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Goebbels, Joseph, xiv

Golovanov, Aleksandr, 214, 230

Gomulka, Wladyslaw, 281

Gorbachev, M., 192

Gori, Stalin’s birth in, 11

Gori Theological School, 11, 14–15, Gallery 2

Gorky, Maxim, 95, 96

Gorlizki, Yoram, 1

Grain requisitions, forced, 101, 102–104, 105, 110, 119–120

Grain reserves, 349n35

Great Leap policy, 108–109, 117

Great Terror. See Terror

Gridneva, Ye. G., 319

Harriman, Averell, 8–9, 195, 212, 230

History of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks): Short Course, 95

Hitler, Adolf, 149, 153

appeasement of, 163, 167, 168

-Molotov four-way alliance negotiations, 174–176

purges of, 165

-Stalin non-aggression pact, 165–169, 174

suicide of, 247. See also Nazi Germany

Hoarding, 276–277

Hopkins, Harry, 211

Hosking, Geoffrey, 325

Housing, 324, 376n23

Hungary, in Communist bloc, 281

Ignatiev, Semen Denisovich, 36, 41, 142, 144, 303, 304, 308, 318, 339n15

Industrialization: absenteeism and employee turnover, 185

consumer goods production, 276–278, 321–322, 324

First Five-Year Plan growth targets, 109, 116–117

Great Leap policy, 108–109

interregnum period reforms, 302, 315

and liberalization policy, 124–125

military production, 183–184, 297–298

New Economic Policy (NEP), 64, 101

postwar production, 267

and Stakhanovites, 320–321

Terror’s impact on, 161

wartime management of, 240

working conditions under, 324–325

Ingush, forced relocation of, 233

Inner circle, Gallery 14

composition of, 1, 332–334n1

dachas and apartments of, 35, 191

face-to-face communications with, 1–2

memoirs of, xiv

Molotov scandal, 269–272

movie screenings for, 2–3, 347n12

shifts in balance of power, 178–179, 272–274, 282, 303, 306–307

at Stalin’s deathbed, 142–144, 189

Stalin’s power over, 1, 144–147

at Stalin’s social gatherings, 5–7, 93

wartime domestic duties of, 240–241

Intelligentsia, attacks on, 265

Israel, 285–286

Italy: Allied victories in, 229

postwar settlement, 270

in Tripartite Pact, 174

Ivan the Terrible, Stalin’s view of, 94, 95

Japan: in Anti-Comintern Pact, 154

invasion of China, 156

military threat from, 123, 153, 156

in postwar settlement, 248–249, 270

-Soviet border clashes, 163, 168–169

in Tripartite Pact, 174

Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, 284

Jews, Soviet: cosmopolitanism campaign against, 284, 286

discrimination against, 284, 304

in Doctors’ Plot, 307–309

and Israel, 285–286

purge of Molotov’s wife, 283–284

and Stalin’s anti-Semitism, 284–285, 286

Jolly Fellows (film), 96

Jughashvili, Besarionis (Stalin’s father), 11, 12, 14

Jughashvili (Geladze), Ekaterine (Stalin’s mother), 11, 12, 13–14, 15, 20, 23, 252, Gallery 1

