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wreckers, wrecking, 21–22, 27, 57, 60, 62, 64, 73, 551

arrests and executions of, 50–51, 821

Wuolijoki, Hella, 712–13

Xi’an, China, 321, 367

Chiang’s kidnapping in, 360–64, 366–67

Xinjiang (Chinese Turkestan), 470

Soviet invasion of, 167, 458, 459

Yagoda, Genrikh:

accusations against, 389, 391, 392, 393, 397

arrest and interrogation of, 391–93, 529

as communications commissar, 344–45, 498

elevated to Central Committee, 162

embezzlement by, 392–93

execution of, 479

foreign intelligence operations and, 172–73

Gulag reform and, 286

inner circle’s relationship with, 393

Kirov murder and, 204–5, 235, 236

Kremlin Affair and, 253, 254

as NKVD head, 176, 272, 436, 523, 527

replaced by Yezhov as NKVD head, 344–45, 372, 415

Yakir, Iona, 58, 340, 341, 378, 395, 411, 412, 414, 419, 421, 422–23, 519

Yakovlev, Alexander, 737–38, 756, 805, 816–17, 853

Yakovlev, Yakov (Epstein), 35, 94, 103, 136

Yan’an, China, 321, 371, 459, 470

Yaroslavsky, Yemelyan, 113, 179, 261, 387–88, 570

Yartsev, Boris (Rybkin), 705–6, 713

Yashvili, Paolo, 512, 513

Yefimov, Boris, 376, 408, 435, 670, 689

Yegorov, Alexander, 110, 272, 411, 545

Yemelyanov, Vasily, 738–39

Yenukidze, Avel, 75, 103, 133, 135, 144, 150, 169, 205, 228, 264, 295, 393, 419

in Kremlin Affair, 231–32, 233, 253, 254

Stalin’s correspondence with, 80, 130, 187

and Stalin’s underground years, 214–15

Yeremin, Grigory (“Yeshenko”), 840–41, 842, 853

Yerevan, Armenia, 502, 504, 516

Yevdokimov, Yefim, 23–24, 35, 69, 78, 79, 112, 162, 219, 344, 389, 415, 499, 527, 543

arrest and torture of, 619–20

arrests and executions of cadres of, 499–500

execution of, 742

Yevgeny Onegin (Pushkin), 379

Yezhov, Nikolai:

arrest and interrogation of, 618–20, 635

Beria and, 509, 542

as Central Committee secretary, 224, 225, 437, 498, 500, 587

as Central Control Commission chairman, 225, 437, 587

and decimation of Red Army officer corps, 426

denunciations of, 542, 587

drinking bouts of, 435–36, 498, 521, 522, 540, 619

execution of, 740, 742

at February 1937 Central Committee plenum, 386, 389

growing paranoia of, 436–37

homosexuality of, 620

illnesses and disabilities of, 435, 436, 498

Kirov murder and, 224, 236–37

Kremlin Affair and, 253, 254, 264

as NKVD head, 344–45, 392, 415, 437, 449–50, 451, 471, 498, 521–22, 540–42, 618

NKVD arrests and, 415–16, 498–99

NKVD resignation of, 587

plots fabricated by, 357, 412, 433–34

rise of, 224–25

showcase trials and, 319, 330

Stalin’s correspondence with, 276, 472

Stalin’s relationship with, 224, 225, 416, 436–37

terror campaigns overseen by, 436, 448, 453–54, 497, 498, 500, 515, 517, 522–23, 528–29, 578

as water transport commissar, 498, 587

Yagoda and, 389, 391

Yofan, Boris, 171, 411

Yugoslavia, 62, 189

in Axis pact, 847, 850

German invasion of, 848–49, 850, 852, 859

Soviet pact with, 848, 864

Zaitsev, Nikolai (“Bine”), 700, 722, 828, 848

Zakovsky, Leonid (Henriks Štubis), 194, 229, 236, 272, 498–99

Zaporozhets, Ivan, 194, 202, 220, 235

Zborowski, Mordka “Mark,” 322–23, 349

Zdravitsa (Prokofyev), 733

Zelinsky, Koreli, 152–53

Zenzinov, Vladimir, 728–29

Zetkin, Clara, 20

Kremlin apartment of, 58, 59, 67

Zhang Xueliang, 30, 83, 321, 359–61, 362, 363–64, 366–67

Zhang Zhizhong, 458

Zhdanov, Andrei:

and arrests of ethnic groups, 476

as Central Committee secretary, 162, 500

enmity toward Litvinov of, 624

and Estonian Sovietization, 772

as inner circle member, 162, 205, 215–16, 262, 500, 605

as Leningrad party boss, 229, 500, 504

Stalin’s correspondence with, 181, 182, 184, 185

Stalin’s relationship with, 211, 605

Winter War and, 723, 724, 726, 736, 747

writers’ union and, 183, 184

Zhelyabov, Andrei, 199–200

Zhou Enlai, 360, 366, 744, 887

Zhukov, Georgy, 626, 645, 650, 651, 759, 811, 820

full war footing urged by, 895, 897, 898–99

Mongolian border clashes and, 645, 667, 668–70, 726, 755

offensive strategy as focus of, 825–26

as Red Army chief of staff, 830, 838, 843

Soviet war plans and, 843–44, 870, 871

in warning of imminent German attacks, 895, 900

Zinoviev, Grigory, 12, 104, 105, 134, 161, 254, 371, 386–87, 437, 467

alleged involvement in Kirov murder of, 210–11, 212, 213, 229, 232–33, 236–37

execution of, 333, 376, 602

imprisonment of, 325

internal exile of, 107

Kaganovich’s denunciation of, 324

in Kirov murder trial, 219, 532

Stalin’s enmity toward, 228

Trotskyite-Zinovievite center testimony and, 319

in Trotskyite-Zinovievite trial, 331

Zinovievites, 106, 278, 391, 394, 429

accused of complicity in Kirov murder, 210–12, 213, 218–19, 220, 236–37

accused of plotting coup, 253, 254

mass arrests of, 220, 299

see also Trotskyite-Zinovievite conspiracy

Zoshchenko, Mikhail, 153, 165

Zubalovo dacha complex, 108–9, 163, 165, 193, 600

* Like tsarist Russia, the Soviet Union had two sowing seasons: one in the spring, harvested in late summer/fall, accounting for about 60 percent of the year’s crop (mostly wheat and barley); another in the fall, harvested in the spring, accounting for 40 percent (almost all the rye, some barley, and some wheat).

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