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Stalin School of Falsification (Trotsky), 540, 787

State, Bureaucracy, and Absolutism in the History of Russia, The (Olminsky), 493

State and Revolution (Lenin), 494

“State Capitalism or Totalitarian State Economy?” (Hilferding), 760


Stalin’s preoccupation with, 579

terror campaign as, 309, 494–95, 552

Stepanyan, Nerses (Nersik), 503, 504

Stern, Grigory, 382, 406, 538, 650, 667, 669–70, 726, 736, 755, 878

Stetsky, Alexei, 181, 205, 225–26

Stöbe, Ilse (“Alta”), 220, 699–700, 722, 735, 828, 840, 842, 848, 865–66, 877

stock markets:

1929 crash in, 27–28, 32

1931 crash in, 85

Stolypin, Pyotr, 297, 792

Strang, William, 168, 242, 648

Stravinsky, Igor, 292

Sudetenland, 555, 561–62, 563, 565–66, 598

Sudoplatov, Pavel, 610–11, 627, 764, 801, 894

Suicide, The (Erdman), 148

Sukhanovka prison, 438, 549, 618–19

Sukhum, 136, 137, 139, 311

Sumbatov-Topuridze, Yuvelyan, 518, 541

Sunday Express, 166

Supreme Council of the Economy, 32, 66, 82, 91

Supreme Soviet, 354, 383, 471, 475–76, 528, 541, 543, 908

presidium of, 475, 543, 908

Surits, Yakov, 275, 365–66, 402, 403, 623, 633

Suslov, Mikhail, 205, 603–4

Suursaari (Hogland) Island, 711, 714, 719

Svanidze, Alexander “Alyosha,” 108, 388

Svanidze, Ketevan “Kato,” 3, 33, 108, 388

Svanidze, Maria, 108, 191, 211, 212–13, 234–35, 251, 273, 277–78, 365, 388–89

Svechin, Alexander, 2, 168, 825

Sweden, 711, 717, 800, 889

Switzerland, neutrality of, 889

Syrtsov, Sergei, 29, 53, 57–58, 59, 64, 69, 303, 443

Taganka prison, 497

Tajiks, 138, 853

tanks, Soviet, 188, 265–66, 290, 668, 755, 839, 857, 861, 893

acquisition of British and U.S. designs for, 91–92

in Spanish civil war, 344, 346, 351

Stalin’s order for increased production of, 91–92

Tanner, Väinö, 712, 713, 714, 715, 717, 718–19, 746, 747

Tarasova, Alla, 404, 424, 593, 853

Tatekawa, Yoshitsugu, 811, 878–79

Tbilisi (Tiflis), 3, 33, 63, 81–82, 503, 504, 505–6, 514, 542


Soviet importation of, 71–72

Stalin’s interest in, 74, 188

terror campaign (1936–38), xii, 553, 902

arrests of managers and specialists in, 434, 444, 445, 599, 821

belief that Stalin was unaware of, 481–82

building socialism as justification for, 308

Central Committee decimation in, 443

Comintern arrests in, 446–47

Communists’ conspiratorial worldview as central to, 439–40, 490

death toll in, 305, 313

disorder and inefficiency resulting from, 497

as driven by Stalin’s dark personality and political skill, 490

ethnic groups as targets of, 453–54, 476

extrajudicial killings in, 448

fabrication of evidence in, 570

factors contributing to, 307–8, 438, 439

fatalism and willing complicity in, 450, 543–44, 551

“fifth column” rationale for, 428–29, 613

foreign affairs commissariat arrests in, 447–48

inexplicability of, 480–82, 492, 552

kernels of truth in justification of, 483–84

Lyushkov’s denunciation of, 532–33

mass arrests in, 403–4, 434, 438–39, 443–44, 551

“mass operations” expansion of, 433, 448, 457, 460, 517, 520, 522

military intelligence arrests in, 434, 454–55

Molotov and, 624

national security as justification for, 551

navy arrests in, 702, 704

NKVD blamed for excesses of, 482, 578

NKVD arrests in, 376, 379, 393–94, 405, 415–16, 434, 449–50, 522

“On Anti-Soviet Elements” resolution in, 450

opposition to collectivization as justification for, 484, 495, 576–77

