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Sometimes the older girls trade the young ones too."

"Kinda exciting," said Sondra; "Teach the young ones not to get into prison, doesn't it?"

Rose Hill by day was a delightful little town, and

Victoria parked the car at the square. The ropes were removed and left on the seat for the return trip. Martha's Boutique was a small but elegant shop under a huge magnolia, and Victoria led the girls across the hot blacktop street into its cool interior. The proprietor was rather heavy-set, but pleasant enough looking.

"Hello, Martha."

"Why, Victoria. So glad to see you. How's


"Just fine, Martha, just fine. Meet Stacy and

Sondra, my new servants."

"Oh, they're just adorable, Victoria. Francy

Donner mentioned that you were getting some ser- vants. I'm so pleased for you. Want to get them measured?"

"Yes, Martha. Like to purchase some whips too."

The door of the shop opened and a cute little moppet waltzed in eating an ice cream cone.

T-shirt, shorts, tennis shoes. The perfect tyke.

"Abby Moreland's daughter," said Martha by way of telling Victoria. "Works for me part time.

Deliver my package to the post office, Julie?"

"Yes, Martha. Bet I did."

"May I have the receipt of register." Julie fum- bled in her shorts pocket, once, twice. Her face turned red.

"Must have lost it. Oh, dear."

"Julie, whatever am I going to do with you?

That's the third time this month you fouled up, girl. I really should consider hiring someone else."

"Oh, please, Martha. I really need the job. I will be more careful. Really I will. Don't let me go."

"Well, one more chance, and that's it, Julie.

O.K., in the back room with you. I'm going to blis- ter you today."

"Yes, Martha." Julie finished her cone and slipped out of her shorts, which she threw on the counter. She wore the tiniest underpants Stacy had ever seen. But then again, Julie was very tiny her- self. She wandered off into another room.

"Why don't you look over the whips, Victoria.

They're all there on the wall. Will you excuse me, please. Have to attend to Julie. Won't take long."

"I understand," said Victoria, "take your time.

We're in no hurry."

Victoria and the servants began to look at the whips as the unmistakable sound of hand against young buttocks emanated from the back room. The crisp smacking was a steady rhythm of hot appli- cation. Nothing was heard from Julie.

"Tough little cookie, isn't she?" said Stacy to

Sondra. "Hasn't made a peep yet." It was fully two minutes before a high-pitched little series of wails began.

"There it is," said Sondra. "Finally."

Eventually, Martha returned, followed by a peni-. tent moppet. Julie's face was flushed and she was doing her best to hide her wet eyes from the cus- tomers as she slipped into her ragged shorts. With permission, she went out to play.

"I'll take these four whips," said Victoria, laying the snaky items on the counter. "Would you mea- sure my girls now, Martha?"

Martha produced her cloth tape measure and set about her task, measuring ankles and wrists.

"Sondra has slightly larger ankles than Stacy," she pointed out, "but Stacy has a little thicker wrist. I'll have the chains by Tuesday, Victoria. I'll put little Julie on them first thing tomorrow. Regu- lar three-foot wrist chains, I assume, but how about the ankles. They come in the three sizes, you know. Three-foot for appearance, two-foot for slightly modified steps, and the one-footer for ex- citing little half-step walking. Selling more and more of the one-footers now. Look cute on a girl."

"No, I don't really care for the one-foot ones,

Martha. I like to see a girl with just a slight modifi- cation of her walk. I'll take the two-footers."

"Very well, Victoria. They're twenty dollars apiece. Same for the wrist chains. I'll charge it to your account. Could I interest you in a branding iron and nipple rings? Starting to come into fash- ion over in Porter County for servants."

"Well, I hope our county stays the way it is," said Victoria with concern. "Branding and nipple rings should be kept for slavery service. A girl like those of us who have served is quite jealous of being branded and ringed. It's quite an honor, and very meaningful to us. If people start doing it to servant girls it waters down the meaning of the whole thing, you see. Slavery is different than being a servant. No, Martha, I'm not interested in those items."

"You make a good point, Victoria. Probably be repealed over in Porter soon, as a matter of fact.

Glad I didn't stock too many. How about a bit on leather gag?"

"Mmmm… no… not this time, Martha. May- be in the near future. Frankly, I really am not too keen on mouthpieces, except for punishment of a mouthy servant. Stacy and Sondra seem to say only nice things, so I don't think they'll be requir- ing a mouthpiece. Well, I'll be in Tuesday for the chains."

Victoria picked up some groceries, and headed out of town once again.

"What did you think of Martha's place, Stacy?"

"It was lovely, Miss Victoria. Thank you for our chains. By the way, I enjoyed the floor show too!"

"Oh, you mean Julie's spanking? But you didn't see it, Stacy."

"Didn't see it, but heard it. First time I ever just heard a spanking. I found it terribly sexy to listen to a girl being spanked. Quite an exciting experi- ence, I thought."

"It was," agreed Sondra.

"How would you girls like a swim and a rubdown at the Country Club before going on to Briargate?" asked Victoria.

Sondra and Stacy were rather stunned. The

Country Club! Servants didn't go to country clubs!

Victoria recognized their wonderment.

"We're not as stuffy down here as they are up north. Mistresses always take their girls with them wherever they go. Or their slaves, if they happen to own one at the time. John said he would buy me one on our second anniversary, by the way. Any- way, it's off to the club!"

The lockerroom was plush, made even more so by the ordering of Tom Collins for all three.

Victoria slipped into a magnificent orange bikini.

"Servant girls or slaves swim in their under- pants," said Victoria. "Come on, get undressed… it's o.k… There'll be some other servants in the pool. No one will stare at you."

Yet, with all the domestic service behind them,

Stacy and Sondra felt somewhat uneasy when they accompanied Victoria out to the pool deck. After all, this was more or less public, with men, boys and everything else. However, within several min- utes, their apprehension went away for, as Victoria had predicted, there were four or five other ser- vants attired in the same attire, or lack of it. They were glanced at, but not leered at, and began to feel comfortable. The water was delicious.

Servant girls have a rather unique sisterhood even though strangers. They speak a message of love and understanding that is not apparent in other, non-domestic, girls. Words need not be spoken, and seldom are, between servants who do not know one another. Especially in such places as in public, or at the Country Club pool, for instance.

Yet, their eyes meet in brief, naughty glances and give a silent message. Like the servant in black panties and long blonde hair in the deep water end.

Her eyes found Stacy on the diving board, and

Stacy got the message. Come here, girl Stacy made a perfect dive and came up close to the blonde. There were, of course, no words. Servants didn't talk to one another, or to anyone, at the

Country Club. They were to be seen, not heard. Nor did they play obvious girl games with one another.