laura was a true female. If she indeed must be fucked, then at least act like a woman about it, not a baby. Put a . little effort into it. Join in, rather than just be, taken. Master was quite efficient physically, and poured an even greater emission into Laura's vagina than he did Sylvia, an act which produced an exquisite orgasm from her.
For the night, Laura and Sylvia were chained by one hand to a wall, so that they might sleep, the wall ring being at floor level. Mistress turned off the lights, except one dim one. She, Master, and the domestics left the room. In the dimness of the room, the single girl put her arm around the mar- ried woman and mother of two. She gave no imme- diate response at first, but then her arm also encir- cled her companion. Nothing was spoken. Indeed, it was Laura who first bent her face to the sex of the other!
They were pleasant months at Woodriding for
Stacy, and she became even more glad of her deci- sion in high school to go into domestic service. It was a most delightful life. No wonder more and more young ladies were choosing to go into such service!
The time went by very quickly, through the New
England autumn with its splendor of color, and through the snowy-bright winter. Woodriding was a fine position, by far the best she had had. The activities, although repeated, were never tedious or boring. There were of course the necessary whip- pings that domestics require to keep them efficient and feminine. Stacy liked the philosophy of calling penalties on oneself. She manufactured none, but never failed to omit one either. There were times when it was questionable as to whether a minor error of commission or omission deserved a whipping, but in such cases a good domestic chose the whipping. Stacy kept track of her whippings in her notebook, and between her start in July and the following April she had had the lash applied to her bottom twenty-one times. The strokes weren't counted, of course, but she estimated that each whipping was usually about thirty strokes, or a total of just over six hundred in nine months. It averaged, then, slightly better than sixty a month, a figure which Miss Cummins in high school domestic class had estimated for the interest of prospective domestic girls. Any more or any less by any great degree suggested that the domestic was terribly inefficient or boringly near-perfect.
Neither was very acceptable.
There were also the various playful bindings initiated by Mistress. Actually, Stacy liked being bound for it meant a diversion from tedious house- work, and thus a domestic was considered lucky if she was so favored. The reform days were always eagerly anticipated and attended. Stacy found them interesting and informative, and learned much from them, both in watching and occasion- ally helping Mistress with the application of pun- ishments. Stacy learned that females could accept surprising amounts of hurt without coming apart at the seams, and she was constantly amazed at the great number of things that could be done to females. They simply had so many interesting and useful bodily parts to choose from. Probably the most beneficial thing that Stacy learned from re- form punishments was to do the job efficiently and to pay no attention to the various screams or yowls which, to the inexperienced torturer, might prove distracting. Indeed, unless a sufficient utterance of hurt was issued by the recipient, the job was not
being done properly.
There were, naturally, the regular calls to the bed of Master and Mistress, a task shared equally by
Trish and Dania. The employers made sure that all three domestics bore the pleasure in equal assign- ments, not wishing to indicate that one was pre- ferred above another. Once again, it revealed the utter love and concern the employers had for the young maids' welfare. Naturally, each of the three believed that she was the favorite, a fact which
Master and Mistress did not dispel. It was kind of them.
The weekly Thursday trip to the alternate base- ment room was not really a punishment session, though physically it was just as discomforting with the weights. The manipulation of certain inti- mate bodily parts of domestics was simply a cur- rent fad these days among employers in most sec- tions of the nation. Domestics had no reason to complain about it, for the process certainly made these personal parts much more exciting and sen- suous. Like anything else among young girls, the exaggeration of certain of their prettiest parts was a matter of pride. Something to boast of and show other girls, to draw their envy. Dania's breasts easily reached Mistress' desired length much to the girl's pleasure. Indeed, on the occasion of serv- ing the friends of Master and Mistress, somehow
Dania always seemed to allow her breasts to "acci- dentally" fall out of her low blouse. She pleasured in the soft whispers of amazement and praise, behind her, as she left the room, her practiced walk carefully designed to produce the most sensuous bouncing possible. Trish's nipples had doubled in length under ministrations, a fact of which she was most proud. Stacy's stretching of the sex lips was not, naturally, obvious to others like the ever- revealed breasts and nipples of her friends, but she was just as proud of her new revelation. In going down on Trish or Dania, a girl need part their soft hair to find the treasure beneath, but Stacy's lips hung beautifully downwards, far below the nearest brown tuft.
In retrospect, the most fun of all were the lovely nights in bed with Trish and Dania, and the enjoy- able girl games they played each night. Some nights they laughed and romped and squealed in playful lovemaking. At other times, for no explain- able reason, the mood was sensuous and serious, producing very long kisses and throaty gasps of orgasm. The most fun of all were the cold winter nights when the three snuggled under the thick blankets. In the warm and delicious state of half- sleep, half-awareness, Stacy would feel a girl crawl deep under the blankets, and immediately feel a warm wet tongue opening up her sex orifice with expert insertion. She knew not which girl it was, nor did she care. She merely responded by put- ting her hands in the hair of her lover, as girls always do.