Stalin’s apartment in, 108, 111, 163, 165, 191, 234, 388, 600
Kremlin Affair, 227–28, 253–54
NKVD investigation in, 228–29, 231–32
sentences in, 259–60
Yenukidze and, 231–32, 233
Krestinsky, Nikolai, 5, 144, 263, 327, 328–29, 333–34, 347, 447, 478
Kristallnacht, 598
Krivitsky, Walter, 583, 675, 696
Krivoshein, Semyon, 382, 405, 686
Kruglov, Sergei, 541, 589
Krupskaya, Nadezhda, 387, 425, 602
Kuibyshev, Nikolai, 473, 478
Kuibyshev, Valerian, 32, 55, 98, 101, 113, 190, 220
kulaks (rich peasants), 12, 14
classification of, 74
grain procurements from, 16–17
mass executions and internal deportations of, see dekulakization
Kulik, Grigory, 397, 414–15, 561, 651, 741, 752, 878
marriages of, 758, 795
mechanized units disparaged by, 755
promoted to marshal, 758
Kun, Béla, 172, 189, 446, 545
Kuril Islands, 811, 851
Kursk, 180
Kursky, Vladimir, 415, 526
Kutuzov, Mikhail, 751–52
Kutyakov, Ivan, 395–96
Kuusinen, Otto, 171, 189, 446, 723–25, 753
Kuzmina, Yulia, 411, 412
Kuznetsk, 32
Kuznetsov, Nikolai, 380, 427, 684, 899
as naval commissar, 702
promoted to admiral, 759
on Stalin’s fear of German attack, 893
Kwantung Army, Japanese, 31, 84, 125, 531, 597, 645
in Amur confrontation with Soviet gunboats, 456
in border clashes with Soviets, 535–40, 547, 557, 562, 597, 644, 650, 667–70, 677, 683, 726, 755, 902
massacre of Chinese soldiers by, 83
Kyrgyzstan, 354, 773
Labour party, British, 24
Ladoga, Lake, 711
Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk (Shostakovich), 283
Lakoba, Nestor, 136–37, 144, 165
agricultural reports of, 231
background of, 137–38
Beria’s campaign against relatives and associates of, 515
Beria’s rivalry with, 139, 141, 142, 237, 504–6, 508
death of, 506, 526
Orjonikidze’s friendship with, 137
popularity of, 137, 140
Stalin biography and, 214
Stalin’s friendship with, 137, 138, 140, 237, 506
Lakoba, Sarie, 505, 506
Land Under the Yoke (Wasilewska), 789
Lapin, Albert, 532–33
Largo Caballero, Francisco, 338, 343, 346, 380–81, 406
resignation of, 408
Stalin and, 347, 365, 381, 405
Larina, Anna, 45, 349
Last Billionaire, The (film), 230
Latvia, 17, 50, 62–63, 89, 485, 596, 634, 664, 786
German nonaggression pact with, 647
Red Army troops in, 770–71
Soviet annexation of, 772
Soviet bases in, 714
Soviet pacts with, 93, 708, 715
standing army of, 112
Latvians, in USSR, 476, 454
Laval, Pierre, 242, 246, 252
German rapprochement sought by, 272
Stalin’s meeting with, 251
in trip to Moscow, 251
Law of Life, The (film), 788–89, 790
leadership, Stalin’s view of, 441–42
League of Nations, 83, 125, 144, 145, 146, 158, 218, 240, 242, 245, 269, 280, 288, 292, 608
Germany’s exit from, 173, 240
USSR expelled from, 729
USSR’s joining of, 189, 190, 237, 239, 248, 299
Lefortovo prison, 438
Lehmann, Wilhelm “Willy,” 221, 804
Lemeshev, Sergei, 595
Lend-Lease Act, 843
Lenin, Vladimir, 2, 18, 64, 65, 129, 173, 219, 249, 336, 494, 573, 903
death of, 387
documentary films on, 219–20
ideology of, 493–94, 691
New Economic Policy of, 9–10, 15
in 1917 return to Russia, xi
purported Testament of, 5, 12, 15, 67, 105, 160, 212, 228, 262, 299, 303, 336, 337, 372, 602
secret protocols condemned by, 666
Stalin’s rereading of, 691
stroke of, xii
Leningrad, 16, 32, 84
