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at Tehran Conference, 229–230

at Yalta Conference, 244–246, Gallery 12

Stalin, Nadezhda Allilueva (second wife): Gallery 8

biography of, 334n8

career of, 252–253

and Khrushchev, 333n1

marriage of, 49, 252, 254–255

suicide of, 3, 255–256

Stalin, Svetlana (daughter). See Allilueva (Alliluyeva), Svetlana Stalin, Vasily (son): Gallery 11

birth of, 152

childhood of, 254, 256

death of, 260

public appearance of, 136–137

relationship with father, 257, 258, 259–260

at Stalin’s deathbed, 250

Stalin, Yakov (son): Gallery 11

birth of, 250–251

childhood and youth of, 25, 27, 252–253

as prisoner of war, 258

relationship with father, 253, 257

Stalin, Yekaterina Svanidze (first wife), 25, 27, 250–251

Stalin Collection of the Russian State Archive of Social and Political History (RGASPI), xiii–xiv

Stalingrad, Battle of, 224–225, 228, 238

Stalingrad (Tsaritsyn), in Civil War, 54–59

Stalinist system: beneficiaries of, 320–322

campaigns and counter-campaigns of, 39

“inevitable Stalinism” theory, xi

modernization as justification for, x–xi

nostalgia for, 330

public mood under, 319–330

victims of, 37–38, 322–323

Standard of living, 262, 323–324

State Defense Committee, 205–207, 240

State security: under Beria, 181, 332–333n1

formation of NKVD, 125

interregnum period reform of, 315

investigation of secret police abuses, 125–126

party opposition suppressed by, 83–85

purges of, 34–35, 36, 40, 303–304

reorganization of, 340n19

reports/summaries as information source, 327

Stalin’s control of, 39–40, 145, 158

Stalin’s guards, 33–34, 35–36

torture by, 38

in wartime, 216

at Yalta Conference, 245–246. See also NKVD

Sudoplatov, Pavel, 353n10

Suny, Ronald Grigor, 12–13

Suvorov, Aleksandr, 2, 242

Svanidze, Aleksandr, 250, 256, 258

Svanidze, Maria, 134, 136

Svanidze, Yekaterina, 25, 27, 250–251

Svanidze family, 250

Svechin, Aleksandr, 95

Sverdlov, Yakov, 29, 30

Tehran Conference, 229–230

Telenkov, S. M., 319

Ter-Petrosian, Simon (Kamo), 26

Terror: anti-Semitic campaign, 340n23

“anti-Soviet elements” operations, 150–151

apologists’ view of, x

casualties of, 38, 151

and class war, 8

conspiracy theories as pretext for, 136

economic consequences of, 161

ended by Stalin’s successors, 314–315

expansion of, 141

foreign intelligence threat as pretext for, 155–157

foreign relations consequences of, 162

grievances and complaints about, 161

against Kremlin staff, 139

against Kulaks, 116, 150

Kirov’s murder as pretext for, 34, 128, 131–132, 134

literature on, 354n1

military consequences of, 162–163, 186

“nationalities” operations, 151

against old guard Bolsheviks, 137–139, 140, 147

overcrowding of camps and prisons in, 122–123, 125

against party and state apparats, 139–140, 144

against Politburo members, 177

political consequences of, 176–177

postwar repression, 268

pullback on, 125–127

against Red Army, 155, 161, 162–163, 355n32

and reconciliation campaign, 135–136

Stalin’s instigation and orders in, 40–41, 150–153, 157–159

Stalin’s relatives as victims of, 257–258

against state security, 34–35, 36, 140, 160

targeted killings, 40

as tool of Stalinist system, 322–323

winding down of, 157, 160–162, 194

Yezhov’s direction of, 139, 140, 152, 157, 158–159, 351n66

Theater, Stalin’s taste in, 97

Tiflis: Bolshevik armed robbery at, 25–26

