German relations with, 355, 357, 590, 609, 617, 652, 653, 904
Germany and Japan as common enemies of USSR and, 168
Germany’s naval limitation pact with, 255, 288, 630
gold standard abandoned by, 85
Great Depression in, 591
Hitler as concern of, 238
Hitler’s view of, as main enemy, 474
Italian relations with, 374
and Japanese invasion of China, 364
Japanese relations with, 653
in military talks with Soviets, 656–58, 661
in minimal response to German invasion of Poland, 679–80
Munich Pact and, 565–66
Polish independence guaranteed by, 614–15, 616, 617, 653, 654, 662, 674, 676
Polish mutual assistance treaty with, 677, 679–80
Polish relations with, 597
Soviet negotiations with, 775–76, 778–79, 796, 810–11, 818, 819–20
Soviet relations with, 24–25, 26, 28, 168, 188–89, 243–44, 276, 364, 582, 593, 616, 632, 637, 719, 903–4
Soviet spy network in, 221–22, 241, 656, 740, 741, 800, 836
Spanish civil war and, 317, 356–57, 374, 398, 582
Stalin’s antipathy and distrust toward, xv, 24–25, 142–43, 168, 255, 292, 298, 675, 699, 762, 764, 765, 777, 780, 786, 819–20, 850, 884, 890, 903
Stalin’s fear of German alliance with, 590
Triple Alliance proposal and, 621, 622–23, 625, 630, 632, 638, 639, 646, 647–49, 652, 653, 674, 777, 810
unemployment in, 72
U.S. aid to, 791, 793, 833–35, 843, 904
Winter War and, 739, 777
Great Citizen, A (film script; Ermler), 372–73, 476
Great Depression, 85–86, 118, 155, 176, 297, 305, 591
Great Dictator, The (film), 796
Great Fergana Canal, 692
great power, USSR as, 238, 298
industrialization and, 131
Stalin’s obsession with building, 5, 8, 240, 249–50
great powers:
Britain as, xv
democratic vs. authoritarian, 296, 298
mass-based modernity mastered by, 296–97
Russia’s sense of insecurity vis-à-vis, 297
Great Terror, The (Conquest), 306
Great Wall of China, 125, 366
German invasion of, 849, 852, 859
Italian invasion of, 798, 812, 847, 849
Grigulevich, Josifas “Juzik” (Grigulevičios) 409–10
Gromyko, Andrei, 628
Gronsky, Ivan, 151, 152
Grzybowski, Wacłav, 634, 683
Gubin, Alexander, 199, 220
Guderian, Heinz, 686, 767, 768
Guernica, bombing of, 407
Guernica (Picasso), 411
Gulag (forced labor camps), 133, 220, 227, 319, 404, 413
death rate in, 599
escapees from, 497
Polish POWs in, 687
population of, 598–99, 692
reforms of, 286
release of Red Army officers from, 759
Guomindang, see Nationalists, Chinese
Habsburg empire, xv, 557, 558, 598
Haile Selassie, emperor of Abyssinia, 292
Halder, Franz, 567, 647, 676, 680, 687, 700, 704, 708, 779, 784, 814, 815–16, 841–42, 854, 864, 874, 881
Halha River, Japanese-Soviet clash at, 644–45, 650–51, 667, 668, 669, 716, 726, 882
Halifax, Edward Wood, earl of, 559, 621, 622, 633, 638, 648, 652, 653, 658, 675, 679, 763, 775, 784
Hamlet (Shostakovich film score), 283
Hanko Cape, 707, 710, 711, 714, 716, 719, 725
Harbin, China, 30, 92, 172, 597
Harnack, Arvid (“Corsican”), 221, 836, 837, 859, 860, 861, 878
heavy industry commissariat, 371, 514, 606
accusations of wrecking in, 384
arrests in, 348, 405
Hebei province, China, 233
Hegel, G.W.F., 302
Heiden, Konrad, 589–90, 682
Henderson, Nevile, 583, 654–55, 661, 662, 664, 676
Hero with a Thousand Faces (Campbell), 301
Herriot, Édouard, 146, 147
Herrnstadt, Rudolf (“Arbin”), 220, 659, 699–700
Hess, Rudolf, xiv, 318, 369, 807
in flight to Britain, 866–68, 871
Heydrich, Reinhard, 174, 175, 377, 474
