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Peterson, Rudolf, 205, 228, 397

Peter the First (film), 466

Petropavlovsk (cruiser), 764

Petrovsky, Hryhory, 99, 605

Petsamo, Finland, 710, 711, 714, 718

Philby, Harold “Kim,” 221–22, 656, 725, 800, 836

and attempted assassination of Franco, 409

Phipps, Eric, 167–68

Hitler’s meeting with, 275–76

Picasso, Pablo, 411

Pieck, Wilhelm, 189, 259, 401–2

Pike, Operation, 762

Pikel, Richard, 313, 320, 324

Piłsudski, Józef, 89, 102, 158, 159, 173, 223, 239, 252, 257, 590, 689

Platon Krechet (Korniychuk), 274

Ploieşti oilfields, 796, 817

Pogodin, Nikolai, 476, 788

Poincaré, Raymond, 61

Poland, 17, 92, 168, 275, 485, 557, 685

Belorussians and Ukrainians in, 569, 574, 689

British and French “guarantee” of independence of, 614–15, 616, 617, 653, 654, 662, 674, 676

British mutual assistance treaty with, 677, 679–80

British relations with, 597

Czechoslovak territory annexed by, 574, 609

discrimination against Jews in, 736–37

Eastern Pact rejected by, 189

in efforts to destabilize Ukraine, 89, 93

French military alliance with, 158, 592, 597, 612, 634, 677, 680

German alliance rejected by, 634, 638

German invasion of, 678–79, 682, 684–85, 691, 736, 826

German relations with, 291–92, 562, 596–97, 613–14

German-Soviet division of, 664, 684–87

Germany’s planned invasion of, 620–21, 636–37, 646, 651, 659–60, 661–62, 664, 675, 676–77

interwar dictatorship of, 430

Japanese-Soviet war as goal of, 597

Japan’s sharing of intelligence with, 597

lack of planning for German war by, 679

Nazi nonaggression declaration with, 157–58, 159, 222–23, 630, 631

in offers of cooperation with Japan, 93, 597

possible Soviet preemptive attack on, 245

Radek’s secret negotiations with, 158, 159

Romanian alliance of, 158

Soviet accusations of espionage by, 487

Soviet intelligence network in, 220–21

Soviet invasion of, 681, 683–91, 775

Soviet mutual assistance pact rejected by, 634

Soviet nonaggression pact with, 93, 102, 168, 683

Soviet occupation of, 688–89

Soviet relations with, 211, 292, 298, 574, 597

Stalin’s desire for nonaggression pact with, 89

Stalin’s fear of invasion by, 27, 50, 54, 84, 143, 239, 568, 578

standing army of, 112

Triple Alliance proposal and, 647

Ukrainians in, 689, 693

Poland, Nazi-occupied, German troops in, 820

Poland, Soviet-occupied, 773

denunciations encouraged in, 771

deportations to labor camps in, 771

single-candidate elections in, 772

Poles, as slave labor in Germany, 688

Poles, in USSR, 476

mass arrests and executions of, 453

Polish army:

casualties of, 687

Gulag internment of, 687

slaughter of officers of, 795

Soviet internment of officers of, 687

Polish Corridor, 596, 597, 615, 616, 652, 655, 677, 679

Polish intelligence, 413, 597

Japan’s intelligence sharing with, 527

Soviet agents of, 691

Polish POWs, 687, 744–45

Soviet and German slaughter of, 745

Polish-Soviet War (1919–20), 51, 687, 690

politburo, 64, 113, 191, 403, 768, 831, 839, 863, 907

Bukharin expelled from, 29

as bypassed by Stalin dictatorship, 56–57, 58–59, 586

expulsion of Syrtsov from, 64

famine relief measures approved by, 123

Kirov murder and, 205

1936 capital budget of, 258

party history commission of, 179

Rykov’s expulsion from, 65, 68

Spanish civil war and, 338

Stalin’s dictating of decisions of, 162

Stalin’s holidays and, 136

telephone voting by, 162

voting members of, 308

workload of, 440

wrecking investigations of, 57

Polonsky, Ruven “Vladimir,” 56–57

Port Arthur, China, 30, 70

Portsmouth, Treaty of (1905), 83

Poskryobyshev, Alexander, 46, 162, 205, 274, 526, 594, 663, 734, 738, 889–90

Postyshev, Pavel, 124, 209–10, 278, 323, 370, 385, 387

Potyomkin, Grigory, 246, 357, 530, 560, 562, 565, 568, 578, 623, 634, 663, 683, 710, 716, 722

