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1. A. A. Chernobaev et al., eds., Na prieme u Stalina: Tetradi (zhurnaly) zapisei lits, priniatykh I. V. Stalinym, 1924–1953 (Moscow, 2008), 21–554; V. K. Volkov, Uzlovye problemy noveishei istorii stran Tsentralnoi i Iugo-Vostochnoi Evropy, rev. and expanded as Stalin wollte ein anderes Europa: Moskaus Aussenpolitik 1940 bis 1968 und die Folgen, eine Dokumentation, Harald Neubert, ed. (Berlin, 2003), 163–65.

2. That image was reflected in how participant parties were listed at the first Cominform conference.

3. See T. V. Volokitina et al., Moskva i Vostochnaia Evropa: stanovlenie politicheskikh rezhimov sovetskogo tipa, 1949–1953: ocherki istorii (Moscow, 2002), 1–30.

4. Doc. 116 in T. V. Volokitina et al., eds., Sovetskii faktor v Vostochnoi Evrope, 1944–1953 (Moscow, 1999), 1:337–38.

5. George Orwell, preface to the Ukrainian edition of Animal Farm, 1947, at http://www.netcharles.com/orwell/articles/ukrainian-af-pref.htm.

6. Csaba Békés, “Soviet Plans to Establish the Cominform in Early 1946: New Evidence from the Hungarian Archives,” CWIHP Bulletin 10 (Mar. 1998), 135–36.

7. Vladislav Zubok and Constantine Pleshakov, Inside the Kremlin’s Cold War: From Stalin to Khrushchev (Cambridge, Mass., 1996), 125.

8. Grant Adibekov, “How the First Conference of the Cominform Came About,” in Giuliano Procacci et al., eds., The Cominform: Minutes of the Three Conferences, 1947, 1948, 1949 (Milan, 1994), 3–9.

9. For this speech and complete record in Russian and English, see Procacci et al., Cominform, 84–95.

10. Complete minutes, ibid., 217–49.

11. For their reflections, see Edvard Kardelj, Reminiscences: The Struggle for Recognition and Independence: The New Yugoslavia, 1944–1957 (London, 1982), 98–102, and Milovan Djilas, Rise and Fall (New York, 1983), 134–36.

12. Minutes, Procacci et al., Cominform, 43.

13. Andrzej Werblan, “Władysław Gomułka and the Dilemma of Polish Communism,” International Political Science Review/Revue internationale de science politique (1988), 151–52.

14. Vladimir Volkov, “The Soviet Leadership and Southeastern Europe,” in Norman Naimark and Leonid Gibianskii, eds., The Establishment of Communist Regimes in Eastern Europe, 1944–1949 (Boulder, Colo., 1997), 66; Ivo Banac, With Stalin Against Tito: Cominformist Splits in Yugoslav Communism (Ithaca, N.Y., 1988), 29–31.

15. Letter, not later than Sept. 15, 1946, doc. 117 in Volokitina et al., Sovetskii faktor, 1:338–39.

16. S. I. Lavrenov and I. M. Popov, Sovetskii Soiuz v lokalnykh voinakh i konfliktakh (Moscow, 2003), 72–75; Russian and Serbo-Croatian minutes, May 27–28, 1946, reprinted in Leonid Gibianskii, “The Soviet Bloc and the Initial State of the Cold War: Archival Documents on Stalin’s Meetings with Communist Leaders of Yugoslavia and Bulgaria, 1946–1948,” CWIHP Bulletin 10 (Mar. 1998), 119–28.

17. Djilas, Rise and Fall, 152.

18. V. K. Volkov and L. Ia. Gibianskii, “Na poroge pervogo raskola v sotsialisticheskom lagere: Peregovori rykovodiashikh deiatelei SSSR, Bolgarii i Iogoslavii 1948 r.,” Istoricheskii arkhiv (1997), 92–123; Georgi Dimitrov, Dnevnik: mart 1933–fevruari 1949: izbrano (Sofia, 2003), 360–68; Vladimir Dedijer, Tito Speaks: His Self-Portrait and Struggle with Stalin (London, 1953), 320–22; Djilas, Rise and Fall, 152–53.