“hidden enemies,” 336, 389, 429, 439
Malenkov’s inventories of, 383, 391
Stalin’s call for ramped-up hunt for, 389–90, 391
Hilger, Gustav, 633, 654, 663, 864, 865
Himmler, Heinrich, 174, 175, 688, 694, 713, 797, 805, 823
Hindenburg, Paul von, 118, 119, 120, 174, 175
Hirohito, emperor of Japan, 458, 536
Hirota, Kōki, 90, 93, 196
ancient, Stalin’s study of, 493
Russian, Stalin’s view of, 465–66, 468
History of National Socialism, A (Heiden), 682
History of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), The: Short Course, see Short Course
History of the Russian Revolution (Trotsky), 62
Hitler, Adolf, 158, 218, 237, 298, 329, 350, 473
annihilation of Jews as goal of, 835
anti-Communist hysteria promoted by, 120, 121, 248, 557, 582
anti-Semitism of, 238, 266, 307, 342, 430, 557, 582, 597–98
anti-Slav worldview of, 817
Antonescu’s meeting with, 798
appointed chancellor, 118, 120
assassination attempts against, 700–701, 720
Austrian annexation plan denied by, 240–41
in Beer Hall Putsch, xiv, 559, 867
Britain and France viewed as main enemies by, 474
British concerns about, 238
British empire envied by, 833
and British-German relations, 355, 904–5
British invasion plans of, 782–83, 784, 794
Chamberlain manipulated by, 698–99
Chamberlain’s appeasement of, 565–66, 591, 652–53, 662, 674, 677
Chancellery offices of, 585
charisma of, 304, 557
coup plots against, 563–64, 567
Czechoslovak democracy undermined by, 558
daily routine of, 585–86
Danzig trip of, 684–85
dictatorial powers of, 120–21, 698
diplomatic maneuvering by, 286–87
Eastern Pact rejected by, 189
European conquest as goal of, 652, 814, 817, 888–89
fiftieth birthday celebration of, 629–30
Four-Year Plan of, 329
French-Soviet alliance denounced by, 252, 275–76, 288–89
Franco’s meeting with, 797–98, 815
as gambler, 675, 705
general European war anticipated by, 474
and German-Soviet negotiations, 403, 660, 661, 664–65
inner circle of, 585, 586
Lebensraum policy of, 238, 342, 474, 556, 562, 682, 783, 785, 834, 904
Lithuania ceded to Soviet sphere of influence by, 694–95
Lvov withdrawal ordered by, 686
as master improviser, xiv–xv
meeting of Simon and Eden with, 240–41, 254
Molotov’s meetings with, 806, 807–8, 823
Munich Pact and, 564, 565–66
Mussolini’s relationship with, 555–56, 559, 561, 798
in 1933 visit to Soviet Union, 146–47
nonaggression pacts and, 157–58, 252
in Paris tour, 769–70
personality and interests of, 583–85
Pétain’s meeting with, 798, 815
Polish invasion and, 636, 639, 651, 657, 661–62, 675–77
on possibility of war with USSR, 241
on possible Soviet Pact, 650
in prison, xiv
rearmament pushed by, 143, 238, 556
Rhineland remilitarized by, 288
rise of, xii–xiv, 129
SA arrests ordered by, 174–75
as self-proclaimed defender of civilization, 641
and Soviet annexation of Baltic states, 773
Soviet invasion plans of, see Germany, Nazi, Soviet invasion preparations of
Soviet pact desired by, 631, 639, 640, 646–47
Soviet policy of, 143, 617, 623
Soviet threat as fixation of, 242–43, 244, 248, 255, 257, 276, 292, 299, 329, 340, 342
and Spanish civil war, 317, 318, 398
on Stalin, 822
Stalin compared with, xiv–xv, 888
Stalin’s accusations of Trotskyite collusion with, 386–87
Stalin’s birthday greeting from, 734–35
Stalin’s misreading of, 119, 239, 583, 838, 859, 864–65, 869, 878, 891, 896, 897