POUM (Workers Party of Marxist Unification, Spanish), 339, 400–401, 406, 408

Koltsov’s attack on, 364–65

mass arrests of, 425, 431

NKVD infiltration of, 408

outlawing of, 410–11

Soviet showcase trials condemned by, 343–44

Spanish Communist attacks on, 364

Stalin dictatorship attacked by, 368

Stalin’s condemnation of, 368


articles on Keke in, 271

Beria criticized in, 508, 509–10

Beria’s articles in, 504

Kirov murder and, 208, 209

Koltsov as Spanish war correspondent for, 334–35, 339, 351, 352, 364, 406, 408–9, 459–60

mass arrests at, 408

Mekhlis as editor of, 425

Nadya’s death announced in, 111–12

Stalin biography published in, 734

Stalin’s criticism of, 356

Stalin’s fiftieth birthday celebrated in, 32–33

presidium, Supreme Soviet, 475, 543, 908

press, Soviet, fanning of mass hysteria by, 439

Primakov, Vitali, 331, 411, 423–24

Prince, The (Machiavelli), vii, 493

Princip, Gavrilo, 88

Prinkipo (Prince’s Isle), Trotsky’s exile to, 13, 28, 62, 130

prisons, population of, 598

Prokofyev, Sergei, 292–93, 671, 733, 770

Proletarian Revolution, 178

proletariat, “dictatorship” of, 14, 37, 51, 114, 320, 335, 353

propaganda, propagandists, Soviet:

anti-British, 780

1938 meeting of, 570–74

Proskurov, Ivan, 636, 651, 753

Provisional Government, Russian, 301, 467

Pushkin, Alexander, 379

Putna, Vitovt, 331, 423–24

Pu-Yi, Henry, 92

Pyatakov, Georgy “Yuri,” 33, 46, 50, 320, 330, 370, 371, 384, 437

arrest of, 443

execution of, 373, 376

party expulsion of, 337

Pyatnitsky, Osip, 171, 172, 189, 446, 447

Pyryev, Ivan, 293–94

Quiet Flows the Don (Dzerzhinsky), 283

Quiet Flows the Don (Sholokhov), 283

Quisling, Vidkun, 368, 762

Rachmaninov, Sergei, 292

Raczyński, Edward, 575, 622

Radek, Karl, 121, 155, 181, 326, 370, 373

on alleged Trotskyite-Zinovievite conspiracy, 331–32

murder of, 637

in secret negotiations with Poland, 158, 159

Radiant Path, The (film), 795

radio, Soviet:

cable (wired) as dominant technology of, 216–17

Stalin’s speeches broadcast on, 352

tight government control of, 217

Radio Comintern, 217

Radio Moscow, 217

Radó, Sándor (“Dora”), 858, 872

Raeder, Erich, 473, 783, 784, 791, 815, 838, 900

Raikin, Arkady, 732–33

railroads, Soviet:

accidents on, 325

as weak point in military capability, 260–61, 290

Ramzin, Leonid, 60–61, 62

Raskolnikov, Fyodor (Ilin), 274–75, 627

mass terror condemned by, 709

Red Air Force, 824, 839, 861, 893

arrests and executions in, 472

bombers of, 99, 101, 265, 338, 346, 351, 567, 820, 856

fighters of, 78, 346, 351, 567, 668, 756, 820, 839

Red Army:

alleged conspiracies in, 77–78, 331, 350, 378, 391, 411–12, 419, 428, 454

armament buildup of, 20–21, 84–85, 727, 760, 820

Baltic states occupied by, 770–71

dearth of well-trained officers in, 291, 340, 430

decimation of officer corps in, 376–77, 378, 379, 395, 397–98, 407, 414–15, 420–21, 426–27, 428, 430, 434, 473, 495, 521, 536, 537, 551, 562, 563, 578, 592, 603, 754, 757, 781, 893

dysfunctional command structure of, 749