Popov, Nikolai
popular fronts
Port Arthur
Poskrëbyshev, Alexander
Pospelov, P.N.
Postyshev, Pëtr
Potsdam Conference (1945)
POUM (Spanish party)
Prague Conference (1912)
Pravda (newspaper): founded; Stalin writes for; Molotov and Shlyapnikov edit; and national question; Stalin appointed to editorial board; Stalin gives up editorship; on Nadya Allilueva’s death; and non-aggression pact with Germany (1939); reporting of war; cultic writings on Stalin; denigrates Western leaders; on Doctors’ Plot; limits posthumous praise of Stalin; prepares laudatory editorial on Stalin
Preobrazhenski, Yevgeni: urges Europe-wide revolution; sympathises with Trotski; opposes Stalin’s appointment as General Secretary; criticises economic policy; writings; allies with Stalin
Presidium (Bolshevik Party): internal Bureau established; and Stalin’s stroke; and succession to Stalin
Prokofiev, Sergei
Proletari (journal)
Proletarians Brdzola (journal)
proletariat, dictatorship of
Prosveshchenie (journal)
Provisional Government (Russian): formed (1917); Russian Bureau opposition to; Lenin demands overthrow of; rule and reforms; and conduct of First World War; break-up; unpopularity; conflict with Bolsheviks
Prussia: Soviet dominance in
Przewalski, Nikolai
Pugachëv revolt (1773–5)
Pushkin, Alexander
Putin, Vladimir
Pyatakov, Georgi
Pyatnitski, Osip
Qazbegi, Alexander: The Patricide
Rabochii put (newspaper)
Radek, Karclass="underline" and war with Poland; tried
Radzinski, Edvard
Rajk, László
Rakovski, Christian,
Ramishvili, Isidore,
Ramzin, Leonid
Rapallo, Treaty of (1922)
Rappoport, Yakov
Rasputin, Grigori
Red Army: beginnings; in Civil War; Perm defeat; Lenin proposes for actions in Europe; triumphs in Civil War; and Lenin’s European strategy; in war against Poland (1920); exercises control of outlying regions; conquers Georgia (1921); powers; and economic development; threatened trial of commanders; suppresses peasant risings; hatred of collectivisation; campaign against religion; collaboration with German army; reinforced in Far East; and Nazi threat; and Spanish Civil War; clash with Japanese; Stalin addresses (1941); recovers from first German onslaught; prisoners-of-war; wartime conscription; scorched-earth policy; strategy against Germans; casualties at Stalingrad; Kursk victory; westward advance against Germans; appeal in east-central Europe; and Western Allies; final offensive; inactivity in Warsaw Rising; unrestrained behaviour in European advance; experience of Western civilisation; occupation of eastern Europe; redesignated Soviet Army; Stalin sees as threat
Redens, Stanisław
Reisner, M.A.
religion: persecuted
Renner, Karl
Revolutionary-Military Council
Reznikov (informer)
Rhee, Syngman
Ribbentrop, Joachim von
Right Deviation
Robespierre, Maximilien
Rodionov, Mikhail
Rodzaevski, Konstantin
Rodzyanko, Mikhail
Röhm, Ernst
Rokossovski, Marshal Konstantin
Romania: as potential invader of USSR; Stalin woos; Soviet demands on; troops in USSR; and Panslavism; USSR demands reparations from; communist regime in; monarchy removed
Roosevelt, Franklin D.: condemns Nazi atrocities; Stalin entertains; meets Stalin at Tehran; broadcasts; cooperation with Stalin; Churchill meets; agrees wartime supplies to USSR; relations with Stalin; and post-war European settlement; at Yalta conference; requests United Nations Organisation; death; and prospective capture of Berlin; commitments to Stalin
Rozanov, Vladimir
Rudzutak, Yan
Rukhimovich, Moisei
Russia (post-1991): conditions; see also Soviet Union
Russian Bureau of Central Committee: differences in; Stalin admitted to; welcomes return of Lenin
Russian Empire: national question in; in First World War; popular unrest in; and sense of nationhood; see also Provisional Government
Russian language: honoured; Stalin’s views on
Russian Orthodox Church: attacked; maintains some autonomy; restrictions relaxed in war; post-war position
Russian Social-Democratic Workers’ Party: in Georgia; Iskra campaigns for; and ethnic considerations; Second Party Congress (Brussels and London, 1903); and popular unrest (1905); Third Party Congress (London, 1905); Fourth Party Congress (Stockholm, 1905); Fifth Party Congress (London, 1907); Bolshevik-Menshevik differences in; leaders return to Switzerland; membership numbers; Mensheviks excluded; new Central Committee formed
Russian Socialist Federal Republic
(RSFSR): Constitution; within Soviet federation; lacks own communist party; and Leningrad ambitions
Russians (ethnic): elevated; Stalin honours at war’s end
Russo-Japanese War (1904–5)
Rustaveli, Shota; Knight in the Panther’s Skin
Ryazanov, David
Rybin, A.I.