Social Democratic movement in, 21, 22, 26

Tiflis Meteorological Station, 21

Tiflis Theological Seminary, 15–20, 190

Timoshenko, Semen Konstantinovich: biography of, 359–360n2

and German invasion, 198, 199, 200, 202, 204

in wartime leadership, 207, 221, 222

Tito, Josip Broz, 280–281

Tkachev, R. A., 311

Tolstoy, Leo, 95

Tomsky, Mikhail Pavlovich: biography of, 347–348n8

Politburo expulsion of, 108

as oppositionist, 105, 107

suicide of, 140

Torture, 38

ban on, 315

Tovstukha, Ivan, 192

Tripartite Pact, 174–176

Trotsky, Lev Davidovich, 15, 31, 191

anti-Trotsky coalition, 80, 81–82

biography of, 336n13

and Bukharin–Kamenev meeting, 107

expulsion of, 84–85, 90

-Lenin relationship, 51–52, 65–66, 70

murder of, 40, 85, 174

NEP strategy criticized by, 87

oratory of, 52

power struggle with Stalin, 77, 78

Red Army command of, 55

-Stalin conflict over Polish Front, 61–63

Tsaritsyn terror campaign opposed by, 58–59

works of, 15, 94

Truman, Harry, 248, 267

Tsaritsyn (Stalingrad), in Civil War, 54–59, Gallery 5

Tucker, Robert, ix, 72

Tukhachevsky, Mikhail Nikolaevich, 140, 352n85, Gallery 10

Twenty Letters to a Friend (Allilueva), 260

Uglanov, Nikolai Aleksandrovich, 105, 107, 108, 348n8

Ukraine: collaboration policy in, 232

famine of 1932–1933, 119

and German-Soviet non-aggression pact, 166

peasant uprisings in, 114–115

forced resettlement campaign in, 174

Soviet-German Front in, 212–213, 221, 228

Soviet occupation of, 170

Ukrainian Labor Army, 342n45

Ulam, Adam, ix

Ulianova, Maria Ilinichna, 68, 70, 71, 343n58

United Nations: and Korean War, 295

Soviet boycott of, 372n95

United States: at Berlin Conference, 248

–Israel relations, 285–286

in Korean War, 294, 295

Lend-Lease aid of, 211, 212

Marshall Plan, 267

in postwar settlement, 270

second front plan of, 223–224, 228, 229, 230

at Tehran Conference, 230

Urban population, 278, 375n11

preferential treatment of, 321–322

Valedinsky, L. A., 192

Vasilenko, Vladimir, 307–308

Vasilevsky, Aleksandr Mikhailovich: biography of, 362n59

on command structure, 238

on Kiev defeat, 213

marshal rank of, 226

on Moscow evacuation, 215

on Stalin’s strategic decisions, 225, 227, 239

Vinogradov, Vladimir, 197, 307, 308

Violence: Caucasian culture of, 21–22

Stalin’s pathology of, 40–41

Visitor logs, in archives, xiii Vlasik, Nikolai Sidorovich, 35, 304, 339n8

Voikov, Petr, murder of, 88–89

Volkogonov, Dmitri, ix, 6, 338n1, 367n6

Voroshilov, Kliment Yefremovich: 78, 172, 186, Gallery 8, 10, 14

biography of, 334n2

in Civil War command, 55, 57

in collective leadership, 90

in Stalin faction, 105

vacation with Stalin, 194

in wartime leadership, 202, 205, 206, 220–221

Vorozheikin, Grigory, 285

Vovsi, Miron, 307–308

Voznesensky, Nikolai Alekseevich: Gallery 14

biography of, 352–353n6

in leadership reorganization, 272, 282

in Leningrad Affair, 144, 282–283

Politburo appointment of, 177

Sovnarkom Bureau appointment of, 178–179, 181

in wartime leadership, 205, 206, 207, 214, 240

Vyshinsky, Andrei, 146

Warsaw uprising, 244

White movement, 53

Winter War, 172–173

Workers’ and Peasants’ Inspectorate, 65

Working conditions, 324–325

World revolution, Politburo plans for, 77–78

World War II: Allied victories in 1943, 229

Berlin Conference, 247–248

Berlin operation, 246–247

collapse of Nazi Germany, 231

final battles of, 243–244, 246