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newsreels in, 215

proposed Cinema City in, 285–86

Stalin’s involvement in, 193, 215–16, 217–18

films, Stalin’s private screenings of, 192–93, 210

Filov, Bogdan, 812, 813

Finance Capital (Hilferding), 760

Finland, 17, 89, 485, 596, 664, 702, 703, 889

British relations with, 708, 709

German alliance with, 748

German relations with, 703–4, 709, 713, 717

mobilization of, 710, 712, 713, 714, 879, 894

neutrality of, 712

“People’s Government” of, 724–25, 729, 730

pro-German sentiment in, 647

Soviet desire for base in, 710, 711, 716

Soviet invasion of, see Winter War

Soviet negotiations with, 705–7, 708–9, 710, 713–14, 715–20, 721

Soviet nonaggression pact with, 93, 703, 722

Soviet relations with, 722–23

Stalin’s fear of invasion from, 27, 50, 703, 704, 707–8, 712

Stalin’s territorial demands on, 710–15, 716, 718, 719, 746

standing army of, 112

Swedish relations with, 711, 717

territory ceded to USSR by, 747–48

Wehrmacht in, 792, 808, 813, 829

Finland, Gulf of, 702, 707, 711, 714, 716, 725, 740

Finnish intelligence, 721–22

Finns, in USSR, 476

Firin-Pupko, Semyon, 413

First Blow, The (Shpanov), 581, 699

First Cavalry Army, The (film), 690

Fischer, Louis, 339, 380

Fitin, Pavel, 627, 804, 836–37, 845, 852, 878, 879, 883–84

Five-Year Plans, 892

first (1928–32), 17, 20–21, 28, 43, 48, 70, 75, 126, 129, 131, 132, 606

second, 115, 132, 159, 190, 402, 606

shortfalls in, 781

third, 402–3, 606–7, 804–5

Flight (Bulgakov), 148

Fomin, Fyodor, 202, 204, 207, 208, 220

food commissariat, arrests in, 405

food rationing, 72, 76, 85, 93–94, 95, 98, 128

end of, 197, 235, 268, 305

food shortages, 16, 41, 404–5

forced labor, Gulag complexes for, see Gulag

Ford, Henry, 71

Ford Motor Company, 32

foreign affairs commissariat, 624

arrests in, 447, 495–96, 582, 625

arrest and torture of Litvinovites in, 626–27

Litvinov’s dismissal from, 625, 632

Molotov as head of, 625

removal of Jews from, 628

Foreign Legion, Spanish, 316

foreign policy, Stalin’s micromanaging of, 624–25

forestry commissariat, arrests in, 405

“former people,” 61, 74–75, 148, 177, 229, 236, 352, 383

Fourth International, 610, 787

France, 317, 340

accused of anti-Soviet plotting, 61–62

avoidance of new war as policy of, 556, 559, 563, 566, 568, 592

British relations with, 242, 298, 592, 612

Czech alliance with, 251–52, 299, 558, 559, 560, 561, 563, 565, 567, 568, 592, 612

in declaration of war on Germany, 679

German occupation of, 760–61, 765–66, 767, 769, 773, 826, 827, 861, 889

German relations with, 272, 357, 374

and German remilitarization of Rhineland, 288, 592

Germany viewed as threat by, 238, 298, 591–92

Hitler’s view of, as main enemy, 474

in minimal response to German invasion of Poland, 679–80

Munich Pact and, 565–66

in negotiations for Soviet alliance, 173, 188–89, 191, 246

Polish alliance with, 158, 592, 597, 612, 634, 677, 680

Polish independence guaranteed by, 676

political upheaval in, 559

Popular Front government of, 328, 357

and possible Japanese-Soviet war, 89

proposed pact between Britain and, 251

Soviet military talks with, 656–58, 661

Soviet mutual assistance pact with, 248, 249, 255, 266, 272, 275–76, 288, 298, 299, 357, 560, 561, 592, 601, 624, 649

