Winter War and, 753
Soviet Ukraine (battleship), 702–3
Soviet Union (battleship), 703
Spain, Republican:
army of, 406
gold reserves transferred to USSR by, 347, 349, 398, 476
political instability in, 312
Popular Front government of, 312, 315, 317, 321, 323, 334–35, 338, 364, 405, 476–77
possibility of Communist coup in, 401, 405, 406
Soviet arms sold to, 347, 398, 476–77
Soviet military aid requested by, 320, 342
Soviet relations with, 333–34, 337, 379–81
Spanish civil war, 312, 330, 343, 377, 561
assault on Madrid in, 350–51
atrocities in, 312–13, 316, 351
Basques in, 312, 407
Britain and, 317, 356–57, 374, 398, 582
Catalonia in, 312, 316, 321, 364, 380, 408
cautious initial Soviet response to, 320
civilian deaths in, 312–13
consequences of, 616–17
fall of Madrid in, 615
as fight between fascism and Communism, 317, 326
Franco’s failed assault on Madrid in, 350–51, 406–7
French-Soviet relations and, 318–19, 320
German military intervention in, 317–18, 323, 328–29, 339, 350, 407, 431, 556, 582
International Brigades in, 338, 350, 399, 460
Italian military intervention in, 318, 323, 328–29, 330, 339, 398–99, 406, 407, 431, 556, 582
Koltsov’s reports on, 334–35, 364, 459–60
leftist infighting in, 364, 400–401, 405, 408, 410–11, 425
newsreel coverage of, 337–38
NKVD operations in, 339, 346–47, 408, 410, 425
Non-Intervention Agreement in, 327, 329, 330, 337, 342, 346, 347
as public rationale for mass arrests, 429–30
Republican army in, 399–400
Soviet advisers in, 338–39, 346, 350, 380–82
Soviet military intervention in, 311, 313–14, 342–43, 344, 345–46, 351–52, 376, 379, 381, 409, 431, 459, 476, 486, 562, 670, 754, 755
Soviet workers’ support for Republican cause in, 326–27
as test of Stalin’s geopolitics, 314, 373–74, 401, 431
Trotsky and, 323, 335
Trotskyites in, 374, 425, 431
Spanish Spring (Koltsov), 334
accused of wrecking, 21–22, 62, 64, 73
arrests and executions of, 50–51
Orjonikidze’s cultivation of, 66, 73
Speer, Albert, 411, 556, 585, 586, 629, 769, 900
spies, alleged, mass arrests and executions of, 485–88
Spiller, Natalya, 594, 595, 732
SRs (Socialist Revolutionaries), 99, 116, 176, 182, 434, 437, 450, 453, 467, 475
SS (Schutzstaffel), 174, 475, 688
Stakhanov, Alexei, 273, 274
Stakhanovism, Stakhanovites, 273–74, 278, 782
Stalin, Iosif, 154
alleged assassination attempts against, 470
as archetypal hero, 301
atheism of, 3
in automobile accident, 46–47
awkward gait of, 3–4
charisma of, 4, 304
class struggle as core tenet of, 190
coarse manners of, 2
contradictory character of, 5, 552, 579
cruelty of, 349, 368, 488, 492
cult of, 7, 58, 155, 226, 257, 289–90, 303–4, 369, 417, 902
darkening mind-set of, 490, 491–92
European war with USSR expected by, 484, 495
false modesty of, 7, 33, 417, 570
fatigue of, 887
fiftieth birthday celebrations for, 32–34
fifty-fifth birthday of, 212–13
foreign depictions of, 154
as gambler, 9, 17, 705
as Germanophile, xv, 903
grudges held by, 303
home life of, 108–9
illnesses and health problems of, 47, 98, 270, 303, 365, 472–73, 731, 743, 887
isolation of, 524, 526
Lenin’s Testament and, 5
as master improviser, xiv–xv, 10, 16
micromanaging by, 55, 81, 303, 586, 587, 624–25, 738, 800–801, 807, 839, 841, 887
as opportunist, 67–68, 698, 819
paranoia of, 5–6, 8, 11, 309, 396, 397, 480, 492–93, 429, 551, 884
