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43. Acheson to U.S. High Commissioner, Bonn, Mar. 22, 1952, in FRUS, 1952–1954, Germany and Austria, 189–90; Dean Acheson, Present at the Creation: My Years in the State Department (New York, 1987), 629–33. Acheson gives March 26 as the date of the handover; Vyshinsky’s calendar gives March 25.

44. For analysis of the second note, see Ruggenthaler, Stalins grosser Bluff, 158–63.

45. The Russian minutes of SED conversations with Stalin, in Bernd Bonwetsch and Sergej Kudrjasov, “Stalin und die II. Parteikonferenz der SED: Ein Besuch der SED Führung in Moskau, 31. März–8. April 1952, und seine Folgen. Dokumentation” in Jürgen Zarusky, ed., Stalin und die Deutschen: Neue Beiträge der Forschung (Munich, 2006), 173–206. The German record is in BAB, SAPMO, NY 4036: Nachlass Pieck, 696, 12–25.

46. Ibid.-


1. Erik van Ree, Socialism in One Zone: Stalin’s Policy in Korea, 1945–1947 (Oxford, U.K., 1989), 108–74; Jongsoo Lee, The Partition of Korea After World War II (New York, 2006), 93, 143.

2. S. N. Goncharov interview with Ivan Kovalev, “Stalin’s Dialogue with Mao Zedong,” Journal of Northeast Asian Studies (Winter 1991), 15. Stalin conversation with Liu Shaoqi, July 1949, doc. 6 in Sergei N. Goncharow, John W. Lewis, and Xue Litai, Uncertain Partners: Stalin, Mao, and the Korean War (Stanford, Calif., 1993), 232.

3. Dieter Heinzig, The Soviet Union and Communist China, 1945–1950: The Arduous Road to the Alliance (New York, 2004), 255–56.

4. Stalin–Mao Zedong, Dec. 16, 1949, in “New Documents on Stalin’s Conversations,” CWIHP Bulletin 6/7 (Winter 1995–96), 5.

5. For the documents, see Odd Arne Westad, “Fighting for Friendship: Mao, Stalin, and the Sino-Soviet Treaty of 1950,” in CWIHP Bulletin 8/9 (Winter 1996–97), 224–42; Jung Chang and Jon Halliday, Mao: The Unknown Story (London, 2005), 351–67; and Jonathan Haslam, Russia’s Cold War: From the October Revolution to the Fall of the Berlin Wall (New Haven, Conn., 2011), 112–16.

6. Stalin–Mao Zedong, Jan. 22, 1950, “New Documents,” 5–7.

7. Nikita Khrushchev, Memoirs, vol. 3, Statesman, 1953–1964 (University Park, Pa., 2007), 415–16.

8. Westad, “Fighting for Friendship,” 225; Chang and Halliday, Mao, 369.

9. Kathryn Weathersby, “Soviet Aims in Korea and the Origins of the Korean War, 1945–1950: New Evidence from Russian Archives,” CWIHP Working Paper no. 8 (1993). Kim conversations with Stalin, doc. 1, Mar. 5, 1949, AVPRF, f. 059a, o. 5a, d. 3, p. 11, l. 10–20, in CWIHP, virtual archive, Korean War.

10. Telegram from Soviet representative to Moscow, Sept. 14, 1949, in AVPRF, f. 059a, op. 5a, d. 3, p. 11, l. 46–53, in CWIHP, virtual archive, Korean War.

11. Shtykov to Vyshinsky, Jan. 19, 1950, in AVPRF, f. 059a, op. 5a, d. 3, p. 11, l. 87–91, in CWIHP, virtual archive, Korean War.

12. Mao and Zhou Enlai to Liu Shaoqi, Feb. 1, 1950, doc. 24 in Westad, “Fighting for Friendship,” 235.

13. Heinzig, Soviet Union and Communist China, 306.

14. Stalin to Shtykov, Jan. 30, 1950, in AVPRF, f. 059a, op. 5a, d. 3, p. 11, l. 92; Shtykov to Stalin, Jan. 31, 1950, in APRF, l. 123–124, fond and opis not given; and AVPRF, f. 059a, op. 5a, d. 3, p. 11, l. 92–93, in CWIHP, virtual archive, Korean War.

15. Heinzig, Soviet Union and Communist China, 277–79.

16. Voina v Koree, 1950–1953 (Moscow, 2003), 11–14.

17. Document cited in full in Katheryn Weathersby, “Should We Fear This? Stalin and the Danger of War with America,” CWIHP Working Paper (July 2002), 9–11. See also A. Torkunov, Zagadochnaya Voina: Koreiskii konflikt 1950–1953 godov (Moscow, 2000), 58–64.