Jughashvili, Iosif. See Stalin, Joseph

Kaganovich, Lazar Moiseevich, Gallery 7, 14

biography of, 352n5

in interregnum period, 312

purge of family member, 314

and Stalin’s daughter, 256–257

Stalin’s power over, 144, 146, 147

in wartime leadership, 207, 214

Kalinin, Mikhail Ivanovich: biography of, 345–346n102

compromising evidence against, 106

and expulsion of left opposition, 90

as oppositionist, 105

purge of wife, 144

Kamenev, Lev Borisovich, 69, 70, 191, 194

and abdication of tsar, 42

biography of, 340–341n1

Bukharin’s secret meeting with, 107

execution of, 139

Politburo expulsion of, 84–85

and Kirov’s murder charge, 131

and Kremlin Affair, 139

on Lenin-Stalin conflict, 73

in moderate (rightist) faction, 43–44, 46

opposition to Bolshevik seizure of power, 50, 51, 52

as oppositionist, 82–84, 87

in power struggle, 79, 80

Provisional Government crackdown on, 48

Kapler, Aleksei, 258

Karpets, P. K., 319

Katyn massacre, 170

Kautsky, Karl, 94

Kazbegi, Alexandre, 17

Kelbakiani, 19–20

Kerensky, Aleksandr, 49

Kerr, Archibald, 230

Ketskhoveli, Lado, 18, 21

Kharkov, Battle of, 221, 222

Khmelkov, N. M., 263

Kholodov, N. I., 300

Khoroshenina, Serafima, 251

Khrushchev, Nikita: on agricultural commission, 301–302

biography of, 333n1

on fall of France, 173

in interregnum period, 312, 314

in Kirov murder investigation, 128

memoirs of, xiv, 333n1

Politburo appointment of, 177

Stalin characterized by, 5

on Stalin’s ceremonial farewell, 317

at Stalin’s deathbed, 142, 143, 189, 312, 338n1

on Stalin’s exile, 30

Stalin’s promotion of, 303

at Stalin’s social gatherings, 2, 5, 6

in wartime leadership, 221

and Zhukov, 360n2

Kibirov, I. I., 31

Kiev: fall of, 212–213

liberation of, 228

Kiev Theological Seminary, 18

Kim Il Sung, 294, 295, 296

Kirov, Sergei Mironovich, Gallery 7

biography of, 339n7

bodyguards of, 133

and collective leadership, 83

motive for murder of, 130–131

murder of, 34, 127–129

and plot against Stalin, 127

Stalin’s involvement in murder of, 131–134

vacation with Stalin, 193, 194

Kirponos, Mikhail, 212, 213

Kliueva, Nina, 265

Kolkhozes (collective farms), 110–113, 299, 300

Korean War, 294–296, 298, 316

Kornilov, Lavr, 49

Kosarev, Aleksandr Vasilyevich, 131, 351n66

Kosior, Stanislav, 177

Kostov, Traicho, 281

Kosygin, Gallery 14

Kovalev, I. V., 361n27

“Kowtowing to the West” campaign, 265–266, 285, 286

Kremlin: German bombing of, 218

movie theater in, 2–3, 96–97

purge of staff, 139

Stalin’s office in, 2, 242, 311

Kremlin Affair, 139

Kronstadt rebellion, 64

Kruglov, Sergei, 276

Krupskaia, Nadezhda, 70, 72, 82

Kulaks: collectivization campaign against, 111–113

executions of, 116, 150

grain requisitions from, 101, 102–104, 105, 110

forced resettlement of, 38, 112, 116

Kulik, Grigory Ivanovich: biography of, 340n20

murder of wife, 40

as Stalin’s emissary to front, 201

Kulik-Simonich, Kira, 40

Kuomintang, 286, 288

Kuperin, I. I., 311

Kurile Islands, 248, 249, 290

Kuromiya, Hiroaki, 120

Kursk, Battle of, 226–227, 228

Kutuzov, Mikhail, 2, 242, 264

Kuzakova, M. P., 251

Kuznetsov, Aleksi Aleksandrovich, Gallery 14

biography of, 353n6

in leadership reorganization, 282

in Leningrad Affair, 144, 282–283

Kuznetsov, Nikolai Gerasimovich, 202, 213, 361n22

Labor camps, 38, 268, 325

Lake Khasan, Battle of, 163

Lakoba, Nestor, Gallery 10

Lashevich, Mikhail, 84

Latvia: and German-Soviet non-aggression pact, 166

postwar repression in, 268

forced resettlement campaign in, 174

sovietization of, 170–171, 173

League of Nations, 123, 173

Lend-Lease aid, 212

Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich: assassination attempt on, 57, 128

death of, 79

death mask of, 2

evacuation of sarcophagus of, 203

federation proposal of, 68–69

health of, 65, 68, 70, 74

as military leader, 264

New Economic Policy (NEP) of, 7, 64–65

and invasion of Poland, 59–60

in Provisional Government crackdown, 48, 49

return from Switzerland, 45

revolutionary action plan of, 44–47

revolutionary teachings of, 24