as party general secretary, xi–xii, 10
as pedagogue, 495
perverse sense of humor of, 4
political intelligence of, 303
populism of, 18, 249–50, 464
religious upbringing of, 2
rise of, xi–xii
rumored affairs of, 525
rumored death of, 62–63
Russian imperial majesty melded with socialist state building by, 552
as Russian nationalist, 902
ruthlessness of, 552–53
self-control of, 492
self-improvement as tenet of, 495
sixtieth birthday celebration of, 732–35
small pox contracted by, 4
sociopathology of, xii, 5, 11, 130, 579
state, view of, 493–94, 573–74
statecraft as obsession of, 552, 901
two-front war as concern of, 643
victim playing by, 14–15, 59, 114, 130
as voracious reader, 1–2, 5, 586, 617, 681
willpower of, 552
Stalin, Iosif, dictatorship of, 4–5, 907
absolute power needed by, 6, 8, 11, 67–68, 308–9, 325, 430
“Caucasus group” in, 548
concentration of decision making in upper ranks of, 440–41, 704–5, 887
conspiracy charges as tool of, 306, 469
conspiratorial worldview of, 422, 429, 551, 902
dysfunctional administrative apparatus of, 430, 440–42, 587, 705
information-gathering apparatus of, 550–51, 586, 705
inner circle’s closing of ranks in, 107, 114, 116–17, 129, 308
mass-based modernity and, 296–98, 901
mass terror as outgrowth of, 493
Nazi Germany compared with, 696–97
permanent state of emergency as necessity of, 5, 64, 68, 430, 495
politburo bypassed in, 56–57, 58–59, 586
precarious footing of, 68–69
promotion of “new people” in, 442, 462–64, 494–95, 737–38, 832, 846, 902
Ryutin’s attacks on, 103–5, 107, 303, 308
“speaking Bolshevik” and, 124
Stalin’s pathology as nourished by, 5, 901
Trotsky’s attacks on, 13–14, 374, 434, 494
Stalin, Iosif, inner circle of:
in closing of ranks behind Stalin, 107, 114, 116–17, 129, 308
compromising files on, xvi
shrinking of, 500
Stalin’s psychological breaking of, 375, 386, 433, 526, 709
Yagoda’s antagonistic relationship with, 393
Stalin, Iosif, speeches of:
on class war (December 27, 1929), 35
to 18th Party Congress (March 10, 1939), 607–8, 609, 862
to 8th Congress of Soviets (November 25, 1936), 352–55, 372
at industrial managers conference (June 23, 1931), 76
to Main Military Council (June 2, 1937), 418–19
at military academies graduation (May 4, 1935), 249–50
at military academies graduation (May 5, 1941), 860–61, 870
to 17th Party Congress (January 26, 1934), 156–57, 210
at Social Industry conference (February 4, 1931), 73
Stalin, Iosif, writings of:
“Dizzy with Success,” 39, 40, 42
Foundations of Leninism, 13
On Lenin and Leninism, 134
Questions of Leninism, 154
“Year of the Great Break, The,” 28
Stalin, Vasily, 2, 3, 103, 108, 135, 165, 179, 187, 209, 230, 234, 263, 270, 281, 388, 466, 526
at military aviation school, 599–600, 720, 751
and mother’s death, 111, 112
rebellious behavior of, 166, 267, 599–600
Stalin (Bey), 154
Stalin: A Critical Study of Bolshevism (Souvarine), 261–62
Stalin: A New World Seen Through One Man (Barbusse), 1, 225–26, 263
Stalin: Czar of All the Russians (Lyons), 780–81
Stalin and Hashim, the Years 1901–1902: Episodes from the Batum Underground, 214
“Stalin and the Crisis of the Proletarian Dictatorship” (Ryutin), 104, 464
Stalin and Voroshilov in the Kremlin (Gerasimov), 733, 854
Stalingrad, 32, 180
Stalingrad Tractor Factory, 44–45
Stalinist Thermidor, The (Trotsky), 787