famine in, 112
security of, 711, 718, 747, 748
vulnerability to attack of, 703
Leningrad Film Studio, 218
Leningrad military district, 779
Lenin in 1918 (film), 617–18
Lenin in October (film), 467, 469, 617, 853
Leninism, see Marxism-Leninism
Leonhard, Wolfgang, 671–72
Leontyev, Konstantin (“Petrov”), 864, 895
Levin, Usher Leib “Lev,” 47, 264, 385
Levitan, Yuri, 210, 295, 424
Life of Stalin (Koltsov), 154
Lifshitz, Boris, see Souvarine, Boris
light industry commissariat, 514
arrests in, 405
Literary Fund, 178
literature, Soviet:
socialist realism in, 183
translation of foreign writers in, 231
Union of Soviet Writers and, see Union of Soviet Writers
see also culture, Soviet
Lithuania, 17, 252, 276, 562, 596, 613, 634, 664, 687, 786, 819
ceded to Soviet sphere of influence, 694–95
German-Soviet Pact and, 692–93
pro-German sentiment in, 647
Red Army troops in, 770–71
Soviet annexation of, 772
Soviet bases in, 714
Soviet pacts with, 87–89, 710, 715
Little Entente, 62, 173
Little Golden Calf, The (Ilf and Petrov), 285
Little Peter and the Wolf (Prokofyev), 292–93
Litvin, Mikhail, 416, 540, 543
suicide of, 578
Litvinov, Maxim, 24, 173, 251, 269, 280, 327, 329, 337, 342, 343, 448, 458, 538, 582, 590
anti-Nazism of, 275
Baltic states and, 614
dismissed as foreign affairs commissar, 625, 632
and French-Soviet relations, 357
German-Soviet political negotiations and, 373, 402, 403
as inner circle member, 500
investigation of, 626
Molotov’s antipathy toward, 623, 624, 625
multipower conference proposed by, 612
promoted to foreign affairs commissar, 89
Spanish civil war and, 320, 347
on threat of Nazi aggression, 242–43
Triple Alliance proposal of, 621, 623, 625
U.S. diplomatic recognition negotiated by, 145
war with Germany predicted by, 751
Zhdanov’s enmity toward, 624
collectivization and, 29, 35, 43, 94, 96
imports of, 95, 126, 128
losses of, 38, 44, 48, 59, 101, 106, 127, 131, 159
Livshits, Yakov, 348, 358
Lloyd George, David, 614, 776
Loizeau, Lucien, 265–66
Lominadze, Vissarion “Beso,” 56, 57, 58, 64, 69
expelled from Central Committee, 59
suicide of, 358
Long March, 262, 277, 321, 471
Lordkipanidze, Zekeri, 515, 528–29
Low, David, 556, 642
Low Countries, German invasion of, 760, 766, 889
Lozovsky, Solomon, 172, 446
Luftwaffe, 221, 473, 566, 766, 794
in Battle of Britain, 780, 783, 784, 785, 793, 794
bombers of, 351, 678, 755
creation of, 240
fighters of, 351, 407, 755–56, 783
losses of, 780
order of battle of, 882
in Polish invasion, 679
Soviet airspace violations by, 846, 855–56, 857, 869, 878, 880, 898
in Spanish civil war, 323, 351, 407
in transfer to Soviet border, 857, 880
in Yugoslavia invasion, 848
German invasion of, 763
see also Low Countries
Lvov (Lwów, Lviv, Lemberg), 685–86, 774
German withdrawal from, 686
Lyakhterov, Nikolai (“Mars”), 840, 842, 872
“Lycée-ist,” see Berlings, Orests
Lyons, Eugene, 63, 71, 780–81
Lyushkov, Genrikh, 228
accusations against, 528–29, 531
defection of, 530–31, 533–35, 536, 540, 668
as NKVD head for Far East, 528, 530
Stalin’s mass arrests denounced by, 532–33
Macbeth (Shakespeare), 422
MacDonald, Ramsay, 24–25, 80
Machiavelli, Niccolò, vii, 4–5, 297–98, 493
Maclean, Donald, 222, 636, 836