19. Dedijer, Tito Speaks, 310.

20. For the trade negotiations and Kardelj’s visit with Stalin in Mar. 1947, see ibid., 285–93, 294–96.

21. Entry, with Stalin’s note, for Jan. 24, 1948, and apology, in Dimitrov, Dnevnik, 357–58; Dedijer, Tito Speaks, 323–24.

22. Kardelj, Reminiscences, 104–7; Djilas, Rise and Fall, 166–67; Dedijer, Tito Speaks, 325–27.

23. Kardelj, Reminiscences, 110.

24. Mark Kramer, “Stalin, Soviet Policy, and the Consolidation of a Communist Bloc in Eastern Europe, 1944–53,” in Vladimir Tismăneanu, ed., Stalinism Revisited: The Establishment of Communist Regimes in East-Central Europe (Budapest and New York, 2009), 83.

25. Docs. 117 and 118 in Stephen Clissold, ed., Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union, 1939–1973: A Documentary Survey (London, 1975), 169–74.

26. Quoted in Leonid Gibianskii, “The Beginning of the Soviet-Yugoslav Conflict and the Cominform,” in Procacci et al., Cominform, 480.

27. Zhdanov, “On the Situation in the Communist Party of Yugoslavia,” in Procacci et al., Cominform, 523–41.

28. Svetozar Stojanović, “Varieties of Stalinism in Light of the Yugoslav Case, in Tismăneanu, Stalinism Revisited, 394.

29. New York Herald Tribune, Nov. 7, 1952; T. V. Volokitina et al., Moskva i Vostochnaia Evropa, 585–86.

30. Robert Murphy, Diplomat Among Warriors (Garden City, N.Y., 1964), 309–10.

31. Lucius D. Clay, Decision in Germany (New York, 1950), 211; Murphy, Diplomat Among Warriors, 312.

32. Doc. 147 in G. P. Kynin and Jochen Laufer, eds., SSSR i germanskii vopros, 1941–1949: dokumenty iz arkhiva vneshnei politiki Rossiiskoi Federastsii (Moscow, 2003), 3:616–32.

33. Ibid. and BAB, SAPMO, 695, Nachlass Pieck.

34. Jochen Laufer, “Die UdSSR und die deutsche Währungsfrage 1944–1948,” Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte (1998), 483; doc. 160 in Kynin and Laufer, SSSR i germanskii vopros, 3:677–80.

35. Memorandum, June 4, 1948, in FRUS, 1948, Germany and Austria, 2:907–8.

36. Laufer, “Die UdSSR und Währungsfrage,” 455.

37. Clay, Decision in Germany, 358–63.

38. Murphy, Diplomat Among Warriors, 298.

39. Derek Watson, Molotov: A Biography (New York, 2005), 240–41.

40. Gerhard Wettig, Stalin and the Cold War in Europe: The Emergence and Development of East-West Conflict, 1939–1953 (Lanham, Md., 2008), 173–74.

41. See Stalin to Pieck, Oct. 13, 1949, in Stalin, Sochineniia, 16: 100–101; for the positive German responses, see Jan C. Behrends, Die erfundene Freundschaft: Propaganda für die Sowjetunion in Polen und in der DDR (Cologne, 2006), 198–217; Silke Satjukow, Besatzer: “Die Russen” in Deutschland 1945–1994 (Göttingen, 2008), 63–67.

42. Doc. 50 in Peter Ruggenthaler, ed., Stalins grosser Bluff: Die Geschichte der Stalin-Note in Dokumenten der sowjetischen Führung (Munich, 2007), 111–13; Wettig, Stalin and the Cold War, 197–228. For a persistent opponent of this thesis, see Wilfried Loth, Die Sowjetunion und die deutsche Frage: Studien zur sowjetischen Deutschlandpolitik (Göttingen, 2007).