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This biography is the culmination of long years of studying Soviet history. These years brought collaboration and friendship with many knowledgeable colleagues. My interactions with all of them have helped prepare me to produce this work.

To start with those no longer living, I learned a great deal from Moshe Lewin, Viktor Petrovich Danilov, Victor Zaslavsky, and Derek Watson—all prominent historians and wonderful human beings.

Next, this book would not have been possible without decades of work alongside my friends and fellow archival researchers. At RGASPI, I have been fortunate to work with Andrei Sorokin, Lyudmila Kosheleva, Marina Astakhova, Galina Gorskaia, and Elena Kirillova. My work at GARF would have been impossible without the constant support of Sergei Mironenko, Larisa Rogovaya, Larisa Malashenko, Dina Nokhotovich, Sofia Somonova, Galina Kuznetsova, and Tatiana Zhukova. Together we compiled a number of collections of historical documents.

For twenty-five years now I have been a proud member of the Robert Davies team. His dedication to the study of history and his amazing productivity are an example for us all.

Collaboration, interaction, and friendship with a number of historians have greatly contributed to my work. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Golfo Alexopoulos, Jörg Baberowski, Alain Blum, Yves Cohen, Marta Craveri, Victor Dönninghaus, Michael David-Fox, Mark Elie, Benno Ennker, Klaus Gestwa, Mark Harrison, Jana Howlett, Melanie Ilic, Nicolaus Katzer, Vladimir Kozlov, Sergei Kudryashov, Hiroaki Kuromiya, Terry Martin, Silvio Pons, Valeri Pozner, Arfon Rees, Andrea Romano, Ingrid Schierle, Robert Service, Jeremy Smith, Takeshi Tomita, Aleksandr Vatlin, Lynne Viola, Amir Weiner, Nicolas Werth, Stephen Wheatcroft, and Elena Zubkova.

Paul Gregory, Ron Suny, Sheila Fitzpatrick, Piter Solomon, and Dietrich Beyrau have been attentive and patient conversation partners for many years.

I would also like to express gratitude to the German Historical Institute in Moscow, Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, and the Ukrainian Studies Fund for their support.

As always, I would not miss this opportunity to wish success to my daughter Dasha.

As fate would have it, when I began work on this project my wife Katya fell ill. By the time I completed the manuscript, she was no longer with us.

To her, I dedicate this book.


Illustrations are indicated by Gallery number

Abakumov, Viktor Semenovich, 273, 303, 369n39

Agriculture: collectivization, 110–113, 115–116, 299, 300, 322

and famine policy, 38, 117

and food shortages, 184–185, 278, 300–301, 323–324

grain expropriation, 101, 102–104, 105, 110, 119–120

grain reserves, 349n35

interregnum period reforms, 302, 315

livestock production, 299–300, 374n15

and New Economic Policy (NEP), 64, 110

private plots, 7, 111, 112, 124, 278

quotas for grain deliveries, 123–124

tsarist reforms, 27. See also Peasants

Air Force: accident rate in, 186

capacity of, 183, 187

modernization of, 184

destruction of at start of war, 201–202

Akhmatova, Anna, 265, 368n9

Alcohol consumption, at Stalin’s dacha, 5–6

Alekseev, N. P., 56–57

Alexander III, 11

Alliluev, Pavel, 134, 256, 258, 259

Alliluev, Sergei, 252

Allilueva, Anna, 30, 256, 258, 259

Allilueva, Nadezhda. See Stalin, Nadezhda Allilueva

Allilueva (Alliluyeva), Svetlana: birth of, 253

childhood of, 254, 256, Gallery 8, 9, 11

on dacha lifestyle, 4, 191

defection of, 260

Jewish husband of, 259, 286

in public appearance, 136, 137

relationship with father, 256–257, 258, 259

at Stalin’s deathbed, 250, 313–314

on Stalin’s health, 196–197

on suicide of mother, 255

Alliluev family, Stalin’s friendship with, 48–49, 252

Andreev, Andrei, 365n142

Anti-Comintern Pact, 154

Anti-retreat units, 223, 237, 242

Anti-Semitism, as state policy, 284–285, 304, 309

Antonov, Aleksei Innokentievich, 227, 364n99

Appeasement policy, 163, 167, 168

Archival sources: citizens’ letters, 300–301, 327–329, 377n35, n38

newly accessible, ix, xii, xv

Stalin Collection, xiii–xiv

types of, xii

visitor logs, xiii

Aristov, Averky, 301

Atom bomb: Soviet, 293

U.S., 248

Baberowski (Baberovski), Jörg, 21

Baku, Social Democratic movement in, 26–27

Balitsky, Vsevolod, 115

Bank deposits, and currency reform, 275, 277, 279

Baramiia, Mikhail, 304–305

Batum, revolutionary violence in, 22–23

Beaverbrook, Lord, 212

Belarus: German invasion of, 204

and German-Soviet non-aggression pact, 166

Red Army campaign of 1944, 231

forced resettlement campaign in, 174

Soviet occupation of, 170

Beria, Lavrenty Pavlovich: 2, 5, 40, 260, Gallery 8, 14

biography of, 332–333n1

bribery charge against, 304–305

on collaborators, 232

and ethnic deportations, 233–234

fall of, 333n1

on German prisoners of war, 231

in interregnum period, 312

in leadership reorganizations, 282, 303

and Molotov scandal, 271, 272

poisoning charge against, 338n1

Politburo appointment of, 177

on Red Army crimes against civilians, 234

at Stalin’s deathbed, 142, 143, 189, 312

and Stalin’s wartime safety, 211

state security under, 181

in wartime leadership, 203, 204, 205, 206, 225, 240, 269

as Yezhov’s deputy, 159–160

Berlin blockade, 281

Berlin Conference, 247–248

Berlin operation, 246–247

Bessarabia, 166, 173, 174

Biography: archival exposés, ix–x

memoirs as source for, xiv–xv

pitfalls of genre, xi–xii

Bliukher, Vasily, 163

Bogdanov, Aleksandr, 94

Bolsheviks: armed robbery by, 25–26

centralized party organization of, 36–38

at European party congresses, 25

falsification of history of, 95

revolutionary agenda of, 24

Stalin’s conflicts with colleagues, 63

Stalin’s purge of old guard, 137–139, 140

Stalin’s rise in leadership ranks, 28, 54, 65–66

war readiness of, 153. See also Civil War

Collective leadership


Revolution of 1917

Borisov, Mikhail, 128, 132, 133

Britain: appeasement of Hitler, 163, 167

Churchill-Stalin meetings, 224, 230, 244

and Polish invasion, 169–170

in postwar settlement, 270

second front plan, 223–224, 228, 229

wartime aid to Stalin, 211, 212

Budenny, Semen, 202, 361n21

Bukharin, Nikolai Ivanovich: 68, 90, 94, Gallery 6

on anti-Trotsky coalition, 81–82

biography of, 343n55

execution of, 140

-Kamenev secret meeting, 107

as oppositionist, 105, 106, 108

in power struggle, 75–76, 77, 78, 80

Bukovina, 173

Bulgakov, Mikhail Afanasyevich, 96, 346n10

Bulganin, Nikolai Aleksandrovich, 2

biography of, 333n1

in interregnum period, 312

in Mao’s Moscow visit, 289

at Stalin’s deathbed, 142, 189, 312

Stalin’s promotion of, 303

in wartime leadership, 241

Bulgaria, in Communist bloc, 281

Cannibalism, in famine of 1932–1933, 119