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Patricide, The (Kazbegi), 17

Paulus, Friedrich, 225, 258

Pavlov, Dmitry, 208

Peasants: currency reform impact on, 278

and famines, 38, 116, 117–122

income of, 353n16

postwar discontent of, 262

forced resettlement of, 38, 322

revolts of, 110, 113–115, 323

taxation of, 302

working conditions of, 324–325. See also Agriculture


Penal colonies, 38

Penalty battalions, 223, 237, 242

Pereprygina, Lidiia, 30, 31, 252, 338n60

Peter the Great, Stalin’s view of, 94, 95

Petrograd Soviet, 43, 44, 52

Petrovskaia, Stefaniia, 251

Petrovsky, Grigory, 177

Plato, 95

Plekhanov, Georgy, 94

Poland: Civil War campaign in, 59–61

in Communist bloc, 281, 297

German invasion of, 169–170

and German-Soviet non-aggression pact, 166

Katyn massacre, 170

postwar settlement in, 245, 248

Warsaw uprising, 244

Politburo: abolition of, 305–306

eavesdropping on members, 145, 353n10

execution of members, 144, 177

expulsion of leftist opposition, 84–86

independence in day-to-day work, 310–311

power struggle in, 75–81, 86–87

reorganizations of leadership, 66, 177–179, 303

replaced during Great Terror, 177–178

Stalin’s appointment to, 54

Stalin’s dictatorial powers approved by, 180–181

Stalin’s domination of, 144–147, 176–177, 241

voting process in, 370n66

wartime domestic duties of, 240–241

and wartime leadership, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 238, 241

