Выбрать главу

physical destruction in, 232, 261

popular uprisings/disturbances in, 216–217

ratio of forces, 231

repressive measures in, 209–210, 223, 237, 242

Smolensk, Battle of, 210–211

Stalingrad, Battle of, 224–225, 228, 238

Stalin’s emissaries at, 201, 208–209

Stalin’s strategic directives in, 208, 210, 212–213, 217, 219–221, 225, 226–227, 239–240

Stalin’s visits to, 227–228

in Ukraine, 212–213, 221, 222, 228

victories of 1944, 230–231

Zhukov’s commands, 212, 213, 214, 360n2. See also Stalin, Joseph, wartime leadership of

Sovnarkom Bureau of the USSR: Commission on Current Issues, 365n136

formation of, 178–179

function of, 181

Spain, repression of foreign espionage, 156

Spanish Civil War, 153–154, 163

Special Sector, 329, 377nn35–37

Spheres of influence in Europe, 244

Stakhanov, Aleksei, 320–321

Stakhanovites, 320–321

Stalin, Joseph, Gallery 3, 13, 15

“agree and ignore” approach of, 105–106

in airplane flight, 229–230

anti-Semitism of, 284–285, 286

apologists for, ix, x–xi

arrests of, 23, 27, 28, Gallery 4

biographies of, ix–x, 149, 331n2

birth of, 11

bodyguards of, 33–36, 92, 189, 338–339n5

and Bolshevik armed robbery, 26

in car crash, 34

and Caucasian culture of violence, 21–22

childhood and youth of, 11–14

in Civil War Southwestern Front, 59–61

in Civil War Tsaritsyn command, 54–56, Gallery 5

Civil War Tsaritsyn terror campaign of, 56–59

in collective leadership (See Collective leadership)

collectivization policy of, 110–113, 115–116, 299, 300

conflict with Bolshevik colleagues, 63

consolidation of power, 176–181

constitutional liberalization by, 134–135

dachas of, 3–7, 191, 193, Gallery 10

death of, 313–314

dictatorial powers of, 36–39, 180–181, 303

“Dizzy with Success,” 114

double agent rumors about, 27

economy under (See Economy)

editor of Pravda, 44, 51

education of, 12, 13, 14–20, Gallery 2

on espionage threat, 154–155

at European party congresses, 25

exile of, 23, 27, 29–32, 42, 98, 190, 251

family life/relations with children, 253, 254, 256–260, Gallery 9, 11

famine explanation of, 120–122

federation proposal of, 69

film favorites of, 96–97

final days of, 33, 92, 142–144, 189, 310–313, 338n1

on foreign intelligence threat, 155–157, 162, 284

foreign policy of (See Foreign policy)

and foreign press rumors of leadership struggle, 269, 270–271

funeral and ceremonial farewells, 314, 317–318

generalissimo rank of, 225–226, 261

as general secretary of party, 66–67, 108

grain expropriation policy of, 101, 102–104, 105, 110, 119–120

health of, 145, 189–197, 303

historical interests of, 94–95

-Hitler non-aggression pact, 165–169, 174

ideological influences on, 7, 93–94

industrialization policy of, 108–109, 117, 124–125, 267, 298, 299

inner circle of (See Inner circle)

and Kirov’s murder, 128, 129, 130–134

Kremlin office of, 2, 242, 311

languages, knowledge of, 97–98, 289

Lenin cited in speeches of, 93

-Lenin relationship, 25, 28, 46, 54, 64–65, 67–68, 69–75, Gallery 5

Lenin’s attack on, 72–74, 79

Lenin’s ideological influence on, 24, 53, 93–94

Lenin’s revolutionary agenda supported by, 47–49, 50, 52–53

letters from public sent to, 300–301, 327–329, 377n35, n38

libraries of, 93–96, 138, 346n5

literary tastes of, 17, 93, 95–96

Mao’s visit to, 149, 287–288, 289–293

marriage to Nadezhda Allilueva, 49, 252–256, Gallery 8

marriage to Yekaterina Svanidze, 25, 27, 250–251

marshal rank of, 226

medical care of, 189, 192, 196–197, 309

mental state of, 151–153, 197, 204–205

on military professionals, 59

modest facade of, 148–149

-Molotov relationship, 181–182, 269, 270–272

musical tastes of, 97

name change of, 28

official trips of, 102

oratory of, 97

parents of, 11, 13, Gallery 1

personality of, 7, 21–22, 40–41, 149, 181, 197, 270, 289

physical defects of, 13–14, 190

plot against, 127

poetry of, 17

postwar challenges to, 262–263

power over subordinates, 1, 144–149

in power struggle for leadership, 75–81, 86–87

on preemptive strike, 182–183

and private agriculture, 7, 112, 124

promotion of younger generation leaders, 177, 181, 196

public appearances of, 136–137, 326

public image of, 329–330

public sentiment at death of, 318–319

radicalization during seminary years, 18–20, 21

reading materials/information sources of, 92–96, 327

reconciliation campaign of, 135–136

reorganization of leadership, 178–179, 272–274, 303, 306–307

reorganization of military command, 237–239, 273–274

reorganization of political structure, 305–306

research on (See Archival sources)

in revolution of 1905, 24–25

in revolutionary movement, 42, 43–44, 46–47, 51

rise in Bolshevik leadership ranks, 28, 54, 65–66

romantic relationships of, 30, 251–252, 255

seats of power, 1–2

and “Secret Five” leadership group, 177–178

seventieth birthday celebration, 290

Siberian visit of 1928, 102–104, 326

in Social Democratic movement, 18, 19, 21, 22–24

social gatherings of, 5–7, 196

sovietization goal of, 171–172

and Spanish Civil War, 154

state security controlled by, 39–40, 145, 158

succession to, 310–316

theatrical tastes of, 97

in Tiflis weather station job, 21

-Trotsky conflict over Polish Front, 61–63

as tsarist heir, 8–9

vacations in south, 191–194, 268–269, 303–304, Gallery 8, 10

under Vlasik, 35

war preparations of, 183–187

world-view of, 7–8, 98–99

writings of, 320, Gallery 16

writing style of, 97

See also Purges

Stalinist system


Stalin, Joseph, wartime leadership of: Gallery 11

at Berlin Conference, 247–248

in Churchill meetings, 224, 230

and collaborators with Nazi occupation, 232

combat operation directives in, 208, 210, 212–213, 217, 219–221, 225, 226–227, 239–240

Command Headquarters in, 202

defeats blamed on subordinates, 221–223

and domestic policy, 240–241

emissaries to front, 201, 208–209

ethnic deportations policy, 232–234

explanation of Red Army retreat, 263–265

in first days of war, 203–205

front line visit of, 227–228

and German invasion, reaction to, 187–188, 198–202

and health problems, 194–196, 214

in Japanese war, 248–249

and Lend–Lease aid, 211–212

and mental health problem, 204–205

and military command structure, 237–239

and military leadership reorganization, 241–242

and military staffing decisions, 220–221

mistrust of Western Allies, 246, 248, 266

and Moscow evacuation, 214–216

and prisoners of war procession, 231

propaganda campaign, 217–219

radio address (3 July 1942), 207

and Red Army crimes against civilians, 234–236

Red Army criticized by, 186, 219, 236–237

and religious reconciliation, 242–243

repressive measures in, 209–210, 223, 237, 242

and second front plan, 223–224, 229, 230

State Defense Committee in, 205–207