and German invasion of Poland, 684
and German-Soviet Pact, 655, 659, 660, 661, 663–64, 679, 685
Molotov’s meetings with, 898
and planned invasion of USSR, 863–64
and proposed Soviet inclusion in Axis powers, 813, 831
on Soviet distrust of Germany, 673
and Soviet invasion of Poland, 683
Schulze-Boysen, Harro (“Elder”), 221, 837, 846, 856, 859, 864, 878, 879, 883
Schweisguth, Victor-Henri, 340–41, 357
scientists, accused of wrecking, 60
Scramble for Africa, 591
SD (Sicherheitsdienst), 174, 837–38
Seagull, The (Chekhov), 148
Sea Lion, Operation, 785, 794, 837
Second Book (Hitler), 833
secretariat, 162, 442, 522, 907
of Stalin’s “secret department,” 11, 442, 499, 839
Sedov, Lev, 13, 105–6, 322–23, 328, 333, 336, 476, 496
Seeds, William, 612, 625, 632, 633, 648–49
self-criticism, 22–23, 24, 26
Stalin’s emphasis on, 261
Semyon Kotko (Prokofyev), 770
Serge, Victor, 335, 628
Sergeyev, Artyom, 110, 112, 135, 137, 165, 179, 192, 212, 230, 526
on Kirov, 134
and Nadya’s death, 111, 112
on Stalin, 1, 2
Shaanxi, 360
Shakespeare, William, 231, 422
Shakhty Affair, 60, 61, 77, 485
Shakhurin, Alexei, 737, 756, 839
Shanghai, 262, 458
Japanese capture of, 458, 470
Shaposhnikov, Boris M., 21, 51–52, 77, 96, 168, 415, 421, 424, 460, 658, 681
as army chief of staff, 567, 645, 651, 656, 664, 693, 726, 758, 779
promoted to marshal, 758
Winter War and, 726, 735, 750
Shatsky, Nikolai, 210, 211
Shcherbakov, Alexander, 282–83, 284, 893
appointed writers’ union secretary, 184–85
as Moscow party boss, 550
Shchukin, Boris, 467, 617
Sheboldayev, Boris, 103, 370
Shestakov, Andrei, 464–65
Shirer, William, 355, 676
Shkiryatov, Matvei, 444, 603
Shkvartsev, Alexei, 680, 731, 791
Shlyonsky, A. B., 571–72
Shneiderovich, Miron, 264–65
Sholokhov, Mikhail, 124–25, 283, 853
Short Course, The History of the all-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), 155, 569–74, 575, 576, 577–78, 579, 605, 902
Short Course on the History of the USSR, A (Shestakov), 465–66
Shostakovich, Dmitry, 283, 293, 732, 853
Fifth Symphony premiered by, 472
Kerzhentsev’s criticism of, 284
showcase trials, 51, 77, 311, 313, 417
in August 1936, see Trotskyite-Zinovievite conspiracy, showcase trial of
Beria’s staging of, 515–16
of engineers, 60–61
in January 1937, 371–72, 373, 376
in March 1938, 478–79, 480
Stalin’s urging of, 477
Shreider, Israel (Mikhail), 481–82
Shumyatsky, Boris, 192, 193, 197, 209, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219–20, 230, 284, 293, 372
Cinema City proposal of, 285–86
Shvernik, Nikolai, 373, 696
Siberia, 180
arrests and executions in, 190
collectivization in, 16, 39, 40, 41, 48, 70
famine in, 75, 76, 97
grain procurement in, 87, 128, 180, 198
Japanese plans for takeover of, 90, 92, 156, 460
labor camps in, 220
mass arrests and executions in, 450–51, 452, 517
Stalin’s exiles to, xi, 67, 90, 133
Zinovievites exiled to, 220
Siegfried Line, 567
Silesia, 774
Simon, John, 242, 665
in meeting with Hitler, 240–41, 254
Simonov, Konstantin, 303–4, 481
Singapore, 784, 811
Sinitsyn, Yelisei, 718–19, 721, 722
Sino-Japanese War (1894–95), 83
Sivkov, Arkady, 860, 862
Škoda Works, 609, 621–22, 631, 704
Skornyakov, Nikolai, 822, 828–29
Slovakia, 609, 612, 613, 687, 889
in Axis pact, 812, 829, 847
mobilization of, 894
Slutsky, Abram, 252, 339, 342, 413, 523–24, 528, 627