as outgrowth of Stalin dictatorship, 493

party purges in, 43,

purge of administrative apparatus in, 307

quotas in, 433, 437–38, 448, 452

randomness of, 545

Red Army mass arrests in, see Red Army, decimation of officer corps in

scholars’ attempts to understand motive for, 306–7

“spy mania” in, 485–88

Stalin as distanced from implementation of, 552

and Stalin’s need for absolute power, 308–9

as statecraft, 309, 494–95, 552

synopsis of events in, 488–91

total arrests in, 305

troikas in, 450

Trotsky on, 480

uniqueness of, 307, 488

unmasking of “hidden enemies” in, 323–24, 325

winding down of, 578–79

Yezhov as Stalin’s overseer of, 436–37, 448, 453–54, 515, 517, 522–23, 528–29, 578

Tevosyan, Ivan, 752–53, 805

Thälmann, Ernst, 119, 143

They Wanted Peace (film), 548

Thorez, Maurice, 171, 189, 328

Thoughts and Recollections (Bismarck), 791–92

Three Little Pigs (cartoon), 230

Tientsin (Tianjin), China, 125, 233, 457, 653

Til, Karolina, 108, 110–11, 165, 526, 600

Time, Stalin as 1939 “Man of the Year” in, 735

Timoshenko, Semyon, 726, 736, 739, 749, 838–39

as defense commissar, 757–58, 825

full war footing sought by, 881, 895, 897, 898–99, 900, 901

mechanized warfare stressed by, 827

at 1941 military academy graduation, 860, 862

Red Army reforms of, 758–59, 820

and reports of German invasion plans, 879

Soviet war plans and, 844, 870, 871

in Winter War, 743

Tirpitz (battleship), 255, 703

Togliatti, Palmiro, 347, 365, 405, 406

Tolmachev, Vladimir, 113, 114

Tolstoy, Aleksei, 181, 185, 186, 295, 466, 546, 853

Tolstoy, Lev, 2, 231

Tomsky, Mikhail, 12, 15, 45, 68, 113, 331, 430, 437

suicide of, 332, 336, 358, 443

Toroshelidze, Malakia, 181, 187, 260

Tovstukha, Ivan, 154–55, 261

trade unions, 908

transport commissariat, 405

Trilisser, Meyer (Mikhail Moskvin), 22–23, 342, 712, 742

Tripartite Pact, see Axis pact

Triple Alliance, Soviet proposal for, 621–23, 625, 630, 637–38, 646, 651, 653, 655, 656–58, 661, 777, 810

Baltic states as issue in, 633, 634, 638, 639, 647–48

Britain and, 621, 622–23, 625, 630, 632, 646, 647–49, 652, 653, 674, 777

Hitler’s rejection of, 662

Trotsky, Lev, 4, 64, 116, 129, 137, 307, 311, 324, 329, 333, 336, 419, 467

assassination attempts against, 368, 610, 764–65

assassination of, 787, 892

attacks on Stalin dictatorship published by, 13–14

Barbusse’s depiction of, 225–26

on British and French fears of war, 614

and calls for removal of Stalin, 106, 372

culture as viewed by, 132

on German-Soviet Pact, 670

on Krupskaya, 602

on mass arrests, 480

in Mexico, 368, 610, 764, 787, 892

on 1936 constitution, 353

NKVD surveillance of, 322–23, 349, 476

in Norway, 322, 327, 368, 610

Paris operations of, 322–23, 610

in power struggle with Stalin, 11, 12, 155

as Red Army head, 397

Revolution Betrayed published by, 327–28

Ryutin’s praise for, 104

on Soviet invasion of Poland, 690

Spanish civil war and, 323, 335

Stalin dictatorship attacked by, 13–14, 374, 434, 494

Stalin’s coup accusation predicted by, 153–54

Stalin’s demonization of, xii, 13, 62, 237, 299, 314, 320, 322, 335, 352, 375, 386–87, 468–69, 764, 787, 892

Stalin seen as opportunist by, 67–68

Trotskyite-Zinovievite trial and, 331–32

Turkish exile of, 12–13, 28, 130, 506, 610

on Voroshilov, 427, 702

Winter War and, 747

Trotskyites, 232, 278, 350, 370, 377, 391, 394, 419, 429, 516, 571, 577