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air attacks on, 323, 350, 351

fall of, 615

Franco’s failed assault on, 350–52, 376, 398, 406–7

Magadan, 133, 599

Maginot Line, 592, 766, 827

Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine, 32, 75, 94, 96

Main Military Council, Soviet, 473, 547, 562, 564–65, 726, 736, 757

Main Military Council, Soviet, June 1937 session of, 417–18, 435

arrests of members of, 420–21

Blyukher’s report to, 420

interrogation reports presented to, 418

Stalin’s address to, 418–19

Voroshilov’s reports to, 418

Maisky, Ivan, 242, 280, 339, 614, 621, 622, 623, 627, 633, 648, 652, 656, 663, 719, 739, 740, 775, 776, 778, 780, 858, 868, 884, 890

Churchill and, 709–10

Triple Alliance proposal and, 638

Makhatadze, Nikolai, 81–82

Maksimovsky, Vladimir, 4–5

Malenkov, Georgy, 280, 839

inventories of “former people” drawn up by, 383, 391

on justification for mass terror, 483

list of candidates for NKVD head compiled by, 540–41

mass arrests overseen by, 350, 516

regional party arrests and, 444, 518

Stalin’s correspondence with, 383

Yezhov denounced by, 542

Yezhov’s file on, 619

Malraux, André, 181–82, 255, 256, 417, 635

Maly, Tivadar “Theodore,” 222, 409, 546–47

Malyshev, Vyacheslav, 603, 757, 832

managerial class, arrests of, 434, 444, 445, 599, 821

Manchukuo, 125, 277, 299, 527, 531, 852

Chinese Eastern Railway sold to, 233, 243

Japanese troops in, 536, 730; see also Kwantung Army, Japanese

Soviet border clashes with, 456–57, 535–40, 547, 557, 562, 597, 644–45, 650, 667–70, 677, 683, 726, 755, 902

Soviet relations with, 144

Manchuria, 29–30

Japanese occupation of, 83–84, 88

Japanese puppet state in, see Manchukuo

Soviet invasion of, 30–31

Mandelstam, Nadezhda, 169–70, 544, 635

Mandelstam, Osip, 404

arrest and internal exile of, 169–70, 186

Mannerheim, Gustaf, 708–9, 717–18, 739, 747

on Red Army capabilities, 749–50

Mannerheim Line, 727, 743, 753

Manuilsky, Dmytro, 168, 171, 189, 361, 362, 446

Man with a Gun (Pogodin), 476

Man with the Gun, The (film), 548

Mao Zedong, 360, 367, 370, 373, 458, 471, 539, 744, 805, 813

and capture of Chiang, 361, 363–64

negotiation with Nationalists offered by, 330

rise of, 277

Marco Polo Bridge, 457

Marmara, Sea of, 13

Martel, Giffard, 340

Marty, André, 338, 405, 406

Marx, Harpo, 145

Marx, Karl, 2–3, 302, 493–94, 573

Marx-Engels-Lenin Institute, 154, 734

Marxism, 131

capitalism as viewed by, 6

Hegel’s influence on, 302

idealism of, 6

Stalin’s dedication to, 10, 573, 576–77, 691

Marxism-Leninism, 3, 6, 49, 304, 494, 901

Stalin’s role in synthesis of, 8

Stalin’s view of, 10, 570–71

Maryasin, Lev, 436

Mason-MacFarlane, Noel, 629

mass violence:

Communism’s justification of, 6–7

Stalin’s use of, see terror campaign

Master and Margarita, The (Bulgakov), 635, 746

Materialism and Empirio-Criticism (Lenin), 691

Matsesta sulfur baths, 4, 47, 98, 264, 311

Matsuoka, Yōsuke, 851–52, 855, 860

Mayakovsky, Vladimir, 149, 181–82, 276

Mdivani, Polikarp “Budu,” 337, 509, 515, 542

Mediterranean, German “peripheral strategy” in, 784, 791, 798, 815, 835, 837, 838, 849, 905