Rykov, Alexei: and Democratic State Conference; membership of Sovnarkom; Lenin proposes promoting; attacks Stalin; Stalin offers resignation to; supports Bukharin’s agrarian policy; Stalin proposes dismissing; Stalin vilifies; reprimanded; tried
Ryutin, Maremyan,
St Petersburg (sometime Petrograd; Leningrad): massacre (1905); Stalin operates in; renamed Petrograd; industrial unrest in (February 1917); Soviet; between February and October revolutions; protest demonstration (July 1917); in October Revolution; renamed Leningrad; NKVD purges in; Germans threaten and besiege; supposed conspiracy; local patriotism in
Samoilov, F.
Saturn, Operation
Schmidt sisters: legacies to Russian Social-Democratic Workers’ Party
Schulenburg, Count Friedrich Werner von der
science: controlled by Stalin
‘scissors crisis’
Sebag-Montefiore, Simon
‘second front’
Serebryakov, Leonid
Sergeev, Artëm (Stalin’s adopted son)
Sergei, Acting Patriarch
Shakhty coal mine, Don Basin
Shamil (Islamist rebel)
Shaumyan, Stepan
Shepilov, D.T.
Shevchenko, Taras
Shlyapnikov, Alexander
Shneidorovich, Dr M.G.
Sholokhov, Mikhail
Shostakovich, Dmitri
show trials; in post-war eastern Europe
Shreider, A.
Shumyatski, Boris
Shvernik, Nikolai
Siberia: grain supplies from; see also Turukhansk District
Simonov, Konstantin
Siqueiros, David Alfaro
Sklarska Poreba, Poland
Skobelev, Mikhail
Skrypnik, Mykola
Slánsky, Rudolf
Slovakia: reparations to USSR
Smilga, Ivan
Smirnov, A.P.
Smirnov, Ivan
Smolny Institute, Petrograd
Smyrba, Hashim
Snesarev, Andrei
socialism: as Marxist ideal
‘socialism in one country’
Socialist-Revolutionaries: ridicule Stalin; little appeal in Caucasus; leaders return to Switzerland; oppose Kerenski; and Democratic State Conference; support Provisional Government; walk out from Second Congress of Soviets; as potential rivals; arrested and sentenced
Sokolnikov, Grigori
Solomin, V.G.
Sorge, Richard
Sotsial-Demokrat (newspaper)
Souvarine, Boris
Soviet Union: isolation; federal structure; title adopted (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics); and threat of outside intervention; and autonomous republics; economic development; modernity in; citizens’ rights in; Constitutions: (1924); (1936); and nationhood; political patronage and cliental groups; excluded from League of Nations; foreign policy; armaments production; USA recognises; non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany (1939); Winter War with Finland; Hitler plans to attack; Germans invade (Operation Barbarossa); German conquests and advance in; wartime scorched-earth policy; wartime economic organisation and production; Western Allies support for; wartime refugees in; national anthem; patriotism emphasised; Western Allies’ supplies to; victory over Germany; post-war power; human and material losses in war; post-war regime and repressions; devaluation and economic regeneration; student unrest in; post-war relations with Western Allies; and beginnings of Cold War; and Western containment policy; develops nuclear weapons; corruption and maladministration in; hostility to West; foreign influences excluded; reforms after Stalin’s death; collapse (1991); totalitarianism in; see also Russia (post-1991)