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Stalin’s relationship with, 579, 905–6

Stalin’s view of, 432, 822

and start of German invasion of USSR, 900

Triple Alliance proposal and, 655, 662

U.S. power envied by, 833–34

Versailles Treaty injustices decried by, 240, 254, 612, 630, 675

war ministry abolished by, 475

Western offensive planned by, 700, 720, 735

world conquest as goal of, 904–5

World War I army service of, xiii

zero-sum geopolitics of, 904

Hitler Rearms (Woodman), 681

Hitler-Stalin Pact, xii, xv, 631, 646, 699, 702, 708, 774, 775, 793, 880, 889, 903

Baltic states as issue in, 651, 652, 654, 659

British and French reaction to, 673–74, 676, 730

division of Poland in, 664, 679, 680

German violations of, 787–88, 790, 792, 799, 808

hard-line Nazis’ dismay at, 673

Japan and, 670

Lithuania and, 692–93

negotiations leading to, 650, 651, 654, 655, 657, 659–60, 662–65

new Soviet demands for, 799–800

revision of, 692–94, 695–96

Ribbentrop and, 678

seen as betrayal of Communist ideals, 670–72

signing of, 665–66

Soviet war planning and, 829

spheres-of-influence protocol of, 664, 666, 684, 685, 773, 806, 808, 831

Stalin on, 671, 768

Hoffmann, Heinrich, 584, 673

Hohenzollern dynasty, xv

Homage to Catalonia (Orwell), 410–11

Hoover, Herbert, 61, 79

Horthy, Miklós, 889

House of Commons, British, 28, 582, 614, 679

housing, scarcity of, 405

Howard, Roy, 287–88, 298, 621

“How Could This Happen?” (Trotsky), 13

How It All Began (Bukharin), 478

“How to Organize Competition?” (Lenin), 18

Hungarian Soviet Republic, 545

Hungary, 17, 557, 787, 791, 889

in Axis pact, 811–12, 829, 847

Czech territory seized by, 609

mobilization of, 894

I Am the Son of the Working People (Katayev), 770

Ilf, Ilya, 285, 404

Ilyushin, Sergei, 853

In an Old Urals Factory (Yoganson), 607

Indochina, 794

Industrial Academy, 25, 26, 109, 110

industrialization, Soviet, 16, 41, 53, 87, 131–32, 308, 821

accidents and waste in, 73

armament production in, 20–21, 84–85, 727, 760, 820

capital investment in, 257–58, 273

collectivization and, 10–11

first Five-Year Plan and, 17, 20–21, 28, 48

grain exports and, 43, 49–50, 68, 94, 131

growth of work force and, 72, 73, 85

importing of Western skills and technology in, 32, 45, 71–72, 297

mass arrests and, 445, 551, 603

1934 boom in, 155, 168–69

overoptimistic goals for, 70–71, 606–7

poor quality and underproduction in, 48, 513–14, 606

poor working conditions in, 60

productivity in, 445, 551, 781, 782

shortage of consumer goods in, 781

Soviet great-power status as dependent on, 238

success of, 305

wreckers in, see wreckers, wrecking

“Industrial Party,” 54, 56, 60, 77

Industry of Socialism (art exhibition), 607

intelligentsia, Soviet, 464, 481, 570, 571, 604–5

education of, 573–74

see also cadres

International Brigades, 338, 350, 399, 406, 460

International Congress of Writers for the Defense of Culture, 255–56

In the Steppes of Ukraine (Korniychuk), 896

Ionescu, Gheorghe Ştefan, 555

Iran, 17, 872

Iraq, 872

Irkutsk, 461


Abyssinia invaded by, 269, 287, 292, 318

Albania and, 665

in Anti-Comintern Pact, 557

British relations with, 374

France invaded by, 767–68

German “Pact of Steel” with, 632–34, 639

German relations with, 292

Greece invaded by, 798, 812, 847, 849

Munich Pact and, 565–66

Soviet spies in, 241

Spanish civil war intervention of, 318, 323, 328–29, 330, 339, 350, 406, 407, 431, 556, 582