Medved, Filipp, 79, 201, 235

Kirov murder and, 202, 204–5, 206, 208, 220

as Leningrad NKVD head, 193–94

Stalin’s lack of confidence in, 194

Mein Kampf (Hitler), xiv, 158, 238, 245, 630, 681–82, 845, 867

Meissner, Otto, 810, 872

Mekhlis, Lev, 57, 193, 230, 390, 496, 698, 699, 719, 749

and arrests of Red Army officer corps, 426

Beria criticized by, 508, 509

as deputy defense commissar, 530

elevated to Central Committee, 162

Kirov murder and, 205

as Pravda editor, 425

in Soviet Far East, 530, 531, 533, 534, 535–36, 537

in Winter War, 731, 735, 751, 753

Meltzer, Judith “Yulia,” 272–73, 388

Member of the Government, A (film), 745–46

Mensheviks, 40, 50, 99, 116, 176, 233, 254, 467

as émigrés, 34, 48, 62, 65–66, 106, 349, 352–53, 378, 385, 437; see also émigré groups, anti-Soviet

Mercader, Ramón, 611–12, 787

Merekalov, Aleksei, 621–22, 623, 631

Meretskov, Kirill, 380, 417, 707–8, 723

as army chief of staff, 758, 779

promoted to general, 759

Red Army shortcomings reported by, 825

Winter War and, 726, 727, 729, 735, 736, 743, 753

Merkulov, Vsevolod, 260, 508, 542, 588, 606, 619, 717, 805, 807, 852, 874, 883

Meshcherino, 540, 542–43, 619

Messing, Stanisław, 23, 24, 35, 78

Metekhi fortress prison, 509

Mexico, Trotsky in, 368, 610, 787, 892

Meyerhold, Vsevolod, 284, 476, 649–50, 740, 770

Mężyński, Wiaczesław, 14, 22, 23, 50, 51, 52, 54, 56, 64, 77, 79, 103, 134, 345, 478

Mikhailov, Maxim, 594–95

Mikhoels, Solomon, 231, 635

Mikoyan, Anastas, 16, 41, 43, 55, 64, 96, 114, 176, 180, 209, 225, 262, 278, 308, 314, 385, 428–29, 471, 516, 843

on cult of Stalin, 7

and German trade negotiations, 598, 696, 756, 786

as inner circle member, 262, 386, 500, 526

Kirov murder and, 205

and proposed replacement of Rykov, 55

Stalin’s breaking of, 386

on Stalin’s darkening mind-set, 491

on Stalin’s eating habits, 165

Stalin’s mealtime meetings with, 225

Mikulina, Yelena, 18–19

military, Soviet:

budget of, 223, 278, 821

December 1940 conference of, 824–27

forward defense doctrine of, 824–25, 830, 844, 871, 881, 885

intelligence department of, see Soviet military intelligence

preemptive strike against Germany envisioned by, 869–71

Stalin’s refusal to order full war footing for, 869–70

Stalin’s rejection of preemptive strikes by, 870

war plans of, 779, 843–44, 869–71

see also navy, Soviet; Red Air Force; Red Army; Soviet Far Eastern Army

military academy graduations, Stalin’s speeches at, 249–50, 860–61

Miliukov, Paul, 746–47

Mironov, Sergei (Miron Korol), 415, 461, 471, 482

as NKVD head in Western Siberia, 449–50, 451

secret police career of, 448–49

Mironova, Agnessa, 449, 461

modernity, mass-based, 296–97

Mogilevsky, Solomon, 139–40

Moiseyev, Igor, 593, 648

Mola, Emilio, 315–16, 318, 351, 407, 428

Molchanov, Georgy, 228, 389

Moldavia, Moldavians, 138, 786

Molière, 231

Molière (Bulgakov), 284–85

Molotov, Vyacheslav:

on Anti-Comintern Pact, 357, 655

antipathy toward Litvinov of, 623, 624, 625

appointed head of government, 65

on arrests of staff, 581

on Axis pact, 793

background of, 65

Beria’s rivalry with, 550, 692

Berlin visit of, 794, 797, 798–99, 803, 805–9, 811, 815, 818

Bessarabia ultimatum of, 773

Britain viewed as main enemy by, 274

and British trade talks, 776, 777

on Bukharin’s relationship with Stalin, 433

as Central Committee member, 605

economic policy and, 257, 258

on famine of 1931–33, 127

at February 1937 Central Committee plenum, 386, 388, 389, 396–97

Finnish negotiations and, 708–9, 710, 711, 714, 715, 716, 717, 718–19, 720

as foreign affairs commissar, 625, 863

as Germanophile, 643, 780