18. Docs. 1 and 2 in James G. Hershberg, “Russian Documents on the Korean War, 1950–53,” CWIHP Bulletin 14/15 (2003–4), 372–73.

19. Muccio to Secretary of State, FRUS, 1950, Korea, 125–26.

20. Kirk to Secretary of State, ibid., 139–40.

21. Andrei A. Gromyko, Pamiatnoe (Moscow, 1990), 1:248–50.

22. UN Security Council Resolutions, at http://www.un.org/documents/sc/res/1950/scres50.htm.

23. Stalin to Klement Gottwald, Aug. 27, 1950, in A. V. Ledovsky, “Stalin, Mao Tsedun i koreiskaia voina 1950–1953 godov,” Novaia i noveishaia istoriia (Sept.–Oct. 2005), 96–97.

24. For an alternative view, see Shen Zhihua, “Sino-Soviet Relations and the Origins of the Korean War: Stalin’s Strategic Goals in the Far East,” Journal of Cold War Studies (2000), 44–68.

25. David McCullough, Truman (New York, 1992), 799–800.

26. Kim Il Sung and Pak Heonyeong to Stalin (via Shtykov), sent on Sept. 30, 1950, in APRF, f. 45, op. 1, d. 347, l. 41–45, in CWIHP, virtual archive, Korean War.

27. Stalin to Mao, July 5 and Oct. 1, 1950, in APRF, f. 45, op. 1, d. 331, l. 79 and l. 97–98, in CWIHP, virtual archive, Korean War.

28. Mao to Stalin, Oct. 2, 1950, in APRF, f. 45, op. 1, d. 334, l. 105–10, in CWIHP, virtual archive, Korean War.

29. Stalin to Mao, Oct. 5, 1950, doc. 6 in CWIHP Bulletin 14/15 (2003–4), 376–77.

30. Mao, via Soviet ambassador in China, to Stalin, Oct. 7, 1950, doc. 7, ibid., 377–78.

31. Telegram, Fyn Si (Stalin) to Kim Il Sung (via Shtykov), Oct. 13, 1950, in APRF, f. 45, op. 1, d. 347, l. 74–75, in CWIHP, virtual archive, Korean War.

32. Quoted in Goncharow, Lewis, and Litai, Uncertain Partners, 197.

33. For a critique of this literature, see Chen Jian, China’s Road to the Korean War: The Making of the Sino-American Confrontation (New York, 1994), 1–6.

34. Heinzig, Soviet Union and Communist China, 391.

35. Jian, Mao’s China, 59–61.

36. Chang and Halliday, Mao, 377–78; Jian, Mao’s China, 88–91.

37. Voina v Koree, 1950–1953 (Moscow, 2003), 41–42; Chang and Halliday, Mao, 381–82.

38. Stalin to Zhou Enlai, Dec. 1 and 7, 1950, in APRF, f. 45, op. 1, d. 336, l. 20–21, and AVPRF, f. 059a, op. 5a, d. 3, p. 11, l. 196–97, in CWIHP, virtual archive, Sino-Soviet relations.

39. Jian, Mao’s China, 93–95.

40. Stalin to Mao Zedong, June 5, 1951, in APRF, f. 45, op. 1, d. 339, l. 17–18, in CWIHP, virtual archive, Sino-Soviet relations.

41. Stalin and Zhou Enlai conversation, Sept. 3, 1952, in APRF, f. 45, op. 1, d. 329, ll. 75–87, in CWIHP virtual archive, Sino-Soviet relations.

42. Stalin and Zhou Enlai conversation, Aug. 20, 1952, in APRF, f. 45, op. 1, d. 329, l. 54–72, in CWIHP virtual archive, Sino-Soviet relations.

43. Stalin and Zhou Enlai, conversation, Sept. 19, 1952, in APRF, f. 45, op. 1, d. 343, ll. 97–103, in CWIHP virtual archive, Korean War.

44. Doc. 6 in Goncharov, Lewis, and Litai, Uncertain Partners, 232.

45. Chang and Halliday, Mao, 388–89.

46. Michael D. Gordon, Red Cloud at Dawn: Truman, Stalin, and the End of the Atomic Monopoly (New York, 2009), 203–13, 242–42.

47. Kirk to Acheson, Oct. 5, 1949, in FRUS, 1949, 5:664.