Soviet nonaggression pact with, 93, 146, 251

Soviet relations with, 146, 318–19, 320, 341, 582, 593, 637

Spanish civil war nonintervention policy of, 317

Stalin’s distrust of, 762

Stalin’s gamble on fighting capabilities of, 668–69

Triple Alliance proposal and, 621, 638, 639, 649, 653, 810

France, Vichy, 766, 798, 889

Franco, Francisco, 343, 350, 556, 582, 889

civil war victory of, 615

in failed assault on Madrid, 350–52, 376, 398, 406–7

gradualist strategy favored by, 399

Hitler’s meeting with, 797–98, 815

in Morocco, 314-15

NKVD assassination attempts against, 409

post-civil-war massacres by, 797

right-based coalition built by, 400

rise of, 315-16

Stalin’s view of, 401

as war criminal, 615–16

Frank, Hans, 745, 867

French intelligence, 766

Frinovsky, Mikhail, 342, 391, 413, 415–16, 447, 448, 450, 453, 460, 472, 499, 523, 541

arrest and interrogation of, 617, 618, 620

execution of, 742

and Mongolia mass arrests, 461–62

as naval commissar, 543, 547

in Soviet Far East, 531–32, 534

and Soviet incursion in Manchukuo, 535–36, 537

as Yezhov’s deputy in terror campaign, 452, 497, 500, 528–29, 540

Fritsch, Werner von, 473, 474

“From Factionalism to Open Counterrevolution” (Yezhov), 433

“From the Odessa Jail” (song), 452

Furer, Veniamin, 161, 358

Gagra, 145, 311

shooting incident at, 142

Stalin’s holidays in, 136, 141, 142, 188

Gai, Mark (Stokland), 222, 393

Gaikis, Leonid, 334, 381, 405

Gamarnik, Jan, 58, 90, 350, 418, 423, 424, 443, 527

Gamelin, Maurice, 280, 767

Gamsakhurdia, Konstantin, 512, 513

Gavrilović, Milan, 779, 847–48

Geladze, Keke, 63–64, 109

death of, 421–22

grandchildren’s visit with, 270

Stalin’s correspondence with, 108, 270

Stalin’s visit with, 270–71

Gelovani, Mikhail, 548, 617–18, 745, 854

Genden, Peljidiin, 196, 277, 461

Stalin’s meetings with, 147–48, 195, 278–79

Stalin’s pipe smashed by, 279

George V, king of England, 280

George VI, king of England, 404, 566

Georgia, 138, 354, 547

Beria’s lobbying for aid to, 513–14

Beria’s supreme power in, 501, 506, 512–13

famine in, 81

mass terror in, 502, 508–9, 513, 515–16, 517

nationalism in, 138

1937 harvest in, 514

NKVD in, 508

10th Party Congress in, 509, 512, 517

Gerasimov, Alexander, 395, 436, 733, 854

German embassy, Moscow, evacuation of, 879, 887

German intelligence, 485

Anglo-Soviet trade talks and, 779

in USSR, 775

see also Abwehr; SD

Germans, in USSR, 476

mass arrests and executions of, 356, 453

German-Soviet nonaggression pact, see Hitler-Stalin Pact German Workers’ Party, xiii

Germany, Imperial, in World War I, xv

Germany, interwar, 17

Communists in, 19

depression in, 79–80, 86, 118

failed Communist coup in, 17

1930 elections in, 53

1932 elections in, 118, 119

Reichstag fire in, 120, 142

reparations owed by, 79

rise of Nazism in, 118–19, 129

in secret military cooperation with Soviets, 21

Soviet relations with, 86, 89, 93

unemployment in, 72

Germany, Nazi, 583

in Anti-Comintern Pact, 355–57, 539, 557, 581–82, 596, 655, 667, 677

anti-Communism in, 593

anti-Semitism in, 266–67, 307, 430, 559, 589, 736–37

armaments and machinery supplied to USSR by, 769

Austria annexed by, 292, 558–60, 598

Britain’s naval limitation pact with, 288, 630

Britain’s need for accommodation with, 169, 591

British lack of knowledge about, 242

British relations with, 355, 357, 590, 609, 617, 652, 653, 904

as common enemy of Britain and USSR, 168

Czechoslovakia invaded by, 609, 612, 616, 617, 679, 747, 888

declining reliance on Soviet materials of, 774