Smagin, Vasily, 172–73
Smirnov, Alexander, 113–14, 116, 372, 460
Smolny (Leningrad office complex), 199, 200
Kirov’s office at, 201, 207
Smorodin, Pyotr, 543–44
Smushkevich, Yakov, 472, 878
Snow, Edgar, 363
Sobolev, Arkady, 812, 813, 814
Sochi, 253
Stalin’s holidays in, 24, 25–26, 46–47, 54–55, 80–83, 98–99, 101–2, 135–36, 141, 145, 178, 179–80, 182, 184, 185, 188, 263–65, 267, 269, 308, 311, 313–14, 330, 344–45, 358, 505, 888
Voroshilov in, 187
Social Democrats, 19–20, 302
in antifascist front with Comintern, 262
Comintern and, 171, 173, 175, 189
German, xiii, 19, 53, 118, 119, 121, 179, 307
Stalin’s opposition to cooperation with, 121, 172, 175
socialism, building of, 7
idealistic appeal of, 11, 37, 38, 304–5
as justification for terror campaign, 308
as Stalin’s crusade, 6, 11, 88, 309, 439, 579
“Socialist Competition of the Masses” (Mikulina), 18–19
Socialist Party, German, 220
socialist realism, 151
evolving definition of, 183–84
public embrace of, 186
socialists, socialism:
non-Leninist, 302
Socialist Workers’ Party, Spanish, 338, 401, 405, 408, 460
society, Soviet, Stalin’s class-based analysis of, 353
Sofia, 872
Sokolnikov, Grigory, 147, 320, 637
interrogations of, 332, 336, 363
Solodovnikov, Alexander, 748, 803
“Song of the Motherland,” 293
Sorge, Richard (“Ramsay”), 221, 356, 533, 534, 539, 564, 597, 632, 646, 650, 653, 667, 670, 730, 791, 851, 857–58
and Soviet invasion of Manchukuo, 537, 538
Stalin’s distrust of, 875, 879
in warnings of German attack on USSR, 827–28, 874–76, 883, 890
South Caucasus Federation, 138, 154
Beria’s control of, 502–4
dissolution of, 354, 508, 516
political infighting in, 140–41
South Manchurian Railway, 83
Souvarine, Boris, 261–62
Soviet Far East, 501, 522, 562, 644, 650, 779, 804–5
terror campaign in, 517, 528, 534
Japanese espionage in, 527
Soviet Far Eastern Army, 30, 31, 84, 455, 527, 535, 547, 549
in border clash with Japanese, 537–40
decimation of officer corps in, 529, 531, 534, 540, 562
Stalin’s arrests of officer corps of, 432
troop buildup of, 530
troop strength of, 536
weakness of, 533
Soviet Far Eastern Fleet, 92
Soviet intelligence, 485, 523, 537, 657
arrests in, 496, 575, 589
Beria and, 589
in Britain, 836
British network of, 221–22, 241, 656, 740, 741, 800
counterintelligence operatives of, 222
in Finland, 705–6, 712–13
and German invasion plans, 883, 890, 895
German network of, 699–700, 722, 800, 803–4, 836
German plans for Polish invasion uncovered by, 636–37
on German troop movements, 794
and Hess’s flight to Britain, 868
lack of central clearinghouse in, 909
rebuilt networks of, 636, 835–37
and rumored French-German rapprochement, 239
in slanted report to Stalin on Hitler’s meeting with Britain, 241–42
in Tokyo, see Sorge, Richard
Warsaw networks of, 220–21
see also NKVD
Soviet military intelligence, 341, 659, 735, 775, 836, 841
Artuzov appointed deputy chief of, 172
European alliance negotiations monitored by, 640
German invasion plan reports of, 786, 790, 824, 828–29, 840, 841–42, 845, 846, 858–59, 864, 865–66, 876, 880, 894–95
German network of, 810, 822, 828
and German troop movements, 820
mass arrests in, 413–14, 419, 434, 454–55, 589
Proskurov as head of, 636
tradecraft failures of, 172, 252
Trotskyites in, 377
Uritsky as head of, 252
Wehrmacht buildup in Poland reported by, 877