"Too short?"
"I was just about ready to get on the floor down here and sample your fantastic pussy."
"Rain check, honey?"
"Rain check. For sure."
Victoria Palmer had been excited all day. Much more so than a woman who had had servants be- fore, obviously. At twenty-four, Victoria would be not much older than the two she had taken on, a fact which she was aware of, to her delight. There is nothing like the first servants of a newly married girl. John had been most loving in offering two, especially since Briargate was small, and as an eager young wife Victoria would do a lot of the work herself. Stacy and Sondra, in a sense, would be playthings for the most part, a gift which most young Southern brides of any means were entitled to, In Georgia society a young woman simply must have a pretty servant or two. Victoria had looked at the photos of the two several times during the day, with increasingly rising excitement, most evi- dent in the moistness in her panties at times.
She drove alone to Rose Hill to meet the bus, for
John, as an understanding husband, had realized that, after alg the servants were Victoria's, and he wanted her to enjoy the moment of excitement fully. The two had bounced off the bus hand in hand, a fact which delighted Victoria when she saw them. How nice that they had already met and had obviously become friends! In return, the two were excited about the youth of their new mistress when they saw her. Neither had served a mistress under thirty, and understandably this new one would be an exciting change of pace.
The car was a blue Panther, large and roomy, and most elegant. Sondra and Stacy plumped into the front seat by their new mistress, and immedi- ately were pleased by the lovely lily-of-the-valley fragrance of Victoria. They gave each other a nod of agreement. Victoria was beautiful!
From the glove compartment, Victoria extracted two ropes.
"Girls are tied quite a bit down here in the
South," Victoria drawled. "Don't mind, do you?"
"No, ma'm," they answered in unison. Victoria's newness into the game of servants was apparent to both Stacy and Sondra, for a mistress shouldn't ask a servant if she minds being tied. Her newness was cute. They mentally agreed that they'd have to help Victoria in such matters.
"Show you the Georgia tie for two girls," smiled
Victoria. "Would you mind pulling your skirts up
… right up to your pants, please… that's it."
Victoria looped the rope around the adjoining thighs of each girl at the very top of each leg, and pulled the thigh of each girl tight to the other girl's
thigh, She pulled down their skirts, then with the second rope bound their adjoining arms together near the shoulder. Stacy immediately felt a tingle of arousal, for it was a first for her.
"There!" beamed Victoria. "Rather sweet, isn't it? Thigh-tying two girls is quite common down here. Was it so where either of you were?"
"No, ma'm," they replied. "I like it," said Stacy.
"The feel of a girl's thigh tied to mine is quite… nice. It rather stimulates… closeness."
"That's the idea, of course," said Victoria.
"When I was in girl scouts at twelve, I was thigh- tied to a girl all night. I'm afraid it was quite more than I, or she, could handle, and we did some terri- bly naughty things together. To be honest, I had a girl before I had a boy! By the way, girls, we don't use ma'm or mistress down here. Rather stuffy.
Please call me Miss Victoria."
"We will, Miss Victoria, thank you," said Stacy.
"But in return you'll have to stop asking if things ' are all right when you do them. Just do them, Miss
Victoria. Tie us, or whip us, or strip us, or love us.
Whatever. It's your right… and we needn't ap- prove or disapprove. And of course, you need say no pleases and thank-yous."
Victoria turned on a Southern blush. "I'm dread- fully new at this as you can tell. I'll improve, with your help." Victoria had said it so sweetly and honestly that Stacy felt immediate love for her.
She reached over and planted a kiss on Victoria's cheek.
The drive was fully half an hour, and gave the three females a nice chance to chat about the posi- tions and experiences of Stacy and Sondra. Each of the two gave a brief outline of their recent adventures.
"Do they have reform days for convicted females in Georgia, Miss Victoria'!"
"No, Stacy. Mostly only up north, I guess.
Sounds exciting, though. Goodness, they certainly hurt those Yankee gals at Woodriding, didn't they? Imagine you saw so many tortures. Really too much bother down here. Don't have too many basements and such because of the dampness. Not really too much space for proper torture chambers.
No, in Georgia females go right into prison farms, proper leg chains and everything. Mix them all together, girls and women, from fourteen and up.
They work in the fields, most of them stripped down pretty good because of the heat. We'll see some of them tomorrow when I take you shopping in Rose Hill. Really, though, I like the reform idea.
Gives a female an alternative to her term. I know
I'd take the torture rather than, say, three months or more. Next year our legislature is going to vote on reform punishment, and I think it might go, through. Women's groups are backing it. Don't fret, though. There are some other things just as exciting down here in Georgia!"
"Oh, tell us about them," said Stacy.
"Well, for one thing, just an awful lot of whip ping in the South. Kind of an ancient tradit,ion down here, back from the Confederate days. I don't mean just the servants either, like you two. Most pretty young wives as well. Man runs the show down here, as he should, and we wives need a good lacing now and again to keep us on our toes."
"You mean, you get whipped by your husband?" asked Stacy, most surprised.
Victoria laughed. "Yes, of course. Afraid we'll have to share the whipping post together. Don't look so surprised. Southern women take to whipping nicely. We need it. Been that way since before the Civil War. A wife of any merit simply takes the whip. If she doesn't she certainly isn't thought well of by the rest of us gals. A young woman with an unmarked back at the Country Club pool or ten- nis court is simply pointed at. Gracious! Then, of , course, there are the charity days in June and
October, at one of the plantations, to raise money for such good things, hospitals and such. All of us young women, married or unmarried, offer our ser- vices in various ways. If a girl doesn't she is ostra- cized. Very disgraceful."
"What do you do, Miss Victoria?" asked Sondra.
"Oh, it varies. The committee comes up with something new each time. You'll see when I take you. It's all volunteer, of course. They always have a whipping post though. Ten dollars per lash. Lots of girls volunteer. Nurses' aid girls get to do the whipping in payment for their endless service at the hospitals. Pretty things don't get much pay, so
'it's kind of nice for them. Men put up the money, and I'm afraid some are very well-to-do. A hundred- lash donation is quite common."
"Wow!" said Stacy.
Victoria smiled. "Yes, well, as I told you, South- ern girls are weaned on the whip. Some other pun- ishments are thought up too, for larger donations.
Then, some of us might volunteer, or be chosen, for the 'Whore Tent' as we call it. Sell our pussies. anyway, we raise an awful lot of money for a good use."
"And I always thought the South was conserva- tive!" laughed Stacy. "Anything else?"
"Well, only the slave sales."
"Slave sales?"
"Sure. Every gal over eighteen and under thirty has to serve six months as a slave before she can marry. Most counties anyway. She gets to choose her own time. Have a slave sale over in the county seat the lost Saturday of each month. It's very ex- citing with regular bidding and everything. The item is chained to wood posts for auction, stripped to her panties, so people can see what they're buy- ing. Anyone can buy her, man or woman, families.