and world revolution, 77–78

young generation in, 177, 181. See also Collective leadership

Popular front against fascism, 135

Poskrebyshev, Aleksandr, 255, 329

Postyshev, Pavel, 177

Pravda, 44, 51, 79, 89, 93, 113, 155, 193, 236, 308, 314

Presidential Archive of the Russian Federation (APRF), xiv

Presidium, of Central Committee, 305–306, 312

Presidium Bureau, of Central Committee, 306, 311, 312

Preventive war theory, 183, 184

Prisoners of war: German, 231

Soviet, 210

Private peasant plots, 7, 111, 112, 124, 278

Prosveshchenie (Enlightenment) (magazine), 94

Provisional Government: crackdown on Bolsheviks, 48–49

formation of, 42

and Kornilov mutiny, 49–50

overthrow of, 45, 50–53

socialist support for, 43

Purges: during Civil War, 56–59

under collective leadership, 89

Doctors’ Plot, 196, 307–309, 314

Leningrad Affair, 144, 282–283, 310

Mingrelian Affair, 304–305, 314–315

of Molotov’s wife, 283–284, 314

of nomenklatura, 139–140, 144, 150, 282–283, 304, 320

rehabilitation of victims, 314–315

Shakhty Affair, 107

of state security, 34–35, 36, 40, 303–304. See also Terror

Radzinsky, Edvard, ix, 338n1

Rajk, Laszlo, 281

Rakosi, Matyas, 196, 290, 297

Rape, by Red Army, 234–235

Rationing, abolition of, 275, 278

Razin, Ye. A., 264, 265

Reconciliation campaign, 135–136

Red Army: anti–government sentiment of peasant recruits, 105

in Baltic states, 170–171

Berlin operation of, 246–247

in Civil War, 55–56, 59–61

crimes against civilians, 234–236

in Eastern Europe, 244

in Finland (Winter War), 172–173, 186

growth of, 185–186

in Japanese border clashes, 163

modernization of, 183–184

in Poland, 170

postwar buildup, 297–298

purge of, 155, 161, 162–163, 186, 355n31

Stalin’s critique of command, 186, 219, 236–237

Stalin’s reorganizations of command, 237–239, 273–274

Stalin-Trotsky conflict over, 61–63. See also Soviet-German Front

Religion, 242–243, 325

Retail prices, and currency reform, 277, 278

Revolution of 1905, 24–25

Revolution of 1917: Bolshevik seizure of power, 50–53

escalation of, 47

Lenin’s radical action plan, 44–46

Lenin–Stalin collaboration during, 46, 47–49, 50

moderate (rightist) Bolshevik faction in, 43–44, 46–47, 50, 51

outbreak of, 42. See also Provisional Government

Rhee, Syngman, 294

Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 165, 166, 174

Rieber, Alfred, 21

Robins, Raymond, 120–121

Rokossovsky, Konstantin Konstantinovich, 222–223, 297, 364n94

Roosevelt, Franklin: 269, Gallery 12

correspondence with Stalin, 228, 246

and Hopkins mission to Moscow, 211

and Red Army criminal behavior, 235–236

representatives at Moscow Conference, 212

and second front plan, 223, 228, 229, 230

Roskin, Grigory, 265

Rozengolts, Arkady, 152

Rudzutak, Yan Ernestovich: biography of, 345n100

compromising evidence against, 106

execution of, 177

as oppositionist, 90

Rukhadze, Nikolai, 304–305

Russian Federation, proposals for, 68–69

Russian language proficiency, Stalin’s, 97–98

Russian Orthodox Church, reconciliation with, 242–243

Russification policy, 325

Russo–Japanese War of 1905, 248

Rybalko, R. S., 319

Rykov, Aleksei Ivanovich: 80, 191, Gallery 6

biography of, 344n80

execution of, 140

expulsion of, 108

and left opposition, 90

as oppositionist, 105, 106, 108

Sakhalin: oil pipeline, 179

and postwar settlement, 248, 289

Salaries, 35, 353n16

Saltykov-Shchedrin, Mikhail, 95

Sapronov, Timofei Vladimirovich, 85, 345n94

Savings bank deposits, and currency reform, 275, 277, 279

Schulenburg, Friedrich von der, 199

Second front plan, 223–224, 228, 229, 230

“Secret Five” group, 177–178

Security system. See NKVD

State security Seliavkin, Aleksei, 126, 350n58

Sevastopol, siege of, 221

Shakhty Affair, 107

Shakhurin, Aleksei, 187, 215–216

Shaposhnikov, Boris Mikhailovich, 201, 361n14

Shcherbakov, Aleksandr Sergeevich: biography of, 356–357n57

Politburo appointment of, 177

in wartime leadership, 214, 216

Shepilov, Dmitry, 314

Shkiriatov, Matvei, Gallery 14, 311

Sholokhov, Mikhail Aleksandrovich, 119, 121–122, 349n39

Shostakovich, Dmitry Dmitryevich, 97, 347n14

Shtemenko, Sergei, 229–230, 247, 297

Shumiatsky, Boris, 2, 3, 347n12

Shvernik, Nikolai, 311

Siberia: grain expropriation in, 101, 102–104

Stalin’s exile in, 23, 29–32, 190

Simonov, Konstantin, 144–145, 213, 313

Slansky, Rudolf, 307

Smirnov, Vladimir Mikhailovich, 85, 345n93

Smolensk, Battle of, 210–211

Smolny Institute, Kirov’s murder at, 128–129

Social Democratic movement: in Baku, 26–27

European congresses of, 25

factions of, 24

radical wing of, 21

in revolution of 1905, 24–25

Stalin’s involvement in, 18, 19, 21, 22–24. See also Bolsheviks


Socialist Revolutionaries (SRs), 43, 50, 158

Sokolnikov, Grigory Yakovlevich, 87, 345n97

Soviet-German Front: capture by enemy provisions (Order No. 270), 210

casualties of, 208, 220, 222, 224, 232, 261, 263

in Crimea, 220, 221, 228

crimes against civilians, 234–236

defeats in early stages of war, 208, 209–210, 222, 238, 263–265

final battles, 243–244

first days of combat, 201–205

Kharkov, Battle of, 221, 222

Kursk, Battle of, 226–227, 228

Lend-Lease aid, 212

Leningrad Blockade, 213, 225

Moscow Siege, 213–219, 227–228

penalty battalions/anti-retreat units, 223, 237, 242