in Tripartite Pact, see Axis Pact

Ivan IV, “the Terrible,” tsar of Russia, 246, 282, 466

Ivanovo, 95, 444

Ivan the Terrible Killing His Son (Repin), 465

Ivan Vasilevich (Bulgakov), 284–85


in Anti-Comintern Pact, 355–57, 539, 557, 581–82, 667, 677

in border clashes with Soviets, 456–57, 535–40, 547, 557, 562, 597, 644, 650, 667–70, 677, 683, 726, 755, 902

British relations with, 653

China war of, 321, 330, 359, 364, 457–59, 460, 530, 533, 536, 539, 557, 597, 667, 677, 743–44, 793, 805

as common enemy of Britain and USSR, 168

expansionism of, 88, 129, 145, 168, 239, 277, 298–99, 581, 675

German relations with, 650

Germany’s sharing of intelligence with, 485

limited resources of, 833

Manchuria occupied by, 83–84, 88; see also Manchukuo

Poland’s offers of cooperation with, 93, 597

as possible German ally in attack on USSR, 534

proposed Chinese alliance with, 233

and proposed German military pact, 539, 632, 633–34, 639–40, 646, 653

in search for allies, 196

Soviet accusations of espionage by, 487

Soviet Far East seizure as goal of, 90, 92, 501

in Soviet neutrality pact, 852

Soviet offers of nonaggression pact rebuffed by, 90, 114

Soviet relations with, 83, 239–40, 243, 650, 665, 793–94, 796–97, 811, 851–52

Soviet war seen as inevitable by, 89–90, 91, 92, 98, 125, 597

Stalin’s avoidance of provocations of, 530

Stalin’s expectation of war with, 125, 143, 287, 456, 536

Stalin’s military buildup provoked by, 91

in Tripartite Pact, see Axis pact

Japan, Sea of, 702

Japanese Army:

failed putsch in, 287

Munich Pact and, 574

troop strength of, 112

see also Kwantung Army, Japanese

Japanese intelligence, 597

anti-Soviet operations of, 526–27

German attack on USSR discounted by, 882

Germany’s sharing of intelligence with, 485, 533

Lyushkov defection and, 532, 533–34

Red Army underestimated by, 668

Stalin’s antispy campaign as windfall for, 527, 532–33

Japanese Korean Army, 531, 536

Javakhishvili, Mikheil, 512, 513, 517

Jelagin, Juri, 422, 472, 476, 593


alleged international conspiracy of, 430, 589, 597

expelled from NKVD, 522

forced to wear Star of David, 736

Hitler’s desire for annihilation of, 835

Kristallnacht attacks on, 598

Polish, 687–88

Ukrainian pogroms against, 690

in Vienna, 560

see also anti-Semitism

Jodl, Alfred, 685, 784, 785, 791, 815, 824, 838, 900

Johnson Act (1934), 167

Jolly Fellows (film), 215–16, 217, 230, 273, 284, 293, 452

Jughashvili, Besarion “Beso,” 3, 154

Jughashvili, Galina, 523

Jughashvili, Yakov, 3, 108, 270, 272–73, 388, 523, 526, 860

attempted suicide of, 250

Jughashvili, Yevgeny, 523

July 11 (film), 690

justice system, Soviet, 176, 190

Kaganovich, Lazar:

appointed transport commissar, 225

as Central Committee secretary, 500

eulogy for Nadya delivered by, 112

famine and, 100, 122–23

at February 1937 plenum, 388, 394

grain procurements and, 180

“hidden enemies” campaign resisted by, 324, 325

as inner circle member, 180, 205, 215, 386, 393, 500, 526

as key to survival of Stalin dictatorship, 69

Kirov murder and, 205, 206

Molotov’s rivalry with, 66, 262

NKVD mass arrests sabotaged by, 500